Tuesday, 20 December 2016

The Shocking Truth of 'The Post Truth' Era

Understanding the Lord's Prayer

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Elijah: A still Small Voice

The remarkable use of Psalm 110 in the New Testament

Description: This Psalm is the most quoted Psalm in the NT and demonstrates the position of Christ as Son of God, who would occupy a position superior even to King David.

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Sin Its Origin Effects and Overthrow

Zephaniah: STUDY 3 Final message of Hope And Glory

This 3 part study series by Brother Andrew Cridland was given during Oct / Nov 2016 at the Christadelphian Cumberland Ecclesia and deals extensively with the Judgements of Yahweh.
God so loves His people that He cannot bear their worship of false gods. As the Kingdom of Judah declines, God's prophet threatens judgment on a disobedient nation. However, the last part of the prophecy is encouraging, because God will restore the nation to favour and ultimate blessing.

The subject is bleak, a miserable story of a wicked era, .
The speaker says that 'Leaping over the threshold' (Zeph 1:9) means a burglary, but there is a margin reference to 1 Sam 5:5 to show it's about idolatry

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Do All tothe Glory of God: Study 4 - The Danger of Idolatry

Study 4 - Samuel cried unto the LORD for Israel

This series of studies was given at the Cumberland ecclesia in Australia in Oct 2016
Bro Ken Styles is from the Royal Oak ecclesia in the USA and is a longtime supporter of Christadelphianvideo.org.
This is an excellent study of the life and times of Samuel and Ken has wonderfully brought out much for the listener to reflect upon and apply to our own walk as we await Christ’s return to tthisEarth to establish God’s Kingdom.

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Study 5 Babylonian apostasy in Israel – Ahab, Jezebel, Elijah and Elis...

This study series was given at the School of the Prophets in 2016 – A valuable in-depth examination of the role of the Kings and Prophets who presided of Israel and Judah. Make sure you have your Bible Marking pens at the ready!

ELISHA: The Man Of God: Study 4 'Two faithful women in diverse circumst...

This series of excellent talks was given at the Kouts Ecclesia in the USA on the 8-9th Oct 2016. The example of Elisha is considered in depth and wonderful lessons drawn out. The examples of Bible Characters, good and bad, are provided for our learning – that we may understand how best to serve our God in the time available.

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Holiness in the Last Days Eph 5v1 20

This talk to teenagers, facing the challenges to faith in the last generation before Christ returns, warns against being caught unawares. God intends for our conscience to protect us from sin, as long as we have not let it be seared, by our associating with evil. The prospect of a Kingdom of Righteousness is a powerful motivating influence in our life.

Monday, 12 December 2016

Studies in John's Gospel: Part 1 'Birth', Nicodemus and Being Born Again

The speaker, Martin Webster (Canada) in these studies looks at 5 different aspects taken from the Gospel according to John.

The speaker, Martin Webster (Canada) in these studies looks at 5 different aspects taken from the Gospel according to John.

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Friday, 9 December 2016

Russia & Syria in Bible Prophecy - Don Pearce

The Speaker examines the history of this damaged land and how important it is in the unfolding of God's plan with the Earth. Syria is never out of the news at the moment but this fascinating talk helps us to appreciate it's significance in light of current events.Russia's relationship with Syria is also examined in this study showing how Russia's position in the middle east is greatly strengthened by her presence in this area - some we expect to see as await the great northern power of Ezekiel 38 to grow in stature and power and presence.

Why did Jesus Have to Die?

Why did Jesus have to die?
Some people say that God is unloving, uncaring and has no compassion, in that he allowed a sinless man to die a horrible death on the cross, whereas the Bible makes it clear it is the total opposite. But like all questions posed, the Bible has a sensible answer. Watch this video to find what that answer is..

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Paul's Letter To The Romans Study 8 'The purpose of the Law'

If Christ Died For Us - Why Do We Die?

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Do All tothe Glory of God: Study 2 - That by all means save some

 The trading and cultural background of Corinth is outlined to demonstrate the issues which challenged the teaching of God. There are many lessons for how to conduct our life, not by a stoical rejectionism, but a focus on the way of God that He alone might be glorified

Famous Sayings: 'Pride Comes Before a Fall'

Two examples in Scripture are outlined where the pride of man is dealt with, as GOD hates a proud spirit but loves a humble and contrite one. The speaker finished with a delight phase “Be humble you or you will stumbl Latest Post From our Popular New additions Blog

The days of Samuel - Study 2 My heart rejoiceth in the LORD

This series of studies was given at the Cumberland ecclesia in Australia in Oct 2016
Bro Ken Styles is from the Royal Oak ecclesia in the USA and is a longtime supporter of Christadelphianvideo.org.
This is an excellent study of the life and times of Samuel and Ken has wonderfully brought out much for the listener to reflect upon and apply to our own walk as we await Christ’s return to tthisEarth to establish God’s Kingdom

Study 3 Wreckers and reformers – Rehoboam, Jeroboam, Abijah, Asa and J...

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ELISHA: The Man Of God: Study 2 'The spirit of Elijah rests on Elisha'