Thursday, 31 July 2014

In the aftermath of the Malaysian MH-17 tragedy , western leaders abhorred by the blatant & brutal criminality of this incident  &  the unmistakable fingerprints of Vladimir Putin , have found new resolve  &  are now moving to further tighten economic sanctions against Russia.  Instead of contrition , a defiant & combative Vladimir Putin has threatened retaliatory sanctions against the EU  &  further directed his ire at the EU's most vocal voice Britain , warning Russia will confiscate the Russian-based assets of major UK energy companies such as BP & Shell , if EU sanctions are imposed.  Further escalating tensions , Putin's Armed Forces also shot down 2 Ukrainian military jets in Ukrainian airspace in the days following MH-17.  Amid troubling reports Russia is now pouring weaponry & equipment into East Ukraine & moving some 15,000 troops to the border , Putin's forces have been caught launching artillery fire from Russian territory against Ukrainian forces - the ' first time ' since 1939 a European country has been attacked by another sovereign country.  In the face of US-EU unwillingness to confront Russia militarily ( repeating the pre-WW2 miscalculation )  the expanding sanctions against Russia will be the trigger that unleashes Russia's military expansionsim far beyond the Ukraine.

HOW AMAZING !!!  Over 2,500 years ago God's Word , the Bible described the exact circumstances & reason for Russia's coming latter-day descent into the Middle East.  In Ezekiel 38 , in His own words , God states explicitly He will bring this dictator ( ' Gog ' ) with his confederate allies , to ' the land '  against the mountains of Israel.  In vivid language , he says He will put ' hooks in the jaws ' of this northern invader indicating  severe economic necessity  ( not ' choice ' )  will drag Russia down to the riches  &  resources in the Middle East to ' take a spoil '.  As we see  more sanctions  cripple Russia's crumbling economy . . . Russia will be ' preparing itself  ' !!!
Ezek 38v3-8  -  I am against thee O Gog , ' chief prince ' of Meshech & Tubal ( Russia ) :  I will turn thee back  &  put hooks into thy jaws  &  I will bring thee forth  &  all thine army , even a great company Persia  ( Iran ) , Ethiopia  &  Libya with them , Gomer  &  all his bands ;  the house of Togarmah ( Turkey ) of the north quarters  &  all his bands  &  many people with thee.  Be thou prepared  &  prepare for thyself , thou & all thy company that are assembled unto thee  &  be thou ' a guard ' unto them.  In the latter years , thou shalt come into ' the land '  that is ' brought back from the sword '  &  is ' gathered out of many people ', against the mountains of Israel


n the aftermath of the Malaysian MH-17 tragedy , western leaders abhorred by the blatant & brutal criminality of this incident  &  the unmistakable fingerprints of Vladimir Putin , have found new resolve  &  are now moving to further tighten economic sanctions against Russia.  Instead of contrition , a defiant & combative Vladimir Putin has threatened retaliatory sanctions against the EU  &  further directed his ire at the EU's most vocal voice Britain , warning Russia will confiscate the Russian-based assets of major UK energy companies such as BP & Shell , if EU sanctions are imposed.  Further escalating tensions , Putin's Armed Forces also shot down 2 Ukrainian military jets in Ukrainian airspace in the days following MH-17.  Amid troubling reports Russia is now pouring weaponry & equipment into East Ukraine & moving some 15,000 troops to the border , Putin's forces have been caught launching artillery fire from Russian territory against Ukrainian forces - the ' first time ' since 1939 a European country has been attacked by another sovereign country.  In the face of US-EU unwillingness to confront Russia militarily ( repeating the pre-WW2 miscalculation )  the expanding sanctions against Russia will be the trigger that unleashes Russia's military expansionsim far beyond the Ukraine.

HOW AMAZING !!!  Over 2,500 years ago God's Word , the Bible described the exact circumstances & reason for Russia's coming latter-day descent into the Middle East.  In Ezekiel 38 , in His own words , God states explicitly He will bring this dictator ( ' Gog ' ) with his confederate allies , to ' the land '  against the mountains of Israel.  In vivid language , he says He will put ' hooks in the jaws ' of this northern invader indicating  severe economic necessity  ( not ' choice ' )  will drag Russia down to the riches  &  resources in the Middle East to ' take a spoil '.  As we see  more sanctions  cripple Russia's crumbling economy . . . Russia will be ' preparing itself  ' !!!
Ezek 38v3-8  -  I am against thee O Gog , ' chief prince ' of Meshech & Tubal ( Russia ) :  I will turn thee back  &  put hooks into thy jaws  &  I will bring thee forth  &  all thine army , even a great company Persia  ( Iran ) , Ethiopia  &  Libya with them , Gomer  &  all his bands ;  the house of Togarmah ( Turkey ) of the north quarters  &  all his bands  &  many people with thee.  Be thou prepared  &  prepare for thyself , thou & all thy company that are assembled unto thee  &  be thou ' a guard ' unto them.  In the latter years , thou shalt come into ' the land '  that is ' brought back from the sword '  &  is ' gathered out of many people ', against the mountains of Israel


As the Israel-Gaza conflict rages , the dark spectre of ' anti-semitism ' is re-igniting around the world.  Since 1979 ,  Islamic groups have annually held a ' protest day ' known as Al-Quds Day ( ' Jerusalem ' Day ~ Quds is the city's Arabic name ).  Held on the last Friday of the ' Muslim ' Ramadan festival , Quds Day is to support the Palestinian people  &  to protest Israel's control of Jerusalem.  This day of protest typically is an emotion-charged  &  often-violent day , a day for Israel's enemies to vent their hate-filled rhetoric & rage.  It is part of a ' global propaganda campaign ' built on  ethnic racism ,  mis-information  &  ignorance  & now spreading like fire world-wide.  In 2014 , protests were held throughout the Middle East , Latin-America , Europe ... & even in Canada & Australia.  This ever-widening campaign also includes the on-going global effort to isolate Israel  politically  &  cripple her economically by the ' Boycott , Divestment & Sanction ' movement.  This ' false narrative ' of anti-Semitism will continue to escalate & tighten on God's people as her enemies seek to crush & destroy Israel  &  retake the Holy City of Jerusalem.  But it has all been foretold in God's Word.  In fact , God Himself has ' a warning ' for those who seek to destroy His people Israel  &  take His city . . . Fulfilment coming soon !!!

