Saturday, 30 January 2016

Russia Prepares for War - "Art thou come to take a spoil" Ezekiel 38:13

This is a riveting address. It combines short video clips from world leaders, and gives a brief outline of Russia’s development. Russia is now IN THE MIDDLE EAST, and allied to countries named in Ezekiel 38. This is part of Russia’s ambition to dominate.
The great changes that Russia has gone through in the last 150 years has been a preparation process. A resurgent Russia is now militarised and now partners other nations in the region. This talk explains the preparation stage that has placed Russia to the forefront.

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Greece in Bible Prophecy & Archaeology: Book of Daniel - Part 3 of 5

The remarkable history of Alexander the Great is described and illustrated. The book of Daniel describes the Greek influence continuing until today. Daniel rolls out the fortunes and destiny of the Kingdom of men from Babylon until it is conquered by Christ.

Putin's Secret Riches

The king will do as he pleases, exalting himself and claiming to be greater than every god, even blaspheming the God of gods. He will succeed, but only until the time of wrath is completed. For what has been determined will surely take place. He will have no respect for the gods of his ancestors, or for the god loved by women, or for any other god, for he will boast that he is greater than them all. Instead of these, he will worship the god of forces—a god his ancestors never knew—and lavish on him gold, silver, precious stones, and expensive gifts. Claiming this foreign god’s help, he will attack the strongest fortresses. He will honour those who submit to him, appointing them to positions of authority and dividing the land among them as their reward. 
…Then at the time of the end, the king of the south will attack him…
BBC Panorama, January 28, 2016 – edited video – to view entire documentary go to BBC iPlayer (UK only)

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An Ensample - Sodom: A Lessons for all those who Choose To Live Ungodly ...

The Speaker, Jonathan Bowen (Ontario) has produced this video using material he collected while on a trip of the Holy Land.

 Of key interest is the visit to the newly discovered site of Tall El Hamman which Dr. S.Collins ( has affirmed is the Biblical site of Sodom - The acient city that was distroyed by God because of its wickedness.

 In this study, Jonathan examines all the evidences put forward to prove the validity of the site and relates it to the biblical account and demonstrates that the 'Ensample of Sodom' really is a warning to mankind from God that we should choose to serve him and depart from our Godless way.

Friday, 29 January 2016

Turkey: Istanbul - In the Steps of The Master Tour of the Middle East Pa...

4th of and 18 part series documenting a recent tour of the middle east by Jim Cowie and friends.
This video documents the visit to Turkey: Istanbul

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Thursday, 28 January 2016

Bible Characters: Gideon - Andrew Fenner

In 2016 we are looking at Bible Basics - An introduction to Bible themes, characters and places. We will be concentrating on one aspect of the Bible over the course of a month

'They Shall reign a thousand years' - Revelation Chapter 20

Description:  A biblical explanation of the 1000 years period of the Kingdom of God. The devil and satan is clearly explained. Excellent.


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Wednesday, 27 January 2016

The Power of God

Does God use his awesome Holy Spirit Power to infulence events in the world? The speaker takes us through this interesting subject looking at examples taken from scripture and applying them to today to show how God is outworking his plan and purpose for the world and mankind whom he placed upon it in readiness for the establishment of his kingdom upon this earth, centered in Jerusalem.

Turkey: Smyrna to Istanbul - In the Steps of The Master Tour Part 3 - V...

3rd of and 18 part series documenting a recent  tour of the middle east by Jim Cowie and friends.
 This video documents the visit to Turkey: Smyrna to Istanbul

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Life's Big Question: What is the world coming to?

The Bible provides a clear answer to this question, telling us why the world is like it is
today and the eventual outcome. Ultimately the good news is that divine rulership will bring ‘peace, quietness and assurance forever'.

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Read a variety of booklets on-line concerning various key Bible subjects.

Bible Truth & Prophecy is a remarkable on-line tool for establishing just how far removed from the teachings of the Bible mainstream Christian teaching has become.

End Time Prophecies are interpreted using the Bible, not man made ideas or notions.
Key Biblical subjects such as the Trinity, Devil/Satan worship, Holy Spirit Gifts & much more are all dealt with extensively from the Bible's viewpoint and not man's.We will demonstrate how Christian beliefs have become corrupted, and reveal the 'Truth' as taught by the 1st Century Apostles.

