Friday, 25 March 2016

In the End Israel will Stand Alone, Until........

Anti-Israel groups in many countries around the world take a week at the
end of February or in March and organize what is called “Israeli
Apartheid Week.”
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Jesus Rose From The Dead - Will You?

For Jesus to be alive again was quite unexpected, but entirely
convincing. Scripture shows why Jesus died and rose again, overcoming
human nature and leading the way for his followers to awake from the
sleep of death. We must receive an incorruptible body like his, before
we can enter the Kingdom of God

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Spiritual Comparisions: 153 fishes

This video expounds the significance of the 153 fishes in John 21 by
comparing the passage with Elijah and the 153 men sent by Ahaziah to
meet with Elijah.

This video expounds the significance of the 153
fishes in John 21 by comparing the passage with Elijah and the 153 men
sent by Ahaziah to meet with Elijah.

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Today's News Predicted by the Bible: What's Next?

This talk looks at current events in the light of Bible prophecy. The
Scriptures are examined and clearly show that the Bible is indeed both
a  reliable and informative source of information regarding the state of
the world just prior to the return of Jesus to the Earth.

The role of Russia in these events is detailed and the conflict between Israel and her neighbours considered.
Great natural disasters predicted in the Bible (Yet to happen) are
investigated and the speaker concludes the address with an open
invitation from God. The choice, however, is yours!

Bible Prophecy & Current Events News Update (March 2016)

Present world events dramatically confirm that the world scene is being
set for the final conflict. A careful noting of the international news
shows Bible prophecy is being fulfilled at a breathtaking pace

our traditional understanding of end time prophecies being fulfilled
today! Signs of God’s Hand at work abound – surely our Lord’s return IS
near. Be prepared!

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Revelation Class Seminar: Chapter 4 Pt 6 - 'The Rainbow About The Throne'

Following the book 'Eureka' by Bro J.Thomas, this series, led by Jonathan Bowen, continues to look at the book of Revelation and this week we are still in Chapters 4 and 5.

Paris Terror Attacks: Now in Brussels! What is next?

The Terror Attacks in Paris ... & now Brussels are trigger for
coming world chaos. These horrific attacks will set in motion a shocking
series of apocalyptic events that will soon unleash unprecedented chaos
worldwide ... events long FORE-TOLD in ' 5 short verses ' in the Book
of Revelation. Watch this ProphecyNewsDesk video to see the road-map for
coming world events clearly laid out in God's Word.

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Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Bible Quotes: God So Loved The World - JOHN 3:16

An excellent talk and a most interesting look at the so often quoted
verse “GOD so Loved the World”. GOD sent His Son to save the world from
their sins.

The Accuracy of Prophecy: The Scripture cannot be Broken

We should study, meditate upon and trust Bible prophecy, because there
are many examples of accurate fulfilment, confirming our faith. Men of
faith did remarkable things from their trust in what God had prophesied.
God is active in the modern world, encouraging our faith and
preparation for Judgment Day.

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Britain signs new defence pact to help Ukraine in Russia confrontation

Britain is to sign a new defence pact with Ukraine pledging to help the country with more military training and intelligence amid its confrontation with Russia.

Michael Fallon, the Defence Secretary, said the new agreement was a signal Britain would “stand firm” with the beleaguered eastern European nation. The 15-year-long agreement will see British troops take part in more joint exercises and carry out more training with Ukrainian forces who have been battling Russian-backed separatists for two years. The countries will also cooperate on sharing military intelligence and expertise. Mr Fallon said: “The UK will stand firm with Ukraine as they defend their territorial integrity. This new defence agreement sets out that commitment as we enhance our training of Ukrainian armed forces.” The new agreement revives an earlier pact that lapsed in 2006 because of the anti-EU stance of the then pro-Russian Ukrainian president, Viktor Yanukovych, officials said.