Isaiah 60v2,12-16  -  Darkness shall cover the earth  &  ' gross darkness ' the people but the LORD shall arise upon thee (  Jerusalem )  &  his glory shall be seen upon thee.  For the nation & kingdom that will not serve thee ( Jerusalem )  shall perish ;  yea , those nations shall be utterly wasted.  The glory of Lebanon shall come unto thee ( Jerusalem ) . . . to beautify the place of  my sanctuary  &  I will make the place of my feet glorious.  ' The sons ' also of them ( Arab nations ) that afflicted thee shall ' come bending ' unto thee ( Jerusalem )  &  all they that despised thee shall  ' bow themselves down '  at the soles of thy feet  &  they  shall call thee  " The city of the LORD , The Zion of the Holy One  of Israel "


Published on 20 Sep 2012
Published 2 years ago !!! ... Now he begins his quest

Stunning Proof !!! Next Global Dictator is identified in Bible Prophecy. See the terrible atrocities God's Word foretells this Tyrant will commit , as he leads his emerging "super-power" nation into the coming global conflict.
THE MOST comprehensive examination of Vladimir Putin's rise in Prophecy. VIEW TO THE END & understand the future before it happens !!!Fearful events continue to shock the world.  ' Global crises ' are spreading  &  world leaders & nations are helpless to stem the emerging wave of uncertainty , violence & chaos.  Now , we see the convergence of a ' geopolitical ' perfect storm.  With the horrific downing of Malaysian Air Flight MH117  -  global fears are realised  -  as Vladimir Putin stands menacingly as a dark shadow over this incident that has sparked international outrage.  As the President of a global super-power ( with the world's largest & most lethal nuclear arsenal at his fingertips )  the world watches nervously as Putin displays increasing lawlessness  &  disdain for world order.

Already extending his power & influence through the Middle East  &  Latin-America , Putin continues to ' openly destabilise '  the Ukraine militarily  &  threaten the wider EU strategically.  With Vladimir Putin now clearly implicated in the shooting of Flight MH-17 we now see the leader of a major nation & superpower participating in ' state-sponsored  terrorism '.  This man's ambition knows no limits  &  he will soon inflict distress & chaos among the nations.  Please watch our informational video which lays out the Bible Prophecies which fully detail the ' coming exploits ' of this  brutal ' end-times ' dictator ,  before the return of the Lord Jesus Christ
Luke 21v25-28  -  There shall be signs  in the sun  &  in the moon  &  in the stars  &  upon the earth ' distress of nations ' with perplexity  . . . Men's hearts failing them  for fear  &  for looking after ' those things ' which are  coming on the earth : for the ' powers of heaven ' ( ' earthly political ' ) shall be shaken . . . And  then  shall they see ' the Son of man ' ( Lord Jesus Christ )  coming  in a cloud with power  &  great glory . . . When these things  ' BEGIN '  to come to pass , then look up  &  lift up your heads ; for your redemption draweth nigh
After the  9 month US-led ' Peace Process ' collapsed , the outbreak of war took only a matter of weeks.  As the Israel-Gaza conflict escalates , we know this begins a series of cascading global events that will forever change this world.  Multiple prophecies in the Bible , foretell of a latter-day war between Israel  &  its neighbours , principally the Palestinians ( ancient Philistines ) , the Syrians  &  those in Lebanon ( Zidonians ).  Though Israel will ' prevail ' in this coming war against the Palestinians , Syrians & Lebanese militias afterward  Israel will be ' greatly weakened '  &  defenceless.  Into this power vacuum will sweep the great ' latter-day confederacy ' from the north.  Russia with Iran , Turkey , EU nations  &  Libya will then not only overflow & occupy many Mid-East nations ( incl. Israel  &  Egypt ) but will also bring ' the final devastating destruction ' of Israel's inveterate enemies ,  the Philistines ( Palestinians ).  The prophet  Jeremiah Ch.47  provides clear & unmistakable context of the dramatic events ' soon to come ' in the Middle East.

Jer 47v2-4 - Thus saith the LORD ; Behold  waters ( nations ) rise up ' out of the north '  ( RUSSIA , Iran  &  Euro nations )  &  shall be an overflowing flood  &  shall overflow the land ( Israel )  &  all that is therein ;  the city ( Jerusalem )  &  them that dwell therein :  the men shall cry  &  all the inhabitants of the land shall howl ... Because of ' the day ' that cometh to spoil all  the Philistines ( Palestinians ) &  to cut off from Tyrus  &  Zidon ( Lebanon ) every helper that remaineth :  for the LORD  will spoil  the Philistines  ( Palestinians )



The unfolding  Israeli-Palestinian War  in Gaza is a major  ' latter-day sign '  of momentous events soon to overwhelm mankind.  As the current conflict expands to include Syria & Lebanon  ( &  ultimately , the invading Russian host )  the Bible once again provides absolute certainty about events to follow.   Just as  Jeremiah 47  clearly spelt out the coming ' final destruction ' of the latter-day Philistines ( Palestinians ) at the hands of the Russian confederacy , the prophet  Zechariah uses the  exact same context  to describe ' the sequence ' of events that will follow :- 1 )  the Palestinians'  final destruction .... 2 )  the long-awaited return of  the Lord Jesus Christ  to judge the nations ... before  3 )  the establishment of Christ's rulership of a world-wide ' Kingdom ' characterised by ' peace '.  While many other events will fall between these 3 major events , they will most assuredly come as foretold  . . .  God's Word is certain  !!!

