Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Faithful Sayings .

These sayings as recorded in the New Testament are examined and seem to be a direction for how we need to conduct our lives.

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Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Make Every Minute Count - Time is Running out!

How are you spending the last days before the return of our Lord? Are we really prepared for his return? Do our actions reflect our wishes? These are the questions that are explored in this public lecture an open and honest appraisal as to how a life in Christ should be as the day of his return to the earth draws near.

Before the Coming of the Great & Dreadful Day: Class 1

In this class we examine need for a clear vision of the Kingdom age and our role in it. We begin by looking at the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, the resurrection and our gathering together to the judgement seat. We will then look at the first role of the Rainbowed Angel which will be the commencement of the Elijah Mission.

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God's Messenger: The Book Of Malachi ' Part 2 Who may abide the day of h...

Among Yahweh's prophets, Malachi breathes forth the spirit of the truth in a style and manner that is essentially distinctive and compelling. To study this book is to become involved in a narrative that is gripping and demanding, and yet sublime and awesome in its revelation of vital divine principles which should be understood by all who would serve the Living God "in spirit and in truth".

Titles of our Lord- 'The Son Of Man'

This title of the Lord is rooted in the Hebrew Scriptures. A careful reading of quotations with this title, emphasise the humanity of Jesus, and the importance of this in his work of salvation

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What Is The Greatest Commandment?

An overview on the Greatest commandment in the Bible and pointers on putting it into practice in everyday life.

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What Is The Greatest Commandment?

An overview on the Greatest commandment in the Bible and pointers on putting it into practice in everyday life.

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Monday, 27 June 2016

Prophecies in Isaiah

Description: Several prophecies in Isaiah are used to demonstrate their relevance for Jews and Gentiles. God’s expectations of a genuine obedience are outlined.

Saturday, 25 June 2016

Russia Must Conquer Turkey and ally itself with East Europe

We know that God rules in the Kingdoms of Men and we are exhorted to be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.(Rom. 13:1) So it was God’s Will that Britain should join, but afterwards come out. It certainly was a test of our faith, as our traditional viewpoint was that Britain had a role to play which was not as part of the Beast/Dragon/False Prophet system of Rev. 16.
Britain’s joining caused many to look at other interpretations of scripture, and as Britain’s power declined following her earlier withdrawal from the Middle East, the thought of Britain being the Latter-Day Tarshish power seemed incredulous to many. Hence new interpretations. But gradually Britain’s role changed, she has been re-invigorated. She is building strong ties to Israel and the Arab world. And now she has thrown over the shackles of a continental system, supported by the Vatican, to hopefully build upon her Protestant work ethic and zeal, to rebuild her links with the Commonwealth.
True she is a nation far from God, but it is not insignificant that we are 70 years on from a Britain, battered, bruised and broken in her efforts to save Europe from a Germany bent on establishing the Third Reich as a German-centred world. Seventy years on how different the world looks. The eurozone is in deep financial trouble. Greece is so indebted that there seems little future for her within the euro. Italy and Spain are also in financial trouble. Even France and Germany are in a rocky position. This Brexit may well be the final straw that breaks the EU as we know it. Perhaps a European Euroclydon to match the Arab Spring?

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Friday, 24 June 2016

Russia, Middle East & Europe -End Time Prophecy Shows Christ's Return Is...

The political situation in the world at present is discussed in detail in light of the prophecy of Daniel 2.

Things which must Shortly Come To Pass' Study 3 'The Rise of the Dragon'...

The Rise of the Dragon – Revelation 12 Study 3

Rising in Rome, the dragon soon moved the capital to Constantinople and continued there for 1,000 years. Its development is explained and involves Russia.. .

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The Gospel Of Paul

Clear explanation of Jesus as the basis of Paul's Gospel. Expansion of three key words are fundamental to the Life changing Faith of God's word

The Quarrel of my Covenant at Gibeah of Saul Pt 6 'O Israel Thy hast de...

