Friday, 28 December 2018

Britain's Prime Minister May WREXIT but Britain Will Still Leave the EU ...

The finger of God has indicated divergent courses for Britain and the European Union, which will see Britain ultimate leave, no matter how rough the storm will be in the meantime. The scriptures are clear, and the path forward will be directed by angelic hands.

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Thursday, 13 December 2018

MUST SEE 2018 in Review Bible Prophecy in Action in Todat's World Ne...

Stop what you are doing and watch this video!!
Description: The constant flow of disturbing news is well portrayed. The world is experiencing a realignment of nations while political leaders traverse various countries to have talks and negotiate terms. Europe is lining up to be a modern Roman Empire, Arab countries have allied with Israel while Russia is expanding her influence, even into Africa. All this is clearly indicated in latter day Bible prophecy.

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Friday, 30 November 2018

Must See!! The gathering of the nations to Armageddon -How & why it will...

Israel remains at the center of the world's political attention for good reason - it is at the center of Bible prophecy concerning the last days. Throughout the Bible, in both the Old and New Testaments, a culminating battle is described that unites the forces of Russia, Europe and the Vatican in an effort to destroy Israel. Prophecy also describes how God will use the outcome of this battle at Armageddon to establish the Kingdom of God on earth.

 watch all four videos here.

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Bible Exhibition Mini Tour With Farsi Translation

Video Description: Have you ever given serious consideration to what is happening in the world? The Bible has been largely neglected by modern generations for its ability to show those things which God has declared 'shall shortly come to pass'

The Lord God has seen fit to preserve his word in written form so those who wish to seek him can do so.

The Bible, in the format we have it today, is partly a result of personal sacrifices made by many individuals, whose only intent was that the masses could read it for themselves (and not have to rely on 'Church teaching' ) to obtain the salvation that is promised by God within its pages.

The world in which we live has become increasingly uncertain and men's hearts are concerned only with what they want! The Bible teaches us a better way and this exhibition is a demonstration of the history of how the Bible came to be compiled.

Have you read the Bible lately? you may be surprised!

This Mini Bible exhibition was held in the SALE ecclesia and this video is a tour of that exhibition with translation into Farsi.

You can visit our Farsi playlist here...

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Sunday, 18 November 2018

**MUST SEE** End of Days Prophecy Happening NOW!: RUSSIA and the Coming ...

Description: See here compelling and exciting evidence to see what the Bible foretold 1000s of years ago is taking place before our eyes. The dominance of Russia as a military power in the middle east is a clear sign that Jesus Christ will soon appear to establish the Kingdom of God on this earth. We need to be prepared for that great day

Saturday, 17 November 2018

THE HOPE OF ISRAEL - Signs of the Times Prophecy Day Nov 2018 Part 1/4

 Description: These four studies present strong evidence from Scriptural and secular writings, identifying all the parties involved in the time-frame of the latter days, involving Israel, and the fulfillment of God’s promises. An inspiration for us, to watch and hold fast, time is short.

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Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Living on the Edge of the Kingdom Age Class 1 'The Merchants of Tarshish...

Video Description: A four class series given by Bro Jonathan Bowen. Theme : Living on the Knife Edge of the Kingdom

Class # 1.  The Merchants of Tarshish and all the Young Lions
Class # 2. Europe:  Giving power and strength to the beast
Class # 3. Russia :  King of the North shall come against them
Class # 4. Israel: When I gather again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem
Exhort # 5. Look up, lift up your heads for your redemption draws nigh.
Watch this video series to find out why the Word of God is reliable and trustworthy.

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Russia on Israel's Border & on the Warpath For WW3!!

Ever given serious consideration to what is happening in the world? The Bible has been largely neglected by modern generations for it’s ability to show those things which God has declared ‘shall shortly come to pass’
The world in which we live has become increasingly uncertain and men’s hearts are concerned only with what they want! The Bible prophecied this time would come – A time, just before the return of Jesus Christ to the Earth. Have you read the Bible lately? you may be surprised!
Detailed examination of the ‘sign’s of the Times’ in relation to Bible Prophecy – Current events are building up to the position where Christ will soon return to the earth – Russia will take Turkey back to herself, but this may be after the faithful are taken to Judgement. Russia’s invasion of Egypt then Israel will bring forth the wrath of God upon the Nations administered by the Saints, (Ezek 38, Zech 14, etc) With the build-up of Russian and Iranian forces near the Golan, Israel is feeling increasingly under threat, Iran has declared it wants Israel wiped from the face of the planet and who knows what the Russian plan is!. Russia appears to be the new friend of the middle east – but at what cost to Israel!!!