Zechariah 9v6-10  -  1 )  I will ' cut off ' the pride of the Philistines ( Palestinians ).  I will take away his blood out of his mouth  &  his abominations from between his teeth  . . .  2 )  Rejoice greatly , O ' daughter '  of Zion ;  shout ,  O ' daughter '  of Jerusalem :  Behold   thy King cometh unto thee :  he  is just   &  having salvation ;  lowly  &  riding upon an ass  &  upon a colt the foal of an ass.  And  I  will cut off the chariot from Ephraim  &  the horse from  Jerusalem  &  the battle bow shall be cut off   &   3 )  he shall  ' speak peace '  unto the heathen ( nations )  &  his dominion  shall be  from sea even to sea  &  from the river  even to the ends of the earth

Bible Truth about the ANTI-CHRIST


Prophecy Is A Popular Topic Today
Bible prophecy is becoming an extremely popular subject for discussion in today's
Christian world. Ten or fifteen years ago it was difficult to find any books on prophecy in Bible book stores, but now entire shelves are stocked with them. Furthermore, we find in today's Christian television and radio programs that prophecy is becoming an increasingly popular subject, and as time goes on, it seems to be gaining a wider audience than ever before.
Many people have now realized that the return of the Jews to their land and the rebirth of the nation of Israel is an example of Bible prophecy being fulfilled in our day. They further have seen that prophecy indicates Jesus Christ will soon return and Russia will eventually attack and temporarily defeat Israel. However, when we examine in more detail the events which will occur at the time of the end, we find there are many interpretations as to when Jesus will return and how the end of this age will come about.
Our Interpretation Of Prophecy Does Matter
It may appear that it does not matter how we interpret prophecy, for how can prophetic events affect our way of life and our salvation? If we look carefully into the Bible, however, we find examples indicating that it does matter how we view Bible prophecy.
One clear example is found in Matthew 24 where Jesus warned the Jews about the
coming invasion of the Romans into Jerusalem. Jesus said:
"So when you see the desolating sacrilege spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains; let him who is on the housetop not go down to take what is in his house; and let him who is in the field not turn back to take his mantle." (Matthew 24:15-18)
To the Jews that were living at that time, this was a very important prophecy because the Roman army later surrounded Jerusalem and the Jews who understood the words of Jesus fled from the city and were saved. Those who did not correctly understand this prophecy stayed in the city to be trapped by the Roman army and die in the siege that followed.
Another clear example is found in the Jews' rejection of Jesus. If the Jewish people had correctly understood the Old Testament prophecies which indicated that their Messiah would have to suffer and even die before he could reign as king, then they would not have rejected Jesus as the Messiah. Tragically, most of the Jews did not understand Bible prophecy correctly, since they expected the Messiah to overthrow the Romans in their day and then establish the kingdom in Israel. Their wrong understanding of prophecy caused them to reject Jesus Christ!
Certainly from these two examples we can see how necessary it is for us to have a correct understanding of Bible prophecies. We also live in an age when we are looking for the Messiah to come and establish his kingdom. No one desires to be in the position where he or she might reject Jesus when he comes because of an incorrect understanding of the prophetic events related to his second coming. Yet the framework has already been laid throughout Christianity for most Christians to do exactly that.
A sudden and rapid change has recently occurred within most Christian churches that has completely altered their prior understanding of the events at Jesus' second coming. Many of these churches and their leaders have abandoned the original teachings of their founders on this subject and have replaced them with the belief that a satanic man (the future Antichrist) will control the world for 7 years just prior to the return of Jesus. This false teaching is preparing millions of Christians throughout the earth to reject Jesus at his return because they will be convinced, by the things he will do, that he is "the Antichrist" and will oppose him.

Gaza conflict, prelude to global judgement

Gaza conflict, prelude to global judgement

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Contending Earnestly for the Faith Pt 2 Turning God's grace into licence

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How Archaeology Supports & Proves the Bible was Right: The Facts! AV Sli...

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How Archaeology Supports & Proves the Bible was Right: The Facts! AV Sli...

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Saturday, 26 July 2014

Bible Prophecy: World Turns Against Israel & Supports Gaza- Anti Semitis...

Media bias is turning world opinion severely against Israel in the conflict in the Middle East. The Bible has predicted this picture years ago.  The Israeli Ambassador Ron Demer, Prime Minister Netanyahu defend Israel’s actions in a perilous situation. British official defend Israel’s right to defend itself and identify its military as the most moral in the world. 
As war rages on in the Middle East, Israel, and Jews all over the world are finding themselves being demonized by the world media. 
This week saw several disturbing developments where public opinion moved against Israel in the face of the facts. The rise of anti-Semitism in Europe is especially alarming.

