Saturday, 27 August 2016

Elisha the forgotten Prophet Study 6 'Meal Healed Pottage'

Succeeding the dramatic prophet Elijah, Elisha worked among the people to effect change in Israel through the school of the prophets. His example was such that he provides an excellent model for those who seek to serve the God of Israel

Monday, 15 August 2016

The Future of Britain and the Coming Kingdom of God On Earth

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Elisha the forgotten Prophet: Study 5 'The Gift Of A Son'

Succeeding the dramatic prophet Elijah, Elisha worked among the people to effect change in Israel through the school of the prophets. His example was such that he provides an excellent model for those who seek to serve the God of Israel

In the Footsteps of the Patriarchs Day 10 Jordan Part 3

This series documents the recent visit to the middle east. The tour was led by Bro Jim Cowie and covers large parts of the middle east where we know the Patriarchs visited. With Bible in hand this tour brings to life the ink on the pages - real people, real places, real promises. Latest Post From our Popular New additions Blog

Putin Mends broken relations with Turkey's Erdogan

Friday, 12 August 2016

America the Young Lion

Last week was the anniversary of the start of WWI.  It was a war that seemed to unexpectedly start and with all of the military alliances of the central powers and the triple entente it quickly spread from the Balkans.  Welcome to the Bible in News, this is John Billington with you this week.

It was July 28th, 1914 when Austria- Hungary declared war on Serbia, which in the end dragged in Germany, Russia, France and Great Britian and importantly the Ottoman Empire.  When America finally joined it was dubbed the war to end all wars.  When the war was over the map had completely changed.  The most important development that came out of the war was the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Balfour Declaration. Latest Post From our Popular New additions Blog

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Britain in Bible Prophecy

For over 40 years Britain has been part of the European
Economic Community and then the European Union.
However, the Bible indicates that Britain and the mainland
European nations will be on different sides of an awful war
called the 'battle of Armageddon'. This, the Bible tells us, will
take place just before Jesus Christ will return to the earth to
set up God's Kingdom.

The Brexit : God's Plan For the Endtimes

The analysis is constant and free flowing in the media, but no one really knows what will happen next – Bible students have long expected Britain to distance itself from Europe and now it has happened. (see this video from Jan 2015 …
So what do we expect to happen now to bring about God’s will on this Earth. Watch this in-depth video outlining what the Christadelphian community expect to see happening in world events according to Bible Prophecy.

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Elisha the forgotten Prophet: Study 3 'Elisha & The Salt Healed Waters'

Succeeding the dramatic prophet Elijah, Elisha worked among the people to effect change in Israel through the school of the prophets. His example was such that he provides an excellent model for those who seek to serve the God of Israel

The Time Came that the Saints Possessed the Kingdom: The times of the Ge...

Having looked at how all the nations will gather against Israel through teachings of the Dragon, the Beast and the False Prophet, we will look at the battle of Armageddon and how the saints will take the kingdom and establish the rule of Christ in the earth, centred out of Israel – the nation he will redeem and save from the Gentile hoards. Latest Post From our Popular New additions Blog

The Work Of The Angels: Study 4 'Angelic Ministration through the ages'

Consideration of Angelic Ministrations from the 1st to 21st Century from a historical perspective to accomplish God's purpose. The apocalypse is shown as the master Angelic plan for the ages. '

In the Footsteps of the Patriarchs Day 9 Jordan Part 2

This series documents the recent visit to the middle east. The tour was led by Bro Jim Cowie and covers large parts of the middle east where we know the Patriarchs visited. With Bible in hand this tour brings to life the ink on the pages - real people, real places, real promises.

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Friday, 5 August 2016

BREXIT: A Sign of Christ's soon Return

The recent events in the United Kingdom have shocked the world, and sent financial markets into turmoil. Around the globe, experts and the media have described this as “an earthquake”“a tragedy”, and as I just heard on the radio this Sunday afternoon “an absolute catastrophe”. We have all heard a lot about this. What you may not have heard is the rather surprising news that the Bible has predicted events just like this.