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Gunpowder, Treason and Plot - Bonfire NIght: What does it all mean?

Description: Arising from a contention between the Catholic an Anglican Churches, there was an attempt to blow up the English Parliament. The Bible prophecy of the ‘man of sin’ claiming pre-eminence and power is examined and identified as the claims of the Papacy to supremacy over all Christians. It was a capital offence to translate into the common languages or distribute the Bible.

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

The State of the World - What in the world is going on??

Ever given serious consideration to what is happening in the world? The Bible has been largely neglected by modern generations for it's ability to show those things which God has declared 'shall shortly come to pass' The world in which we live has become increasingly uncertain and men's hearts are concerned only with what they want! The Bible prophecied this time would come - A time, just before the return of Jesus Christ to the Earth. Have you read the Bible lately? you may be surprised! 

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Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Christ Will Return to Establish Gods Kingdom

Description: By looking at how the disciples viewed the Kingdom of God it is clear that the Kingdom is actually that established with Israel on the earth. They understood that but just not when it would happen. This talk leads us through the disciples' growth and understanding. Events indicate that the time is near so we must be prepared.

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Thursday, 25 October 2018

Israel in Prophecy: What should we look for?

Description: The relevance of the Bible record for our times is highlighted in the outworking of Bible prophecy. The foundation of the Christadelphian movement with its clear insight into the events of the day and where they must ultimately lead, has been vindicated. In more recent years, the meaning of other lesser prophecies are now becoming clearly apparent.   

The Apostle Paul’s Use of Prophecy
Description: Paul warned of the coming of a great religious falling away from God’s truth. This apostate leader would exalt himself and sit as in the temple of God. This was a re-emergence of the ancient Babylonian religion and was reinstituted in Rome, St John the Lateran which called ‘the house of God’.  

Israel in Bible Prophecy: What is left that we should look for?
Description: In short there is nothing yet to expect before our Lord returns. Bible believers have expected the demise of the Turkish Empire to permit the revival of Israel. 70 years from Israel’s restoration, Israel has legalised the status of Jerusalem and is further developing the West Bank.
Comments:  40 min  There are no Arab states who come against Israel!!! Wow! At long last someone sees the point!!!
Living in the Kingdom
Description The organisation of the Kingdom of God is outlined, as centralised in a great temple in Jerusalem, the centre of worship and international government. As we learn about the wonder of God’s prophecies, we come to appreciate the magnitude of the divine purpose. This should lead us to keep the charge now, that we may serve under the King in Jerusalem.

Israel in Bible Prophecy: What is left that should we look for?

The Bible is full of Prophecies - Ever wondered what Bible prophecy is still to be fulfilled concerning Israel?
This video goes into great detail regarding such prophecies and establises just what prophecies are still yet to be fulfilled.

Bible believers have expected the demise of the Turkish Empire to permit the revival of Israel. 70 years from Israel’s restoration, Israel has legalised the status of Jerusalem and is further developing the West Bank.

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Monday, 22 October 2018

JEPHTHAH'S VOW! What actually happened - Did he sacrifice his Daughter?

Video Description: Description: Jephthah was a man of true faith, who knew his Bible history, and made a vow asking for the Father’s help against the Ammonites, leaving the Father to decide the value of his offering. And when the Father asked for his most precious possession, he faithfully committed his daughter in service to Him.

Friday, 19 October 2018

RUSSIA INVADES AFRICA!! End times Bible Prophecy - The Cold War is back ...

According to the Russian Foreign Minister, the Cold War is back with a vengeance. The Battle for Africa is on, and Russia is moving in on Sudan, Eritrea, and Ethiopia, the nations that make up ancient “Ethiopia” as well as Libya, both described as marching with the Russians in the latter days.

A curious phrase in Daniel 11 shows Libya and Ethiopia in alliance with the King of the North at the time of the end:

Sunday, 14 October 2018

Suffering: Does God Really Care?