Fires of Anti-Semitism Rage in Europe

Uninformed and fuelled by media bias protests have sprung up all over the world. The most violent of these have been in France where riots have broken out, and Jewish stores and synagogues have been targeted.  This isn’t an isolated situation that has been overblown. Even Laurent Fabius, Frances Foreign Minister, reflected that many Jews in France are afraid. Reuters reported Frances Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, confirmed that chants of “Death to the Jews” had been heard during a protested earlier. 
Reuters reported, 
In the first three months of 2014 more Jews left France for Israel than at any other time since the Jewish state was created in 1948, citing economic hardships in the stagnating economy but also rising anti-Semitism as a factor.
The cries of “death to the Jews” erupted into active violence July 13, 2014.  The Jerusalem Post reported:
Palestinian sympathizers outside the Synagogue de la Roquette in central Paris that trapped some 200 terrified people inside the building. A street brawl ensued between the rioters and dozens of Jewish men who arrived to defend the synagogue.
The scene outside Jewish stores in Paris, July 2014 following pro-Palestinian riots.
The Article went on to state:
Since Israel launched its military operation against Hamas in Gaza, Jewish houses of worship in and around Paris have been targets.
On the Friday before the violence at the Synagogue de la Roquette, a firebomb was hurled at the entrance to a synagogue in the Paris suburb of Aulnay-sous-Bois. The next day, a pro-Palestinian crowd gathered outside a synagogue in the Belleville neighbourhood of Paris and chanted about slaughtering Jews. And on the same day as the Roquette synagogue incident, rioters also attacked the nearby Synagogue de la rue des Tournelles.
The riot outside the Synagogue de la Roquette stood out because of the terror it incurred for those inside the shul who had assembled for a gathering in solidarity with Israel….
The police on the scene initially were badly outnumbered by the pro-Palestinian rioters. Azria said the five police officers present focused their efforts on guarding the building’s barricaded entrance while they waited approximately 10 minutes for backup to arrive.
The president of the European Jewish Congress, Moshe Kantor, called the incident an “attempted pogrom.”
Germany, November 1938 after Kristallnacht, the beginning of the holocaust.
Not only this, but Jewish store windows were smashed throughout Paris, reminiscent of Kristallnacht, or the night of broken glass that occurred November 9, 1938 at the incitement of Nazi officials. During this horrific event, Nazi storm troopers along with members of the SS and Hitler Youth beat and murdered Jews, broke into and wrecked Jewish homes, and brutalized Jewish women and children. All over Germany, Austria and other Nazi controlled areas, Jewish shops and department stores had their windows smashed and contents destroyed. Synagogues were especially targeted for vandalism, including desecration of sacred Torah scrolls. Hundreds of synagogues were systematically burned while local fire departments stood by or simply prevented the fire from spreading to surrounding buildings. An estimated 100 Jews were killed on this terrible night, while 30,000 Jewish men were rounded up and sent to concentration camps.
The parallels to Kristallnacht demonstrate that the current crisis in the Middle East, and the backlash to Jews throughout the world, is not merely a localized political struggle but a religious and ethnic one. Jews are being targeted in Israel and all over the world because they are Jews. The world has learned nothing since 1938.  During that time the world stood idle by while Jews were attacked. Martin Niemöller, a German Lutheran pastor and concentration camp survivor wrote the following:
German Pastor Martin Niemoller
Concentration camp survivor.
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
The growth of anti-semitism in Europe is to be expected prior to the invasion described in Ezekiel, Joel and Zechariah where the nations of Europe and Russia turn “against my people of Israel”. World opinion is turning against Israel at a shocking rate, and at shockingly high levels. 

Tragic Media Bias

Perhaps a perfect example of tragic media bias was highlighted in an interview between Israeli Ambassador Ron Demer and CNN anchor Erin Burnett:
"What happened here is horrific, and we don't yet even know the scale of how many children may have died. Initial reports indicate that at least sixteen are dead and the initial report said that this attack had come from Israeli tanks. As you know the Israeli military said it may have come from Hamas and a rocket which misfired. Do you know at this point with any more certainty?”
"No, I don't know, but I do know who's responsible for it, and that's Hamas, because they're using schools as weapons depots. And I think it would be a disservice to your viewers for a reporter in Gaza not to mention that in the last week, we had two different UNRWA schools, where we had actually rockets found in the schools and handed over to Hamas….”
"These are two different UN schools, you're saying.”
CNN Anchor Erin Burnett and Israeli Ambassador Ron Demer discuss gross media bias
"That's correct, that's publicly available information. It's kind of an important fact for your reporter to mention. And in addition to that, he may have wanted to mention a statement that was made by – not by the Israeli Ambassador, not by the spokesman of the IDF – but by the UN Secretary General, yesterday. Not last year, yesterday. He said this:”
“The Secretary-General is alarmed to hear that rockets were placed in an UNRWA school in Gaza and that subsequently these have gone missing. He expresses his outrage, and regret, at the placing of weapons in a UN-administered school…. By doing so, those responsible are turning schools into potential military targets, and endangering the lives of innocent children, UN employees working in such facilities, and anyone using the UN schools as shelter.”
"This is yesterday. Do you not think that it's relevant to report on CNN that the secretary general of the UN yesterday warned against the use of UN schools and shelter for rocket missile depots of Hamas…..[Ambassador it is relevant but let me ask…]   I've been listening for two hours of reports on CNN. I've seen split screens, horrible pictures  that any decent human being would be horrified by. I have not hear a single person say what I just said to you now. And I think that that does a disservice to your viewers to not give them the context they need to make these judgements. Hamas is placing missile batteries in schools, in hospitals in mosques, and there must be outrage by the world at Hamas to end this.”
And so the interview went on with the ridiculous notion that Israel should have entered hostile territory, sent soldiers into the school where they were being fired on from and checked it out before firing back.