Britain signs new defence pact to help Ukraine in Russia confrontation

Britain is to sign a new defence pact with Ukraine pledging to help the country with more military training and intelligence amid its confrontation with Russia.

Michael Fallon, the Defence Secretary, said the new agreement was a signal Britain would “stand firm” with the beleaguered eastern European nation. The 15-year-long agreement will see British troops take part in more joint exercises and carry out more training with Ukrainian forces who have been battling Russian-backed separatists for two years. The countries will also cooperate on sharing military intelligence and expertise. Mr Fallon said: “The UK will stand firm with Ukraine as they defend their territorial integrity. This new defence agreement sets out that commitment as we enhance our training of Ukrainian armed forces.” The new agreement revives an earlier pact that lapsed in 2006 because of the anti-EU stance of the then pro-Russian Ukrainian president, Viktor Yanukovych, officials said.

Monday, 21 March 2016

Britain signs new defence pact to help Ukraine in Russia confrontation

Britain is to sign a new defence pact with Ukraine pledging to help the country with more military training and intelligence amid its confrontation with Russia.

Michael Fallon, the Defence Secretary, said the new agreement was a signal Britain would “stand firm” with the beleaguered eastern European nation. The 15-year-long agreement will see British troops take part in more joint exercises and carry out more training with Ukrainian forces who have been battling Russian-backed separatists for two years. The countries will also cooperate on sharing military intelligence and expertise. Mr Fallon said: “The UK will stand firm with Ukraine as they defend their territorial integrity. This new defence agreement sets out that commitment as we enhance our training of Ukrainian armed forces.” The new agreement revives an earlier pact that lapsed in 2006 because of the anti-EU stance of the then pro-Russian Ukrainian president, Viktor Yanukovych, officials said.

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Syria, Russia and the Transformed Middle East

The unrest and resulting civil war, that engulfed the nation of Syria has now been raging for about five years. To begin with it was unclear what would come out of the Syrian civil war, but there were certain events that seemed probable - many of us may have said, “Wouldn’t it be significant if Russia were to move into Syria”. Five years on, at least some of the results are becoming quite clear. Today Russia is in Syria. Russia is now saying that they will be withdrawing some of their forces from Syria.

Bible Quotes: A New Heaven and a New Earth

The Bible describes a new era for our planet, inhabited by people living
to a moral standard that is pleases God. Those who appreciate what
Jesus' sacrifice has done for them try to live to God's standard now.
They long for Jesus Christ to return and rule the world from Jerusalem.

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Sunday, 20 March 2016

The Nations Prepare For Armageddon! The End times are upon us.

The 2nd of three talks given at the Kent Prophecy Day 2016
The theme of the day was 'Behold i come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth..'
 This study was was given by Nicholas White from the Pershore ecclesia and deals with the subject matter relating to the coming great battle of ARMAGEDDON.

Spiritual Comparisons: The meaning of the word `manna' (Deut 8:3)

Have you ever wondered what the 'Manna' as spoken of in the Bible was?
The presenter of this video takes into consideration the root meanings
of the words that come from the Hebrew and draws some interesting
conclusions - well worth getting your bible out and making some notes..

videos in this playlist are short expositions of various scriptural
passages in which scripture is compared with scripture. Paul spoke of
“comparing spiritual things with spiritual” (1 Cor. 2:13) and this is
the key to expounding scripture correctly. To understand one passage of
scripture we must compare it with other relevant passages. The more
specific a link is between two passages, the deeper the spiritual point
which arises from it. The best way to use these videos is to make a note
of the connections and then meditate upon them - and look for more.

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The Unleavened Bread of Sincerity and Truth: Class 4 - 'They Shall all b...

This is the 4th of a 5 part series given Mr.Jim Cowie at the Granite State Ecclesia in the USA earlier this year.  Jim in this series explains the true meaning behind this scripture found in 1 Cor 5:8 - “Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.”