This series was given by Jim Cowie in May 2016 at the Christchurch North Ecclesias, fulfilling vows and oaths based on the disastrous events at Gibeah and how those events traced through the entire history of Israel and even occupied the mind of Christ on the way to the cross

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Matters of Conscience: Morals

hat does the bible teach us about matters of conscience and what falls into this category - how should we deal with those who we feel are contrary to the commandments of Christ - this video introduces to the subject and two further talks follow....

The Sabbath nature of the Millennial Kingdom Age - Visions of the Kingdo...

The Sabbath nature of the Millennial Kingdom Age is examined from the perspective of the 2 great covenant signature rituals: Sabbath observance and circumcision. What was the significance when they were both observed on the same day?

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Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Brexit: Christadelphian Bro Vic Aucott on BBC Radio- Sarah Julian Interv...

Christadelphian on the Radio.

Below is a short 5 min video created from an excerpt taken from a 3hr plus radio programme that was broadcast live from the BBC on Sunday 19th June.

In the radio programme, broadcast on the BBC Nottingham's 'Sarah Julian's Sunday morning Show', (in which she interviews and discusses current events), Bro Vic Aucott (Notting Forrest Rd ecclesia UK) is asked a number of questions about the 'Christadelphians' relating to how we, as a community are outside of politics.

Bro Vic is invited to give an account as to why we as a community will not be voting in the upcoming referendum vote on June 23.


Bro Vic explains to Sarah why we are not (unlike many other denominations around us), campaigning or encouraging members of the public to vote either way from our Sunday Bible Hour platforms held at our hall's, but instead, inviting them to read what the Bible really teaches about the 'Christian' and politics.

Sarah concludes the interview by saying that "it was a fascinating and good explanation as to why he will not be voting in this or any other opportunity to vote in a referendum or an election"

 The whole episode can be heard here . 

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Bible Implications of a Brexit!

Given at the Christadelphian Golden Grove Ecclesia (19th June)
The background to Britain’s relationship with Europe is well explained. Bible Prophecy clearly shows that at the time of Armageddon, Britain will not be part of Europe.

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The Mitzvah - 'Part of the Family' Christadelphians and the Kindertransport

In this second video below, Mrs. Rella Adler was gracious enough to tell us about her experiences with Philip and Lilian Adams, a Christadelphian couple from Sheffield.
Her full story is shared in chapter 3 of the book "Part of the Family", available on

Monday, 20 June 2016

Mrs. Ursula Meyer - 'Part of the Family' Christadelphians and the Kinder...

In 1938 and 1939, via a movement known as the Kindertransport, thousands of Jewish children were taken from Nazi-occupied territories to safety in Great Britain. They came to a new family, a new country, and a new life. Approximately 250 of these children were sponsored by Christadelphians.
Often the Holocaust is considered in terms of statistics: how many perished and how many were affected, so much so that at times the individual stories are lost in the numbers. This series examines the experiences of the individuals who came to England as children and lived with Christadelphians.
Ten of these child survivors, and their families, participated in the effort to bring about this first volume.
These are their stories.

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In Or Out? - Bible Implications of a Brexit

Given at the Christadelphian Enfield Ecclesia last night (19th June)

The background to Britain’s relationship with Europe is well explained. Bible Prophecy clearly shows that at the time of Armageddon, Britain will not be part of Europe.

Friday, 17 June 2016

Russia on the Borders of Israel - How Long Left Have We Got Left?

Detailed examination of the 'sign's of the Times' in relation to Bible Prophecy - Current events are building up to the position where Christ will soon return to the earth - Russia will take Turkey back to herself, but this may be after the faithful are taken to Judgement. Russia's invasion of Egypt then Israel will bring forth the wrath of God upon the Nations administered by the Saints, (Ezek 38, Zech 14, etc) 

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Things which must Shortly Come To Pass Study 2 The 7th Vial 'The Role of...

“The Seventh Vial”

“The job description of the saints”

This is one of the most exciting chapters in the book of Revelation, and no question, one of the most exciting chapters in the Bible. This is the job description of the saints for the next 50 years. .