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Monday, 25 January 2016

Behold I come quickly: Revelation 22 - Jonathan Cope

The final chapter is revealed as the last message for believers, to value the Word of God and keep the commandments that we might receive the blessings of the Kingdom Age. The tree of life restricted in the Garden of Eden is now made available.

Sunday, 24 January 2016

The Dream Of Empires Daniel 2 vs 24 36 and 37 49 Simon Genders

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Visions of the Kingdom Age Class No: 11

The 3 feast weeks in the Kingdom of God are divine projections of the 3 immortalization events in the divine plan... so why will the Feast of Weeks not be observed during the Millennial Kingdom?

Medo Persia in End Time Bible Prophecy and Archaeology

The fall of Babylon to the Medes and Persians is dramatically explained. Archaeology has uncovered the enormous palaces of this powerful Empire. Learn about the destiny of modern day Persian (Iran) in these end times prophecies.

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Turkey: Ephesus to Sardis - In the Steps of The Master Tour Part 2 - Vid...

2nd of and 18 part series documenting a recent  tour of the middle east by Jim Cowie and friends.

Friday, 22 January 2016

Adam & Eve: Fact or Fiction? The Biblical account of this event examined.

Aimed predominantly at youth, this bible based Lecture examines the very basics of our understanding of the Genesis account and establishes clear scriptural principles as to why the doctrine of Theistic evolution should be rejected. - A 'MUST SEE' video.


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Greece & Athens: In the Steps of The Master Tour Part 1- Video Diary

Greece & Athens: In the Steps of The Master Tour Part 1- Video Diary

Thursday, 21 January 2016

There is only 'ONE' God, the Father.

A very clear and informative study of the Nature of God. Islam and so-called 'Christian' views are examined and both found to be in error. So what does the bible itself say on this incredibly important subject - You may be shocked!

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A Strong Man armed: Unclean spirit walketh through dry places.

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The Death of John The Baptist.

The third and final part of this excellent series documenting the life of John the Baptist - this study looks at his death and the implications of it to his followers and the people who surrounded him - The speaker examines just how wicked Herodias and her daughter were in orchestrating the fateful events and celebrates how even those who worked for Herod were deeply affected by the message of repentance he preached and were ultimately Baptised into the saving name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Where Jesus Walked - A Clsoer look at the Holyland

This public lecture presented by Mr. Jason Dineen takes you on a picture tour of the holy land, revisiting the places Jesus had walked and lived. You can see what the environment was like, but beauty and harshness of it all.

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Risen Faith - The Book of Acts

The Acts of the Apostles records the birth of the Ecclesia. In our modern world of distraction and complexity it is useful to stop and reflect on our beginnings and the simplicity of faith of the first ecclesias

Worship: We were created to worship! What do you Worship?

Worship: We were created to worship! What do you Worship?

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Integrity - Comfort from the life of Joseph.

When it comes down to it we've all spent time stuck in the pit. At times in our lives we're cast into darkness, stuck in the depths of depression and facing a future without hope.

Wednesday, 20 January 2016


2015 - Countdown to Armageddon. Terrorism, war and migration into Europe has increased mass fear. No-one is reassured as to the outcome. The Bible has foretold these events with startling accuracy. God WILL intervene and take control to restore the earth He has made.
The great prophecies of Daniel given 2,600 ago are explained. History and archaeology help identify all the symbols used to portray in the prophecies. By examining the Word of God, personal faith is developed and we can be assured of the outworking of the purpose of God.

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Britain's Exit from Europe is Inevitable! - Bible Prophecy Requires Brit...

Welcome to another edition of the Bible in the News. This is Daniel Billington with you commenting on the anticipated referendum to decide whether or not Britain should exit from the EU, an increasingly hot topic especially in Britain! The last few weeks we have seen increasingly dramatic headlines on a British exit (i.e. Brexit).

Monday, 18 January 2016

BABYLON: End Time Bible Prophecy & Archaeology - Nebuchadnezzar's Image

The great prophecies of Daniel given 2,600 ago are explained. History
and archaeology help identify all the symbols used to portray in the
prophecies. By examining the Word of God, personal faith is developed
and we can be assured of the outworking of the purpose of God.

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Life's Big Question: The Meaning of Life.

The speaker outlines God’s message and offer of salvation. God’s way helps us better understand the world and face the challenges of life. God has given all people personal choice, so we need to take the time to consider to our future.

