Monday, 11 December 2017

Explored: The 'RAPTURE' Fiction or Bible Teaching?

Description: This non-Biblical doctrine is explained from its beginnings. Developed as a Jesuit theory to answer the reformers’ identification of the Roman Catholic Church as antichrist, this teaching has now been adopted many modern churches. Many aspects of this teaching deny Bible fundamental doctrine. 

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Sunday, 19 November 2017

North, South or in Israel Prophecy Fulfilling! The Battle of the two Eag...

The prophecy of Ezekiel 38, speaks of an invasion of Israel in the later days after there has been a regathering from the nations. The principal invader is from the uttermost parts of the north from Israel. There are other powers that are with him. Ezekiel says, "Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet” Latest Post From our Popular New additions Blog

Saturday, 9 September 2017

Taking God's Name in Vain: What does it mean?

Taking God's Name in Vain: What does it mean?

Description: The Name of God expresses the principal aspects of His Character, which are grace, mercy and forgiveness. God expects these godly principles to drive our behaviour; otherwise, we take His Name in vain. We must reflect upon His Name and manifest Him in our action

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Wednesday, 16 August 2017

WHAT NEXT? Russia's Dream, Europe's Destiny and the Finger of God!

Description: As the finger of God wrote before the coming destruction in Daniels day, so prophecy has been written, to warn of the movements of nations before God will move once more.

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Tuesday, 1 August 2017

1967 The Liberation of Jerusalem & its Biblical Significance Study 2 'Si...

Description: Beginning with a dramatic film of footage taken during the six day war, the prophetic warnings of the Lord are presented. The restoration of Israel is a key Bible doctrine which shows we are living in the last days when all things will be fulfilled.

This year saw the 50th anniversary of the 1967 6 day war.

To mark the event and its significance to the bible student in relation to Bible Prophecy a series of special studies have been produced

Description: This excellent series first given at the Woodgate Youth Day on the 8th July 2017 by Bro Matt Davies (Nottingham Forest Road) comprises of three studies each dealing with different aspects of the war as laid out below

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God Declares Russia Will Invade Israel and Egypt: WHY?

 Description: This is a most interesting talk on why these three nations are so important in the plan and purpose of GOD, and what His ultimate aim is for each of these countries.

Monday, 24 July 2017

Minor Characters of the Gospel: Study 5 - 'Nicodemus'

We are thrilled to bring you this wonderful series by Bro Neville Clark ( TeaTree Gully). In this series Bro Neville focuses on some of the lesser know characters of the New Testament.
  studies in total
1: Jarius
2: Mary Magdalene
3: Rich Young Ruler
4: Mary, Martha, Lazarus
5: Nicodemus
Study 5: Nicodemus: Nicodemus was a Pharisee and a member of the Sanhedrin. He matured from disciple of the night to identify with the dead body of the Lord and finally become a member of the Jerusalem Ecclesia.

Saturday, 22 July 2017

1967 The Liberation of Jerusalem & its Biblical Significance Study 1 'T...

Description: Beginning with a dramatic film of footage taken during the six day war, the prophetic warnings of the Lord are presented. 

The restoration of Israel is a key Bible doctrine which shows we are living in the last days when all things will be fulfilled.
This year saw the 50th anniversary of the 1967 6 day war.

 To mark the event and its significance to the bible student in relation to Bible Prophecy a series of special studies have been produced

Description: This excellent series first given at the Woodgate Youth Day on the 8th July 2017 by Bro Matt Davies (Nottingham Forest Road) comprises of three studies each dealing with different aspects of the war as laid out below

Study 1: “The Magnitude of the Miracle” Latest Post From our Popular New additions Blog

Monday, 17 July 2017

The Declaration of Destruction

Man has since the beginning of time had the freedom of choice. It is embedded in the very fibre of life and society. It has the GREAT potential to be beneficial to mankind, if applied correctly. But there is a hidden DANGER, a danger that is 100% detrimental to humanity, and it is running rampant. The question is when, not if, will this hidden danger blow out of control and will you be immune to it?.

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Israel's Future as prophecied by the Bible Robbie Posie

Description: God called Abram out of Mesapotamia and made promises concerning the nation of Israel. These same promises also incorporate non-Jews who are included in God's purpose and ultimately reaches out to all mankind.

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WOW! Genetic Code Base Pair Proves lethal to humanity! Part 1

The Genetic Code of humans was first explored in around 1866. Since then the understanding surrounding the code has improved considerably. However there is a base pair within the code that has eluded humanity for thousands of years and has the potential to be lethal to the human race.

Watch this video to find out why the Word of God is reliable and trustworthy.

Friday, 23 June 2017

Jerusalem: Source of World Conflict and World Peace

The conflict surrounding Jerusalem, whose it is, who should live there, who should be in control of the Temple mount has been intensified over the past 50 years. The real issue goes back to the promises made to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David and Solomon. In this presentation, we discuss how Jerusalem has been the center of world controversy throughout the ages, how it is destined to be the catalysis of Armageddon and then of world peace.