Britain in Bible Prophecy - Part 3: The Land Shadowing with Wings

Future prophecies about Britain are examined and the wonderful hope of
the Kingdom of God on earth is reinforced. It is recommended the other
talks in the series Part 1 and 2 are watched before this one as it
builds upon them.
The great prophecies of Daniel given 2,600 ago are
explained. History and archaeology help identify all the symbols used to
portray in the prophecies. By examining the Word of God, personal faith
is developed and we can be assured of the outworking of the purpose of
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The Second Exodus: The Wilderness of the Peoples 4 of 5

Systematic presentation of the events in Central Europe of the final
destruction of the Papacy by Elijah and the Saints as mentioned in
Ezekiel, Micah and Revelation. There is a similar pattern between the
first and second Exodus.

Bible Nations: Syria

Brand new video series by the Ormskirk Christadelphians looking in detail at Nations that are mentioned in the Bible.

Clear logical presentation of Syria’s historical background since
early times. Also known as Aram a descendant of Noah, Iran has never
been a unified nation. It has always been part of the major world
empires, its future is indicated in the scriptures.

What the Bible teaches about baptism!

This talk highlights the importance of baptism, It shows when baptism
was first mentioned in the Bible and why Baptism is relevant in our
lives today.

Saturday, 19 March 2016

Character Studies from The Bible : DANIEL

The remarkable character of Daniel is examined, how her interacted with
his contemporaries, yet “purposed in his heart” to serve the living God.
Daniel is an outstanding example of faithful service

The End Of Gentile Times: Class 19-1st Principles

Stan Isbell takes us through Part 19 of this excellent first principles series.

Question & Answer Session on Revelation

Questions on the meaning of Revelation are answered by careful
comparison with other parts of the Scripture. A broad, detailed
understanding of the Bible is necessary to correctly define the message.

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In The Steps Of Paul: Part 2 - 'Philippi, Neapolis, Amphipolis & Apollonia'

In 2015 Jim Cowie, with friends, toured the middle east, this series is
the first part of the trip, a prequel to the 'In the Masters footsteps'

Spiritual Comparisons: The Molten Sea and the temple of Ezekiel (Eze 40:2)

What is the Molten Sea spoken of in Ezekiel 40:2?(KJV)

2 In the visions of God brought he me into the land of Israel, and set me upon a very high mountain, by which was as the frame of a city on the south.
The videos in this playlist are short expositions of various scriptural passages in which scripture is compared with scripture. Paul spoke of “comparing spiritual things with spiritual” (1 Cor. 2:13) and this is the key to expounding scripture correctly. To understand one passage of scripture we must compare it with other relevant passages. The more specific a link is between two passages, the deeper the spiritual point which arises from it. The best way to use these videos is to make a note of the connections and then meditate upon them - and look for more.

Life After Death?

Beyond death there is a hope for all of us. The Bible describes death as a cessation of life, but gives hope for those who want to be a part of the future God offers.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Bible Quotes: 'The Lord is my shepherd' Psalm 23:1

A very encouraging talk on Psalm 23, showing that if we allow GOD to be our Shepherd he will care for us and guide our way.

God: Unity or Trinity?

The supremacy of God is reverently presented and the relationship with
His Son from many Bible references. The defection of the Church from
this teaching is of serious concern.

Spiritual Comparisons: Two legs, or a piece of an ear (Amos:3:10-12

A phrase that may quite often may have been read without a true grasp of the implications of the saying.
The presenter makes clear scriptural comparisons to help bring a clear and wonderful understanding of this curious reading.

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Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Britain in Bible Prophecy: Part 2 - The Lion of Tarshish

Bible study looking at the identity of Tarshish in the Bible and identifying it with the Britain. A Bible study given for a Christadelphian audience.

In The Steps Of Paul: Part 1 'Berea and Pella'

In 2015 Jim Cowie, with friends, toured the middle east, this series is
the first part of the trip, a prequel to the 'In the Masters footsteps'
series found here...