UN Accuses Israel of War Crimes 

While addressing the U.N. Human Rights Council, U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, has suggested that the Israeli military might have committed war crimes by shelling and launching airstrikes on civilian neighbourhoods in Gaza.
UN High Commissioner for Human
Rights Navi Pillay
My are continuing to document several other cases in which family residences were destroyed, with reported loss of civilian life,  and in which preliminary indications suggest, not even a single member of an armed group was  present.  Then just two days ago, on 21st July, shells hit the Al-Aqsa hospital in  Der-Albella, reportedly killing three people, and wounding dozens of others including doctors. 
These are just a few instances where there seems to be a strong possibility that international humanitarian law has been violated, in a manner that could amount to war crimes, Every one of these incidents must be properly and independently investigated.”
Israel is charged with war crimes for defending itself from the shower of rockets by trying to take out the network b uilt by the attackers. 
When the investigation was put up to a vote, 29 countries voted in favor, 17 countries abstained and only the U.S. voted against the initiative.
Never in the history of warfare does the attacked supply the enemy with food, water and medical supplies in the heat of the conflict. Maybe after, but never during. Yet Israel has repeatedly done this. 
Israel is under siege as was described by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in an interview:
We regret any civilian death, but those lay entirely at Hamas’ door. Hamas is deliberately targeting our civilians. They have fired 2000 rockets at Israel’s cities.  75% of our population has to be in bomb shelter alert of 60-90 seconds. They are digging these terror tunnels from Gaza, from homes in Gaza to penetrate Israeli territory. They have emerged there and killed Israeli’s and run back, or tried to run back into their territory. So we’ve had to take action. 
What Hamas is doing, very cynically, is embedding its rocketeers, its rocket caches, it tunnels, terror tunnels in homes, in hospitals, and in schools.  When we take action, as targeted as we can, they then use their civilians as human shields. So Hamas is both targeting civilians and hiding behind civilians. That is a double war crime. Therefore all civilian deaths fall on their shoulders….  
Netanyahu went on to point out that Hamas wants to kill its own citizens:
Beleaguered Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
addresses a media conference.
The interesting thing is this, we’ve asked the civilian population in Gaza, the people, who are not our enemy, they are hostages of Hamas, we’ve asked them, “please leave”. We’ve texted messages to them, we’ve called them up with cell phones, we’ve dropped leaflets. Hamas says no, don’t leave stay…  They have plenty of  exit points and they know it, but Hamas is saying, “don’t use them”. Hamas wants to kill civilians on the Israeli side, and the amazing, grotesque and gruesome fact is, they want to have as many civilians killed on the Palestinian side, because it gets you to ask me these questions. Of course our goal is not to hurt a single individual, not to hut a single civilian. What they are doing is a double war crime, and it should be condemned with the most forceful action. These people are like ISIS, they are Al Qaeda,  they are like Hezbollah, and the other Iranian proxies.  They don’t give a whit about the Palestinians, and all they want is more civilian deaths….
The Israeli prime minister also pointed out that Israel has done what the international community has asked and this has created the vacuum for Hamas to thrive: 
We handed over Gaza to the Palestinians. We did what the international community has always been telling us: “Take out the settlements, go back to the 1967 lines, hand back the key to the PA.” We did, to the Palestinian Authority they promptly were booted out by Hamas. Hamas with Iran at its back, as Iran has been financing , equipping them, training them, giving them thousands and thousands of rockets. They have turned Gaza into a terror fortress. I think the goal will be after we have obtained a sustainable quiet, to work with the international community, to demilitarize Gaza from the rockets, and to shut down  these terror attack tunnels…. 
 In response to questions, Netanyahu confirmed that Israel has agreed to 3 separate cease fires, while Hamas as refused them all:
But you are right about one thing, I accepted, I called for a cease fire right away. Then I accepted the Egyptian ceasefire, backed up by the Arab League. Then I accepted a UN humanitarian cease fire, which Hamas rejected as well. Then we did a humanitarian cease fire, which Hamas has rejected too. Hamas doesn’t care. I think the last thing you want to do is reward them….     

The Lengths Which Israel Goes to Protect Civilians 

Retired British Commander Colonel Richard Kemp address the UN
Commission after Cast Lead in 2009
Israel isn’t alone in defending its actions. British Commander Colonel Richard Kemp, former British commander in Afghanistan spoke out during the last Israeli military operation in Gaza, Cast Lead. He addressed the UN Commission:
I am the former commander of the British forces in Afghanistan. I served with NATO and the United Nations; commanded troops in Northern Ireland, Bosnia and Macedonia; and participated in the Gulf War. I spent considerable time in Iraq since the 2003 invasion, and worked on international terrorism for the UK Government’s Joint Intelligence Committee.
Mr. President, based on my knowledge and experience, I can say this: During Operation Cast Lead, the Israeli Defence Forces did more to safeguard the rights of civilians in a combat zone than any other army in the history of warfare.
Israel did so while facing an enemy that deliberately positioned its military capability behind the human shield of the civilian population.
Hamas, like Hezbollah, are expert at driving the media agenda. Both will always have people ready to give interviews condemning Israeli forces for war crimes. They are adept at staging and distorting incidents.
The IDF faces a challenge that we British do not have to face to the same extent. It is the automatic, Pavlovian presumption by many in the international media, and international human rights groups, that the IDF are in the wrong, that they are abusing human rights…. 
During the conflict, the IDF allowed huge amounts of humanitarian aid into Gaza. To deliver aid virtually into your enemy's hands is, to the military tactician, normally quite unthinkable. But the IDF took on those risks.
Despite all of this, of course innocent civilian lives were lost . War is chaos and full of mistakes. There have been mistakes by the British, American and other forces in Afghanistan and in Iraq, many of which can be put down to human error. But mistakes are not war crimes. 
More than anything, the civilian casualties were a consequence of Hamas’ way of fighting. Hamas deliberately tried to sacrifice its own civilians.
Colonel Kemp appeared on Israeli
Channel 2 News this week addressing
the same issues.
The world has learned nothing from what happened in Cast Lead and has risen to condemn Israel again. In an interview just the other day, Kemp addressed the same scenario Israel is facing today:
There are war crimes being committed in Gaza, and the death of children, babies, men, and women in Gaza is undoubtedly a war crime. But it is a war crime being committed by Hamas, not by Israel. As far as I can see, and I have watched this campaign very closely, Israel is conducting the campaign in an exemplary fashion. Of course there will be mistakes, and there are errors and difficulties… but Israel as far as I can see is exercising the maximum possible restraint. The only thing they can do, short of what they are doing, is sit back and take it from Hamas. They cannot do that. How can the government of Israel allow its civilian population to be hammered by missiles time and time again and do nothing about it. There is no country in this world, including the United Kingdom who would put up with missiles coming in towards it citizens and sit back and take it.  
When asked about the concept of Israel using disproportionate force, this was his response:
I have heard a number of people such as Ban Ki-Moon, and our own Prime Minister David Cameron, and President Obama, suggesting that Israel should do more, and in some cases saying that Israel should do more,  to protect civilian life. I’d like to hear them explain what it is that Israel should do? As a man of 30 years military experience I cannot think of one single thing that Israel can do more to protect civilian life than what they are doing now. I think they have gone further than other country, any other military, that I’m aware of, or that I’ve seen in taking such steps to stop the death of innocent civilians. But when you are fighting an enemy, Hamas, who wants you to kill their civilians, who sometimes force their civilians to stay on military objectives that you are legitimately attacking, casualties are inevitable….
Colonel Kemp also said Hamas was not alone to blame in the tragedy that has happened in Gaza:
The international community, I think, should bear some culpability, because Israel was subject to month after month, even in this round, of rocket attacks, delivered onto its territory. Despite the Israeli ambassador in the UN, appealing for the UN to something to try and mitigate this and bring pressure down, the UN ignored it, so I think there is culpability outside. 
The reality is the world is drunk with the wine of the media distorting fact and judging the situation by distorted sound-bites and video clips skewed to paint Israel as the “bad guy”. Really, it is a demonstration of an age-old hatred that predates the Nazis, the inquisition, the Romans, Greeks or Babylonians… it goes back to the beginning. It is the enmity that exists between the people God chose to put his name on, and those who are not interested in God’s ways:
“And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” (Genesis 3:15) 
The scriptures predict that the world will turn things upside down:
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; That put darkness for light, and light for darkness; That put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20) 
This is exactly what we are seeing in the world today. A wicked organization like Hamas is being defended by the Media, while Israel who is trying to defend itself is being condemned throughout the world. 
In fact, a first century Jew, the Apostle Paul wrote the following of the way the world would end up if it rejected the knowledge of God:
“And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.” (Romans 1:28–32) 
The world does not like to retain God in its knowledge, and gullibly uses media manipulation to frame its morality.  The description in Romans fits what we are seeing today Hamas, the media who support it, and the UN have become “inventors of evil things.” One of the accusations is that they are “without natural affection” which is defined as heartless, or lacking normal human affection. This couldn’t more aptly describe a government that willingly sacrifices its own children to gain media attention. This is like the child worship of Molech performed by the ancient Canaanite nations inhabiting the same regions. Christian governments should not make the mistake of sanctioning child sacrifice and having “pleasure in them that do them”. 
The battle that is really raging is one for truth, as was pointed out by Netanyahu in 2012 when addressing a group of Israeli young people:
If I said what is the greatest battle we face, of course we live in a tough neighborhood, and we have to defend ourselves. We have the bravest soldiers in the world to do that. But the most important battle we have to fight is the battle for the truth, and all of you can become ambassadors for the truth, and ambassadors for Israel. 