The Pursuit of Biblical Faith Part 2 - 2 Kings 6: 8-18

True love is energised by faith. Without faith, we do not appreciate God and therefore tend to promote our own interest. Faith is at the heart of the atonement and enables to love and serve God.

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Thursday, 16 June 2016

Can we believe in miracles?

If there is no power higher than Man, miracles don't happen. However, if man is part of God's creation, then miracles are possible, because divine power can perform what is extraordinary. God will save those who are humble.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Revelation: 'The Rainbowed Angel' Revelation 10

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Bible Quotes: For the wages of sin is death: Romans 6:3

Our series of studies continues with the saying : All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. What does this mean to us as individuals who are seeking to draw near to God.
Account of the Biblical definitions of contrasts - sin and death. Tracing the origins from the Garden of Eden, all inheriting mortality as a consequence of sin. It is desirable for all to live lives motivated by God

Russia, Must ally with West Europe & Rome End time Prophecy

Taken from a longer video - this snippet shows how the Bible reveals how the end times will unfold.

Where does all this leave the Bible Student?
We, are confident that Britain will eventually distance itself from the European Union, either now or in the future.
In the Last days, Britain (Tarshish of Ezekiel 38) and her allies, collectively described as the 'King of The South', will be the opposition force that asks the invading northern confederacy 'art thou come to take a spoil'(Ezek 38:13).
The greatr image of Daniel 2 must stand tall, united (Daniel 2:35) preparatory to the Stone 'cut out of the mountain without hands' (Dan2:45) smiting it.
It is speculated by many observers, that if Britain does Exit the union - then the union will collapse.
This may open the door for the Dutch to develop their contingency plan for a smaller version of the Schengen Agreement that would include only the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany and Austria  or at the very least an alliance of 'LIKE MINDED' countries.
If this eventuates, then we would expect to see a unification centered around the Papacy, 75% of Belgium, 86% of Luxembourg, 31% Netherlands, 72% Austria and 31% of Germany are Catholic.

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Bible Quotes: We all, like sheep, have gone astray Isaiah 53:6

Our series of studies continues with the saying : All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. What does this mean to us as individuals who are seeking to draw near to God.

Matters of Conscience: Relationships

What does the bible teach us about matters of conscience and what falls into this category - how should we deal with those who we feel are contrary to the commandments of Christ - this video introduces to the subject and two further talks follow....

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His wife hath made herself ready - study 4

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Genesis – A book Jesus Believed

 This presentation demonstrates with many examples that the book of Genesis is a foundation on which Jesus' teaching is based.  It follows therefore that Genesis must also be fundamental to the belief and discipleship of any true follower of Jesus. 

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Monday, 13 June 2016

Gibea of Saul Pt 5: Thou Shalt Perform Unto Yahweh Thine Oaths

this study focuses on the importance of keeping covenants, fulfilling vows and oaths based on the disastrous events at Gibeah and how those events traced through the entire history of Israel and even occupied the mind of Christ on the way to the cross

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Friday, 10 June 2016

God's Messenger: The Book Of Malachi Part 1 'Who may abide the day of h...

God's Messenger: The Book Of Malachi

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Romania and Poland now in Russian cross hairs

One of the amazing things about Bible prophecy is that God has revealed to us how the nations will be positioned just before Jesus Christ returns to the earth.

In Ezekiel 38 we read of a great confederacy of nations headed up by Russia who will attack the people of Israel in the land of Israel. These nations consist of European, North African, Far Eastern and of course, Russian territories. By comparing this scripture with other scriptures such as Zechariah 12-14, Joel 3 and Revelation 16 we discover that it is at this time that Jesus will return to the earth. He will defeat the invading forces, save Israel, show himself on the world stage and establish God’s kingdom on the earth.

With him will be a group of people, who will have been raised from the dead, gathered from the nations, judged and rewarded with immortality. This “cloud” of people will be with Christ to assist him in establishing the Kingdom, to rule with him as “kings and priests” for a thousand years. At the end of the thousand years another resurrection and judgement will take place, and then the globe will only be filled with immortal men and women. Indeed “the earth will be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea”.