The Temptation's of Christ Explained.

There have been many suggestions as to what the 'Devil' in Jesus's
temptation really was. After being baptized, Jesus was 'led by the
Spirit' into the wilderness by the Diabolos ( the elements of corruption
in our nature siting it to transgression)and fasted for forty days and
nights in the desert.
This short video looks at the event and offers some interesting observations that may provide the answer.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

The Unleavened Bread of Sincerity and Truth: Class 3 'Worship the Farth...

This is the 3rd of a 5 part series given Mr.Jim Cowie at the Granite
State Ecclesia in the USA earlier this year.  Jim in this series
explains the true meaning behind this scripture found in 1 Cor 5:8 -
“Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the
leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of
sincerity and truth.”

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Egypt in Bible Prophecy: Things about the Bible you didn't know you didn...

It may not be common knowledge, but there are some very precise prophecies concerning the nation of Egypt in the Bible.
 In Fact, it is prophesied that Egypt will turn to the God of Israel and there will be an Alter to the Lord in Egypt in the near future...

It is also prophesied that they will once more be under subjection of a foreign power before this time of peace.

 Watch this excellent presentation by Alan Clarke as he expounds this fascinating subject!

Visions of the Kingdom Age No 15 'Harmony Not Unity'

Features of immortality; Peace is harmony and not unity; Creational
testimony that peace is a presence and not an absence. The 3 love laws
of God projected through the peace offering. 
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Monday, 14 March 2016

The Second Exodus: Stirring in a Valley of Dry Bones 3 of 5

There are two gatherings of the Jews to the land of Israel, one before the return of Jesus and one after. The latter is to be the work of Elijah who will bring the Jews (Israel, Ephraim) back to the land of Israel after the return of Messiah. Thus all Israel will be united.

What the Bible teaches about prayer

Clear and logical explanations given from the Old and NewTestaments of
the importance of Prayer. Our lives can be made easier by personal and
persistent prayer providing a positive influence in ones’ lives.

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Friday, 11 March 2016

The Amazing Bible Prophecy About Ancient TYRE! Ezekiel 26:1-14

The Example of modern 'Tyre', has, in recent times, been used to claim
that the bible cannot be the word of God.  In this video, Matt Davis
(Christadelphian) takes an in-depth look at the prophecy concerning
Ancient Tyre as detailed in the Bible. He examines the historical and
archaeological evidence and draws some remarkable conclusions. A
must-see video for those who have doubts about the validity of the
scripture of Truth.

Events Surrounding the Second Coming Of Christ Revelation 16 Vials 1 6

The sixth vial describes the distinctive retreat of the great Turkish
Empire which had flooded the Middle East and Europe during the sixth
trumpet. World events are now working together to gather all nations for
Armageddon. This is the time of the coming of the Lord.  

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The Unleavened Bread of Sincerity and Truth: Class 2 - 'Choose thee this...

Britain in Bible Prophecy Part 1 The King of the South

Christadelphian bible study about the role of Britain in Bible prophecy.
This first of three studies looks at the influence of the English Bible
and the role of the British in pushing back the Ottoman Empire to help
the Jews back to their land. Given for a Christadelphain audience in
Nottingham in 2012 by Matt Davies.

Studies in the truth of Creation

Books from Quay Exposition may be obtained from:

Music: Sicilian Breeze by Topher Mohr and Alex Alena from You Tube Audio Library.

Apollo 8 recording: NASA.

Photograph of earth: NASA. 

Thursday, 10 March 2016

'It is Done. I am Alpha and Omega - Revelation 16:7

An exciting study on the Book of Revelation chapter 16:7

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Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Men and Women of Faith: Abraham

Abraham is a great example to us today. He responded in faith to the call by God and his life was characterised by a complete belief and trust and commitment to God.