The Bible Predicts a Future Russian Invasion of Israel

The ancient names of nations are clearly identified, setting the scene for the battle of Armageddon. Ezekiel 38 is explained in detail.

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“And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue ...

“And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.”  - Video posts

Seeing the Invisible God

Coming to understand God, is to learn how He reveals Himself and deals with His people. It is necessary to learn about God from the Bible and appreciate His dealings with men and women, working through His prophets and His own son. 

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The Prodigal Son

The finely drawn characters of the father and his two sons are full of instruction for us all.The father sets the standard of willingness to restore to fellowship a repentant sinner who returns. Which one of Jacob's sons may Jesus have had in mind when he spoke about the prodigal son?

Going to Church won't get you to Heaven!

The church teaching of heaven going has no Biblical foundation. The state of death is explained, along with the sure hope of the resurrection and the coming Kingdom of God.

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Jerusalem: City of Trouble or City of Peace

Throughout history Jerusalem has been the most troubled city on earth. The Bible predicts that a glorious future for Jerusalem when Jesus Christ rules God’s kingdom.

Asa The Healer - Part 3

The details of Asa’s reign are considered and his great example in leading the nation to honour God.

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Elisha the forgotten Prophet: Study 2 'A Double Portion'

Succeeding the dramatic prophet Elijah, Elisha worked among the people to effect change in Israel through the school of the prophets. His example was such that he provides an excellent model for those who seek to serve the God of Israel

Prophecies in Daniel

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Agur Son of Jakeh: Study 6: 'The Eagle'

The name Agur occurs just once in scripture, and that being in Proverbs 30:1. It has become the subject of great conjecture amongst the scholars not only as to his identity, and whether Agur is a prophet of God or just a character within the pages of Scripture. This study looks at the practical lessons Agur makes for the reader as well and the deep spiritual meanings within Proverbs 30.

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Why historians take the Bible seriously.

A most convincing and entertaining seminar on how the Bible we have today, can be relied upon for its accuracy

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The Work Of The Angels: Study 1 - 'Angelic Ministry' New Testament

Angels are God's messengers, involved in important developments in the first advent of Jesus Christ, now working unseen to help believers and to influence the outcome of events in the world. The immortal saints will have a similar role among the mortal population during the Millennium.

God's Messenger: The Book Of Malachi Study 5 'Who may abide the day of ...

Among Yahweh's prophets, Malachi breathes forth the spirit of the truth in a style and manner that is essentially distinctive and compelling. To study this book is to become involved in a narrative that is gripping and demanding, and yet sublime and awesome in its revelation of vital divine principles which should be understood by all who would serve the Living God "in spirit and in truth".ruth".

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In the Footsteps of the Patriarchs Day 8 Syria part 6

In the Footsteps of the Patriarchs Day 8 Syria part 6 

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Elisha the forgotten Prophet: Study 1

Succeeding the dramatic prophet Elijah, Elisha worked among the people to effect change in Israel through the school of the prophets. His example was such that he provides an excellent model for those who seek to serve the God of Israel

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Agur Son of Jakeh: Study 5 'A Generation'

The name Agur occurs just once in scripture, and that being in Proverbs 30:1. It has become the subject of great conjecture amongst the scholars not only as to his identity, and whether Agur is a prophet of God or just a character within the pages of Scripture. This study looks at the practical lessons Agur makes for the reader as well and the deep spiritual meanings within Proverbs 30.

The Work Of The Angels: Study 3 'Angels and Archangels'

Angels are innumerable, operating in a hierarchical structure, working in unity with different roles and time periods.

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In the Footsteps of the Patriarchs Day 7 Syria part 5

This series documents the recent visit to the middle east. The tour was led by Bro Jim Cowie and covers large parts of the middle east where we know the Patriarchs visited. With Bible in hand this tour brings to life the ink on the pages - real people, real places, real promises.