Watch this video

 Watch more video by Jonathan Bowen here

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Thursday, 22 June 2017

Will there ever be Peace on Earth

Description: The present attempts for peace seem vain. The Bible teaches that certain conditions need to be in place to ensure peace is achievable and lasting.

Monday, 1 May 2017

Why Does God Allow Suffering?

Description: Many people say that a God of love would not allow suffering, but in fact suffering is evidence that God exists!  The Bible describes what led to suffering and how ultimately God is make the changes for a world without suffering.

Bible Seminar: Current World Events - Fitting into Gods Mould

 Description:  Bible prophecy predicts the significant world nations separating into 2 opposing sides in a great conflict. Current events involving Libya, Estonia, Great Britain, the European Union, Russia and the United States all align with the prediction! God is in control and will achieve His ultimate purpose when the world will be safely inhabited.

Sunday, 30 April 2017

MUST SEE! Prophetic Scriptural Pattern reveals the destiny of Europe:

The world is in turmoil. The recent exit of Britain from the EU, the financial crisis in Europe, terror attacks in France, ISIL, and the global beating of the war drums by the nations show us just how close we are to the return of Jesus Christ. In this video we take a look at a video released in Feb 2016 revealing a prophetic pattern in Scripture that depicts the destiny of Europe and the nations. A viewing not to be missed as it gives us the opportunity to see how accurate and significant  the word of God is

For up to date information and unreleased videos Follow our Blog via email here....

Saturday, 22 April 2017

The World's Nations: On Brink of World War 3 & Nuclear War - Bible in th...

These last two weeks saw a rise of tensions in North Korea as the US sends a carrier group to the area, fallout from the gas attack in Syria followed by the US strike against Syrian bases, a referendum in Turkey giving Erdogan dictatorial powers, and a the call for an election in Britain to help move BREXIT further  ahead, ISIS attacks in the Sinai, along thwarted terror bombings in France, all of which are causing consternation worldwide and causing stability to dissipate.

 Click image to play Video

Sunday, 26 February 2017

The Work Of The Angels - Rugby Bible Prophecy day 2017

This presentation is split into three sections

Angels – the heavenly host

Daniel a Case study

God is in Control

Angels – the heavenly host

The Bible gives us a picture of God’s throne, surrounded by his angels, ‘ministers’ that do his commandments, Ps 103: 19-104:4.

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Sunday, 19 February 2017

NEWS UPDATE: : EU turns to Russia for help with Libya - RUSSIA FILLING T...

Libyan General Khalif Haftar boarded the Russian Aircraft Carrier as it passed through the Mediterranean waking the world up to the fact that Russia is now sticking its oar into the Libyan waters as its next point of influence. Bible prophecy has predicted such a move and we watch with great interest as the angels are at work

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Thursday, 16 February 2017

Hebrews: In these last days *The story of the Jerusalem Ecclesia*

The warnings of this epistle are as relevant to us today as it was when it was first written - Brother Ron brings out some stark warnings for the ecclesias today.

For up to date information and unreleased videos Follow our Blog via email here....

 For more videos by Ron Cowie follow this link...

 The audio for this video was provided by the following organisation.

 The Adelaide Christadelphian Suburban Young People

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

A PERFECT STORM! The Coming Financial Crisis! - God's Answer.

At some point in time, all bubbles burst! Presently, there is a bubble growing that has the potential to lead to the systemic collapse of the world’s financial markets. It is no longer a matter of whether this will happen, but, rather, when. The inevitable result will be chaos, uncertainty and great unrest.
In this fascinating video, Matthew Trowell explains the underlying reasons for this looming financial storm; what the potential consequences will be; and how these signs suggest that the return of Jesus Christ is close at hand.
The financial structure of the world’s monetary system is discussed, and the historic changes outlined. The present financial instability guarantees its collapse and indicate we are on the eve of a time of unparalleled distress.

Sunday, 29 January 2017

NEWS UPDATE: Doomsday Clock Apocalypse is 30 seconds closer

REVEALED - The Faulty Foundation of the Catholic Church - MUST SEE!!

The Roman Catholic Church claims its authority as the successor of the Apostle Peter. In this class we discuss the authenticity of the case. Witness include the Apostles, Popes and writings of the Church which are cross examined against the teachings of the Bible. The claim of succession and authority becomes an indictment when considering what the scriptures have to say. This class is appeal to “come out of her my people”.

Saturday, 28 January 2017

The Bible shows Russia will invade Israel

Throughout scripture the prophets of old show that in the latter days a northern confederacy with invade the mountains of Israel. Currents events show clearly we are at the very edge of this becoming a reality..

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Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Bible Prophecy Watchman: Watch Israel in 2017 !!

To truly understand the bible message we need to focus on what happens to the nation of Israel - God's chosen people - this video outlines just why they are important and how we are able to discern the signs of the times by watching what happens to them.