We have seen the return of the Jews to the land of Israel. This part of the picture is firmly in place. We are now looking at the gathering of the nations to attack them with Russia (the Rosh, Meshech and Tubal of Ezekiel 38) taking a leading role.

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Titles Of Our Lord Study 1 'The Son Of God'

The titles of Jesus Christ are intrinsically linked to those of God his Father. The titles are explained and shown to reveal the great work of the Son of God as part of God’s overall purpose.

Inspiration Study 3: 'The Writings Of The Old Testament''

Evidence is provided in Scripture to show how the Old Testament books having been received by the prophets were delivered to the Levites that they might be preserved. Writings existed from very early times and the books of the Old Testament reveal how later books depend upon those earlier Scriptures. This talk also demonstrates how the writings were utilized at various periods in Israel’s history. – Philip Weatherall

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The Quarrel of my Covenant at Gibea of Saul: Pt 4 - 'Seven Days Thou Sh...

This study focuses on the importance of keeping covenants, fulfilling vows and oaths based on the disastrous events at Gibeah and how those events traced through the entire history of Israel and even occupied the mind of Christ on the way to the cross

Events Surrounding The Return Of Christ: Class 5 'This Honor Have All Th...

This series of 5 videos, given at Rogue River Bible School in 2015 is the latest version of this excellent series by international speaker Jim Cowie
The series examines from scripture, those things we can expect to happen at the return of Christ to this earth. It will be the most momentous thing ever to have happened in the affairs of modern man and will herald in a new age of worship to the the only true and living God. But who will be invited to be part of that age? what are the events that will lead upto the establishment of this new kingdom? What will the judgement actually be like and where will it be?
With new material BroJim attempts to answer these questions and more in this latest update to this MUST SEE series. Latest Post From our Popular New additions Blog

Whose I am and Whom I Serve: Class 4 – 'Where there is no Vision'

 lovely series examining just how the true followers of Christ should behave  – offering sound advice, Bro Jonathan leads us on a journey that will help and encourage all those who are serious about leading a life in Christ – that when he returns to this Earth to establish God’s kingdom, we need not be ashamed!

Blessed with Faithful Abraham: Study 6 'They went both of them together'

This series given in North Battleford early in 2016 is a wonderful series examining the special relationship that exists between God and his faithful servant Abraham.
Abraham had to come through many trials and obstacles throughout his life and yet remained faithful to the end – despite not physically receiving the promises made to him by God while alive, it is recorded of him by James, that…  the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God.braham will be raised when Christ returns to the Earth to set up the promised kingdom and Abraham – the Father of many nations will receive his inheritance. A wonderfully uplifting video series that you may want to watch twice – it’s that good!

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Monday, 6 June 2016

Does it matter What we Believe?

It does matter what we believe as without a true and sound understanding of the Bible, God and the Lord Jesus Christ we are without Hope of salvation and eternal life.

Matters of Conscience: Overview

What does the bible teach us about matters of conscience and what falls into this category - how should we deal with those who we feel are contrary to the commandments of Christ - this video introduces to the subject and two further talks follow....

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The Vision Of God's Glory - Isaiah 6

 This great vision is explained in its historical setting. The glory is eventually exhibited in the Son of God, and ought to impel all those who follow him

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Britain, the Bible & Europe - End Times Prophecy

On Thursday June 5, 1975, the people of Britain were asked to vote "Yes" or "No" to membership of what was then called "The Common Market." Pamphlets were sent out to everyone by the Government of Prime Minister Harold Wilson. The official Government pamphlet read: "Britain's New Deal in Europe: Her Majesty's Government have decided to recommend to the British People to vote for staying in the Community." Now, over forty years later another referendum is to be held onThursday, 23rd of June 2016, and the Government of David Cameron has sent out a pamphlet with the heading "Why the Government believes that voting to remain in the European Union is the best decision for the UK." Latest Post From our Popular New additions Blog

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

A Tale of Two Cities: Jerusalem and Rome

These two cities are linked together and have been since the Roman occupation of the land of Israel, both are dealt with extensively in the bible but only one is favoured by God.