Britain Defends Israel

British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu address
address a press conference during Philips visit to Israel this week.
One of the bright sparks out of this whole conflagration has been Britain’s realization of Israel’s plight. When Britain’s Foreign Secretary, Philip Hammond visited Israel this week, he and Netanyahu held a joint press conference :
I think you as a representative of the UK, of Britain, have a special understanding, at least an historical understanding of what Israel is undergoing. There has only been one other instance where a democracy has been rocketed and pelleted by these projectiles of death, and that is Britain during WWII. Israel is undergoing a similar bombardment now. We are responding in our own way, by targeting the rocketeers and seeking to ferret out these terrorists, who are hiding behind civilians while firing at our civilians. This is a double war crime….
Britain’s Foreign Secretary, Philip Hammond had the following to say:
I am here because the UK, along with the rest of the international community, is determined to do what it can to help to bring this current conflict to a quick end. Britain has been very clear, I have been very clear, Prime Minister Cameron has been very clear, that this current cycle of violence was triggered by Hamas firing hundreds of rockets at Israeli towns and cities indiscriminately, and in breach of international humanitarian law. Britain has also  been very clear that Israel has the right to defend itself and its citizens…. 
Bible students have been expecting Britain to support Israel eventually, because she is the Merchant of Tarshish who is joined by the young lions of Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States in opposing Israel’s invasion in the latter days, for we read: 
“Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil?” (Ezekiel 38:13) 
Britain at times looses its way, and forgets what direction the prophets have pointed it in, but the angelic hand turns them around the job designated in the scriptures in the end. In America the House of Representatives approved a non-binding resolution backing Israel’s right to defend itself against Hamas rocket attacks. 
What can we do. The most powerful weapon is prayer. James tells us, 
“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” (James 5:16) 
So we are instructed in the Psalms:
“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: They shall prosper that love thee. Peace be within thy walls, And prosperity within thy palaces. For my brethren and companions’ sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee.” (Psalm 122:6–8) 
So the duty of all Bible believers is to fervently make this prayer, continually:
“I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, Which shall never hold their peace day nor night: Ye that make mention of the LORD, Keep not silence, And give him no rest, Till he establish, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth.” (Isaiah 62:6–7) 
What we look forward to is the day when Moshiach, the Messiah is revealed, described by Isaiah:
“And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, And a Branch shall grow out of his roots: And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, The spirit of wisdom and understanding, The spirit of counsel and might, The spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD; And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the LORD: And he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, Neither reprove after the hearing of his ears: But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, And reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: And he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, And with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked. And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, And faithfulness the girdle of his reins.” (Isaiah 11:1–5) 
We look forward for that day. Join us next week for another edition of the Bible in the news on This has been Jonathan Bowen joining you.

Bible Prophecy: World Turns Against Israel & Supports Gaza- Anti Semitis...

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Bible Prophecy: World Turns Against Israel & Supports Gaza- Anti Semitis...

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Friday, 25 July 2014

1 John 1: Pt 1 - 'God Is Light' -The epistle of John explained.

1 John 1: Pt 1 - 'God Is Light' -The epistle of John explained.

"What have ye to do with me... coasts of Palestine?" "What have ye to do with me... coasts of Palestine?"

"What have ye to do with me... coasts of Palestine?"
The latest news from events in Israel is all about the dramatic conflict with the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

July 21, 2014 - Audio, 22.34 MIN
(Links at bottom of page to download free viewers.)
At the time of writing Israel's forces have begun a ground invasion into Gaza to stop Hamas from sending rockets into their cities. The hostilities of a people on the "coasts of palestine" is exactly what we would expect to see occurring in "The Latter Days" as Bible prophecy has foretold this long ago. This is Matt Davies joining you.
Hamas rockets that threaten Israeli civilian populations.Hamas rockets that threaten Israeli civilian populations.
Review of recent history
It's been a time of great turmoil in Israel over the last few weeks. The conflict in Gaza has been on the news nearly every day. Rockets from Hamas run Gaza have been a regular thing for years. Despite many peace attempt by Israel who have condescended to the Palestinians on countless occasions, still the rockets keep flying over the border indiscriminately onto Israeli cities. It is reported that since 2001 over 14,000 such rockets have been fired into Israel averaging 3 attacks per day.