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Spiritual Comparisions: Psalm 146 and the parable of Lazarus

A in-depth look at this interesting link between Psa 146 and the Man
Lazarus from the NT. The presenter identifies the name 'Lazarus with
that of Eleazer of the old testament and draws out some interesting and
useful comparisons for us to consider.

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Bible Quotes:The Heavens declare the glory of the Lord

The sun, moon and stars provide ample evidence of God. Everything about
them is 'just right' so that their interaction provides a suitable
dwelling place for mankind, both now and eternity when all the earth
will be filled with God's glory.

The Second Exodus: The work of Elijah and the Saints 2 of 5

World events at the advent of Christ are clearly explained. The establishment of the Kingdom of God on the earth involves the work of Elijah with the Jews inside and outside of the land of Israel as well as the March of the Rainbowed Angel.

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Bible Quotes: Teach us to pray

This talk on prayer outlines the importance of praying to God regularly. There is wisdom in setting time aside for prayer as part of our routine in life

Monday, 7 March 2016

Bible Teaching about being saved! The Facts!

The speaker takes a very sensible and methodical approach to this subject matter, using logic and scripture to reason the true Bible teaching about being 'Saved' - Many evangelicals argue that just by accepting Christ into one's life a believer is 'saved' Is that true? Is that what the Bible Teaches? This video has the answers's

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Israel: 'Nazareth' - In the Steps of The Master Tour of the Middle East ...

18th of and 18 part series documenting a recent tour of the middle east by Jim Cowie and friends.
This video documents the visit to 'Nazareth

Spiritual Comparisions: Noah and Sardis - Revelation 3

The videos in this playlist are short expositions of various scriptural passages in which scripture is compared with scripture. Paul spoke of “comparing spiritual things with spiritual” (1 Cor. 2:13) and this is the key to expounding scripture correctly. To understand one passage of scripture we must compare it with other relevant passages. The more specific a link is between two passages, the deeper the spiritual point which arises from it. The best way to use these videos is to make a note of the connections and then meditate upon them - and look for more. us on our dedicated Facebook page
Or our website

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Inspiration: How the New Testament was Compiled 4/5

Rather than the Church determining the books of the New Testament, the New Testament was based upon the detail of the Hebrew Scriptures. The teaching of the Apostles and Prophets, guided by the Holy Spirit, verify the books of the New Testament.

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Visions of the Kingdom Age why Does the Memorial Bread have to Be Broken...

Immortalized 'flesh & bone' but not 'flesh & blood'. The Great Blood Laws of God. Why do we break the memorial bread when not a bone of Christ's body was broken? Don't eat blood... so why do we drink the 'blood' of the Messiah in the memorial wine?

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Friday, 4 March 2016

The Final Great Earthquake Study 3 'Signs of The Times Milestones Upd...

 Present world events dramatically confirm that the world scene is being set for the final conflict. A careful noting of the international news shows Bible prophecy is being fulfilled at a breathtaking pace

Seeing our traditional understanding of end time prophecies being fulfilled today! Signs of God’s Hand at work abound – surely our Lord’s return IS near. Be prepared!

Your part in God's purpose with the Earth!

This brilliant talk shows us that the purpose of God is to bring about a world inhabited by people who will be like His Son, Jesus Christ. God's glory will be reflected in the characters they have learnt to develop. Seven Bible passages, simply explained, lead us to understand what God is doing for us. Highly recommended.

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Thursday, 3 March 2016

The Final Great Earthquake: 'Babylon the stone destined to sink ' Study 2

Ancient Babylon is the basis of pagan religion that challenges the God of Israel. Babylon is the model for the religious power which has dominated the world from the time of Christ. Idolatrous Babylon is destined to fall.
Rugby Prophecy Day 2016
Seeing our traditional understanding of end time prophecies being fulfilled today! Signs of God’s Hand at work abound – surely our Lord’s return IS near. Be prepared!
The two great opposing cities of Jerusalem and Babylon are discussed historically, archaeologically and prophetically. Bible teaching establishes their ultimate destinies. Present world events dramatically demonstrate the critical nature of the time in which we live.