Saturday, 16 January 2016

A New Heaven and New Earth: Revelation 21

The beautiful imagery of Revelation 21 is explained - a chapter full of
hope and better things to come for our earth. The magnificent imagery of
a new city reveals how the many peoples and nations of the earth today
will be replaced by just one people, God's people (His righteous
followers), depicted as the future bride of Jesus Christ living in
safety and reflecting God's glory throughout the world.

John The Baptist: his Birth, Life and Death Part 2 His Life

The arrival of John the Baptist, like a second Elijah, arrives on a Jewish world steeped in their own tradition. His work was prophesied, designed to prepare the path for the the coming of Messiah. John’s message is strong and severe. A time of reform is called for!


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Thursday, 14 January 2016

“Current Events prove Jesus is coming soon”

Biblical and historical evidence is given about the return of Christ prior to the setting up of the Kingdom on earth. Ezekiel 38 is used to identify the countries that will form the multinational force to invade Israel. We live in turbulent times with unrest and rumours of war. All this portends the return of Christ.

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Creation NOT Evolution: The example of the 'EEL'

The speaker outlines God’s message and offer of salvation. God’s way helps us better understand the world and face the challenges of life. God has given all people personal choice, so we need to take the time to consider to our future.

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Sunday, 10 January 2016

John The Baptist: his Birth, Life and Death - Part 1 'His Birth'

This dramatic presentation of John the Baptist begins by describing the situation into which John was born. The frequent reference to the Old Testament amplifies the remarkable breadth of the Scripture.


2015 was a momentous year in relation to Bible prophecy. Russia, Syria, Iran, Israel and all the surrounding nations were all in the news. The Rise of the terror group ISIS has been well documented, but what is their purpose in God's plan for the end time?
Watch this video to see how things unfolded as the year progressed as we attempt to show from scripture what will happen next.

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Thursday, 7 January 2016

Why i Believe the Bible: A personal account of one man's faith.

Three pillars that support faith are considered in an entertaining, slightly different manner. The complexity of life witnesses to Creation; evidence confirms the accuracy of Scripture; Prophecy and fulfillment are woven convincingly together. Together, these make a sufficient reason for a life of faith.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Isis, Iraq, Iran and Israel - What does it all mean?

This is an excellent overview of the present situation. Referring to ancient and modern history, it is clear that ISIS has not the capacity to rule, but the present disarray it is causing in the Middle East, is enabling Russia to earn the trust of other nations, and take a major role in the ME.

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Christianity Today!

A clear and simple explanation as to why Christianity is on the decline today. The message is simply, people are not reading GOD Word and therefore losing faith.
Psalm 14:1 The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt. They have done abominable works. There is none who does good.
14:2 Yahweh looked down from heaven on the children of men, to see if there were any who understood, who sought after God.
14:3 They have all gone aside. They have together become corrupt. There is none who does good, no, not one.

Monday, 4 January 2016

2015 – A Year of Terror - Common Theme: Against My People Israel!

2015 – A Year of Terror

As the news media throughout the world reflect on 2015, a common theme emerges, terrorism. The cancellation of New Years celebration fireworks in Paris, the entire celebration in Brussels, and the shut down of the train station in Munich are all stinging reminders of the terror of the past year.
The war on ISIL has taken centre stage following the terror attacks in Paris. France and Germany’s participation with Russia in the war on Isis in Syria and will continue for some time into the future.
Arutz Sheva columnist Yochannan Visser, stated the following:
Yochannan Visser
More than 70 nations are now involved in the war against ‘terror,’ a politically correct euphemism for this battle against Islamic State and affiliated Jihadist groups that is still used by many Western leaders including the president of the United States. Three separate coalitions were formed this year to fight Islamic State in Syria and Iraq. Each of them has its own objectives, and none of them uses its full military potential to wipe Islamic State from the face of the earth.
His analysis places the root cause in the religious vision of ISIS:
The biggest problem with the current situation in the Middle East is that Islamic State has a plan and is working in accordance with a clear apocalyptic vision that is visible in its actions. This vision is based on Sunni end-of-times prophecies that include three major battles in the territory of al-Sham (Syria and Israel in this case) and one in the vicinity of Rome in Italy.

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Sunday, 3 January 2016

Visions of the Kingdom Age Part 9

Peace is harmony and not unity. Baptism is about all the righteousness of God. Leaven and carbon dioxide. The transfiguration was after 6 and about 8 days from the promise.
Catch up with the whole series here..