The rocket fire, although constantly a problem for Israel, intensified during and after "Operation Brothers Keeper" which we reviewed a few weeks ago on Bible in the News. This operation was conducted to find three Israeli boys who had been kidnapped. Tragically the bodies of these boys were found dead. This caused some extremist Israelis to kidnap and murder a Palestinian boy. Although this incident was widely criticised by Israeli leaders, and the Israelis involved have been arrested and sentenced, (clearly showing this is not the position of the wider Jewish community which is in stark contrast to Hamas' response to the killing of the three Isralies), the incident sparked even more concentrated rocket fire. This in turn led to the Israeli Air Force bombarding terror sites and beginning a new operation, "Operation Protective Edge". The stated objective is to restore a sustainable "quite" and security for the Israeli people by seriously degrading terrorist capabilities in Gaza. The mission was openly discussed by Benjamin Netanyahu the Israeli Prime Minister. In an interview with Fox News on Sunday 13th of July he emphasised 3 points:

1. Israel will do whatever it can to protect its citizens from Hamas and other terrorist groups.

2. The areas targeted in Israel by Hamas is huge. Netenyahu stated:
"I just want your viewers to imagine the United States being bombarded not in one city or two cities, but in every city between New York and Colorado. 80% of your citizens would have to be in bomb shelters or ready to go into bomb shelters within a minute to minute-and-a-half, max. No country can accept that, we can’t accept it, and we’ll take the necessary actions to stop it."

3. That the terrorists make it difficult for Israel to fulfill their mission  Netenyahu stated: "Here’s the difference between us. We’re using missile defence to protect our civilians, and they’re using their civilians to protect their missiles."

The president of America, Barrack Obama stated on Thursday "There's no country on earth that can be expected to live under a daily barrage of rockets".

On Tuesday this week Egypt proposed a cease fire which was accepted by Israel but not by Hamas. Other cease fires have been proposed and one tentatively held for a few hours.

At the point of writing this Israel has begun to send in a ground offensive into Gaza and the fighting has intensified. According to recent reports the death toll is now over 230, with only two Israeli deaths. During the first 10 days of the operation, over 1497 rocket were launched at Israel and of these 1093 of those rockets hit Israel. Approximately 301 rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defence system and the IDF targeted over 2,037 terror targets, with both naval and aerial capabilities.

Sadly there have been quite a few civilian deaths - despite the careful attention the IDF give to try and avoid such casualties. The issue seems to be that Hamas are using residential houses and public buildings to store in and fire weapons from. This has led to the ground operation which is, at the point of writing in full swing. According to Netanyahu, because of the way Hamas is operating using it's civilians to shield it's activities, "Hamas are responsible for all the civilian deaths that occur accidentally. We are sorry for any accidental civilian death but its Hamas that bears complete responsibility for such civilian casualties. We need to defeat those people, roll them back or peace is not going to be possible because as far as Hamas is concerned they couldn't care less if you come with a two state solution, a three state solution or a four state solution, they want a no state solution - no Jewish state, and therefore  if you want to have peace you have to fight these people, you have to roll them back, otherwise there is no prospect for peace."

The Latter Days
As Bible students, we the Christadelphian community, with our unique understanding of the coming Kingdom of God, being a greater restoration of the ancient Kingdom of Israel, have looked for the return of the Jews to the land as a prerequisite to this event. The Bible speaks of a time period called "The Latter Days" and one of the features of prophecies relating to this is the return of the Jews to their homeland after a period of dispersion.

As an illustration of this consider the prophecy of Hosea chapter 3:4-5
"For the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king, and without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an image, and without an ephod, and without teraphim: Afterward shall the children of Israel return, and seek the LORD their God, and David their king; and shall fear the LORD and his goodness in the latter days."

Indeed the Jewish nation did, since the dispersion and scattering of the nation by the Romans, remain without any royalty or priestly functions within their nation. However the "many days" are soon to be up for we have seen them "return". This part of the prophecy has been accomplished. The final fulfilment of the prophecy will be when the Jewish nation turn to truly seek Yahweh their God and David, "the beloved" their king. This is a reference to the Lord Jesus Christ of whom God said in Matthew 3:17 "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." This requires his return to the earth and for "The Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David" as is promised in Luke 1:32 which will usher in a period of peace under his righteous rule.

These wonderful events though all happen, as Hosea has said in "The Latter Days" - a time period punctuated with these key episodes.

The coming invasion from the north and how God acts
In Ezekiel chapter 38 we have another prophecy of the same time period, "The Latter Days", mentioned for example in verse 16. Depicted before us in this chapter is a set of invading nations. They are united under the head of a mysterious character called "Gog" who is the "Prince of Rosh" an ancient name for Russia. This group consists of European, North African and Far Eastern territories, all called by their ancient names. They come down from the North against the people of Israel.
The chapter reaches a dramatic climax in verses 18-19 where we read of God acting visibly and openly. How this happens is revealed in a companion prophecy of Zechariah 14, another prophecy about this time when God will "gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle" (v2). We discover here of one bearing God's name of Yahweh who actively fights the nations who have come to attack Israel. With this one are the faithful saints of old (v5) and therefore this is a vision of a time after the resurrection of the dead for judgment, a time which see's those who have been accepted by Gods mercy being employed to assist the one who bears God's name in the work of defending Israel.

It is clear this Yahweh name bearing personage is non-other than the Lord Jesus Christ. He returns to save his people and to claim the throne of his ancestor David - to restore the Kingdom to Israel and be king over the kingdom of God. We can see this by turning a couple of pages back to Zechariah 12 where we read that God acts through "the spirit of grace and of supplications". The prophecy says "and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced and they shall mourn for him as one mourneth for his only son..." (Zechariah 12:10). We know this is speaking of the Lord Jesus because in the gospel of John, by inspiration John records that it is because of this prophecy that Jesus' side was pierced by the Roman soldiers after he had completed his great sacrifice on the cross (John 19:37).