Revelation Class Seminar: Chapter 4 Pt 5 'The One Upon The Throne'

This class carries on with our study series and this week looks at the 'Spirit Man' that which we 'must' become to be King's & Priest's in God's coming Kingdom - the presenter, Mr.Jonathan Bowen helps us to understand, from the scriptures, what manner of persons we ought to be aming to become in this present life in preparation for the Kingdom age.

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Spiritual Comparisons: From faith to faith (Rom: 1:17)

This video looks at the unusual phrase recorded in the book of Romans and Cpt 1:17 – By making comparisons with other scriptures the presenter seeks to developed a clear understanding of what is meant by this saying.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

The Second Exodus: Yahweh sets his hand a second time 1/5

Clear description and explanations of the work at Armageddon redeeming the Jews in the Land. There are 2 stages - first the work of Christ or Judah with Jews in the land and secondly the work of Elijah and the saints the Jews outside the land of Israel.

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The Final Great Earthquake: 'Jerusalem, The Burdensome Stone' Study 1

The two great opposing cities of Jerusalem and Babylon are discussed historically, archaeologically and prophetically. Bible teaching establishes their ultimate destinies. Present world events dramatically demonstrate the critical nature of the time in which we live.

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The Final Great Earthquake: 'Jerusalem, The Burdensome Stone' Study 1

The two great opposing cities of Jerusalem and Babylon are discussed historically, archaeologically and prophetically. Bible teaching establishes their ultimate destinies. Present world events dramatically demonstrate the critical nature of the time in which we live.

Revelation Class Seminar: Chapter 4 Pt 5 - The One Upon The Throne

This class carries on with our study series and this week looks at the 'Spirit Man'  that which we 'must' become to be King's & Priest's in God's coming Kingdom - the presenter, Mr.Jonathan Bowen helps us to understand, from the scriptures, what manner of persons we ought to be aming to become in this present life in preparation for the Kingdom age. 

The Unleavened Bread of Sincerity and Truth: Class 1 'He gave them Bread...

This is the 1of a 5 part series given Mr.Jim Cowie at the Granite State Ecclesia in the USA earlier this year.  Jim in this series explains the true meaning behind this scripture found in 1 Cor 5:8 - “Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.”

Watch all of Jim's videos here.....

Jim Cowie is an active international Christadelphian Speaker. He travels the world speaking at Christadelphian Prophecy days, Study weekends, Bible schools and much more.

His subjects range from character studies to end time prophecy.

We are pleased to work very closely with Jim to bring you these studies. Jim is a long time supporter of and we are extremely grateful to him for this.

Israel: ' Mt Arbel to W.Bank' In the Steps of The Master Tour of Middle...

Israel: ' Mt Arbel to W.Bank' In the Steps of The Master Tour of Middle East Part 17 Video Diary 

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Saul of Tarsus: New Publication

“Saul of Tarsus” is available at:

Picture: Acitrezza Faraglioni Moon Rise Sicilia Italy Italia - Creative Commons by gnuckx


Attribution license:

Music: Prelude No. 16 by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (



Scriptual Comparisons: Jair & Jarius - Judges 10:3-5

Jair and Jairus

This video is about the links between the judge Jair and Jairus, whose daughter was raised from the dead by Christ. Spiritual Comparisons

The videos in this playlist are short expositions of various scriptural passages in which scripture is compared with scripture. Paul spoke of “comparing spiritual things with spiritual” (1 Cor. 2:13) and this is the key to expounding scripture correctly. To understand one passage of scripture we must compare it with other relevant passages. The more specific a link is between two passages, the deeper the spiritual point which arises from it. The best way to use these videos is to make a note of the connections and then meditate upon them - and look for more.

Israel: God's People - God's Land

A clear talk on how God’s people and God’s land is Israel, how we can be involved in the promises which were made to them.