Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Israel's Future as prophecied by the Bible Robbie Posie

Description: God called Abram out of Mesapotamia and made promises concerning the nation of Israel. These same promises also incorporate non-Jews who are included in God's purpose and ultimately reaches out to all mankind.

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WOW! Genetic Code Base Pair Proves lethal to humanity! Part 1

The Genetic Code of humans was first explored in around 1866. Since then the understanding surrounding the code has improved considerably. However there is a base pair within the code that has eluded humanity for thousands of years and has the potential to be lethal to the human race.

Watch this video to find out why the Word of God is reliable and trustworthy.

Friday, 23 June 2017

Jerusalem: Source of World Conflict and World Peace

The conflict surrounding Jerusalem, whose it is, who should live there, who should be in control of the Temple mount has been intensified over the past 50 years. The real issue goes back to the promises made to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David and Solomon. In this presentation, we discuss how Jerusalem has been the center of world controversy throughout the ages, how it is destined to be the catalysis of Armageddon and then of world peace.

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Thursday, 22 June 2017

Will there ever be Peace on Earth

Description: The present attempts for peace seem vain. The Bible teaches that certain conditions need to be in place to ensure peace is achievable and lasting.