A snapshot of the future
Latter day prophecies are fascinating to the Bible student because they paint a picture of how the nations will behave. This gives us a snapshot into the future which we can then see if it marries up to events in our day. If we see the snapshot coming into focus we can be sure that the prophecy is soon to come about. Consider a few key features of Ezekiel 38. For the prophecy to be accomplished the following key conditions need to exist:

1. A restored people - in verse 8 and 12 it is clear the prophecy relates to a time when the land is populated by people who have been regathered. Clearly this is a connection with the prophecy from Hosea 3 mentioned earlier in this broadcast. However consider the fact that for almost 2000 years Israel did not exist as a nation on the territory of the Holy land. It is only in recent times with events in 1948 and 1967 etc. that it can be said Israel have been gathered back to their land. They have to be there for this prophecy to be fulfilled.

2. The mountains - the prophecy is explicit in emphasising the place of the invasion from the north. We are told it is "against the mountains of Israel" verse 8. This is the central area of the land and contains Jerusalem within it. The prophecy indicates that it is this area which the international community of Gog and his bands has a particular issue with, as this is the area they come down upon. Again we find it fascinating that the international community are agasp at Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Disputed territories on the mountains of Israel are what we would expect for the scene to be set for this prophecy to be fulfilled.

3. Spoil - in verse 12 we read Gog is coming to take a spoil. This requires there be something in the land which is valuable. It is amazing to consider the recent oil and gas finds which Israel now have as well as the great advancements Israel has made in technology and computing. These things could well constitute benefits considered as something worth obtaining by any invading force.

4. Peace and safety - before the great attack, Ezekiel, by inspiration, tells us the land is in a state of tranquility. Gog invades a peaceful state. We read the thoughts of Gog, before they are even his own, in verse 11 "And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates,". Now we pause and wonder - how is it this will come about as it cannot be said this is in place today?

Clearly something dramatic has to take place to cause Israel to dwell safely and so it is often postulated how it might be accomplished. Israel's Arab neighbours are currently extremely hostile, especially those living in the Palestinian territories as illustrated by the constant rocket fire - what will bring about the peace and a state of rest that the prophecy speaks about?

It seems there are two options. One is that Israel will continue as it is and negotiate a peace deal with the Palestinians. Perhaps for a trade off. Another option is that, by shear militant force, the Palastinans will be weakened by Israel to such a degree that they cannot continue their terrorist warfare, thus causing peace to be enforced and then become a way of life.

Historically the negotiating table has not been something which has been very fruitful - despite Israel offering and making many concessions which were hoped to lead to peace this has not been forthcoming. Unfortunately the Hamas group do not believe Israel should have the privilege of existence and so negotiation really does not look, at this moment like it is by this means the peace and safety will come about.

So perhaps a war of suppression by Israel will cause the Palestinians and Hamas to surrender their aggression in favour of peace. Maybe "Operation Protective Edge" is a stepping stone towards this.

"when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem"
Whatever happens in the conflict though, latter day prophecies do have something to say about a people living on the old territory of the ancient Philistines who will be hostile against Israel at the time just after Gog attacks.

Joel 3 is another "latter day" companion prophecy to those of Zechariah 12-14 and Ezekiel 38. It has some very interesting things to say about the state of some of the territories around the land of Israel at the time just after Gog and his band attacks.

Verse 1 tells us that this is a prophecy about a time just after Israel have been regathered to their land after a period of dispersion:
"For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land."

This clearly connects with the time period of Ezekiel 38 but it gives us a few more details. One of the things which has grieved God is the parting of His land which is interesting thing to consider in the light of the long hoped for two state solution concept which is often held up as something the international community wish for the Palestinians to accept.

"all the coasts of Palestine"
As part of the prophecy the prophet addresses areas of the land which seem to have become embroiled in the conflict, joining the side of the Gogian nations. For example we read in verses 4-8:

"Yea, and what have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Zidon, and all the coasts of Palestine? will ye render me a recompence? and if ye recompense me, swiftly and speedily will I return your recompence upon your own head; Because ye have taken my silver and my gold, and have carried into your temples my goodly pleasant things: The children also of Judah and the children of Jerusalem have ye sold unto the Grecians, that ye might remove them far from their border. Behold, I will raise them out of the place whither ye have sold them, and will return your recompence upon your own head: And I will sell your sons and your daughters into the hand of the children of Judah, and they shall sell them to the Sabeans, to a people far off: for the LORD hath spoken it."

Here the prophet is condemning "Tyre and Zidon" and "all the coasts of Palestine". Both Tyre and Zidon are located to the north of Israel in the country of modern Lebanon. It is here where the terrorist organisation Hezbollah live. The peoples of this area and their hatred for Israel answer to this section of the prophecy. The "coasts of Palestine" relates to the coastline of the Gaza strip and the area controlled by Hamas. Hamas who arrange for rockets to be fired into Israel on a daily basis.

These prophecies tell us that there is going to be a people, sitting on the ancient territory of the Philistines who are hostile to Israel after Gog attacks. It is a remarkable thing to be witnessing the way world events have been and are slowly making progress towards the fulfilment of these things foretold of old.

If we piece these prophecies together it seems that what has been revealed to us are certain events which are soon to take place:
1. That Israel will somehow find peace with their neighbours, perhaps by dividing God's land.
2. That this peace will be short lived so that when Gog attack these neighbouring nations will swiftly join against Israel.
3. That at this point they will help to sell the Jews to "the sons of the Grecians" in order to forcibly remove them.
4. For this they will be punished by God through the work of Christ and his saints.

"Roar out of Zion"
The prophecy of Joel 3 foretells that at this great time of crisis Yahweh will cause his "mighty ones" to come down (v11). We read in verse 16 that Yahweh shall "roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; and the heavens and the earth shall shake: but the LORD will be the hope of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel." This is clearly the work of Jesus Christ and his faithful saints as recorded in Zechariah. What purpose will this great intervention from God's representatives serve? Verse 17: "So shall ye know that I am the LORD your God dwelling in Zion, my holy mountain: then shall Jerusalem be holy, and there shall no strangers pass through her any more."

The kingdom will indeed be established in that day when "Yahweh dwelleth in Zion" (v21). The events we are witnessing in the land today are a precursor to this time so let us watch and wait knowing that God is in control of all things and knowing that soon Zion's king shall reign victorious.

This has been Matt Davies joining you. Join us again for another Bible in the News next week God willing at