Video Description: Description: There are all types of suffering. For some people suffering brings them closer to God and for others it puts up a barrier. Adam and Eve brought on us all pain and suffering by choosing to disobey God’s command. We also can choose to follow God or please ourselves. Suffering can teach us about ourselves and helps form our character. Jesus learned obedience by the things which he suffered.

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Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Tarshish, Brexit and the Chequers plan: The plans to keep Britain attach...

Brexit is set to happen on the 29th March 2019 but there are frantic attempts to keep some sort of deal in place with the EU. Scared by the unknowns of a world outside of the EU some in the British leadership are doing all they can to keep as attached as possible to Europe.
The scriptures of truth have outlined the destiny of Britain in the latter days and it is not part of the political or close economic union that the EU demands. The separation cannot be stopped.

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Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Jerusalem: Past, Present and Future

Video Description: Description: The ancient city of Jerusalem, has a long history which is outlined. Though the Bible outlines a future battle at Jerusalem, it will ultimately be a city of peace, the centre of the administration of the coming Kingdom of God.

Monday, 17 September 2018

Demons in The Bible: EXPLAINED - In-depth Bible Study

Video Description: A thoroughly researched study looking at this little-understood subject. The Speaker goes to great lengths to explain Demons and Demon Possession. This video is what we would class a study rather than preaching material and it is certainly worth using for your Bible Class or for personal study. By Far the most exhaustive study video we have on this divisive subject - 5 Stars!!

Saturday, 15 September 2018

Palestinian Funding Slashed! Is This the Beginning of the End for the Pa...

Ezekiel 36 is an interesting place to look regarding the current situation in the mountains of Israel as it is a prophecy directed specifically to that area. It mentions how certain of Israel’s enemies will say, as they now do, that this land belongs to them.

“Also, thou son of man, prophesy unto the mountains of Israel, and say, Ye mountains of Israel, hear the word of the LORD: Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because the enemy hath said against you, Aha, even the ancient high places are ours in possession: Therefore prophesy and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because they have made you desolate, and swallowed you up on every side, that ye might be a possession unto the residue of the heathen, and ye are taken up in the lips of talkers, and are an infamy of the people: Therefore, ye mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord GOD; Thus saith the Lord GOD to the mountains, and to the hills, to the rivers, and to the valleys, to the desolate wastes, and to the cities that are forsaken, which became a prey and derision to the residue of the heathen that are round about;” Ezekiel 36:1-4, KJV.

God sees how they are despised by the Nations, focuses on the mountains particularly, verse 1, and the area that the Nations have taken as a prey, verse 4. Latest Post From our Popular New additions Blog

Sunday, 9 September 2018

WAKE UP! Global Conflict Imminent! -: Joel 3: 'I will also Gather 'ALL' ...

Ever wondered about the prophecy of Joel CPT 3? – well this exciting video provides an in-depth study into this prophecy and considers just how it is being fulfilled… literally today! hot off the press this video discusses the upcoming conflict in Idlib, potentially a game changer for the region, Russia, Turkey and Iran all have an interest here and this video features news clips and commentary relating to this.

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Wednesday, 5 September 2018

The Return of Christ: Study 3 'The Judgement seat'

Jesus will return to the earth

Jesus’ life began when he was born about 2,000 years ago. He willingly offered himself as a sacrifice for sin. Because he was sinless, God raised him from the dead and he is now in heaven with his Father. He will return from there as King of the world.

Matthew 25:31-34, Acts 1:10,11, Acts 3:20,21, Revelation 22:20

The return of Jesus is very near

Bible prophecy is being fulfilled and there are many signs today to show that the coming of Jesus is near. These include the return of the Jews to their land and the establishment of the State of Israel, falling moral standards, people not interested in God, and many problems in the world.

Daniel 12:1,2, Ezekiel 37:1-4,11 Luke 21:24-33, 2 Timothy 3:1-5

 The Kingdom of God will be on the earth

The Old Testament Kingdom of Israel was God’s kingdom on earth in the past. It will be restored when the Lord Jesus returns. He will reign until all God’s enemies are destroyed. Then the world will be perfect and Jesus Christ will deliver the kingdom to God.

1 Chronicles 29:23, Jeremiah 3:17, Micah 4:1-8, Revelation 11:15Latest Post From our Popular New additions Blog

Epic Prophetic Milestones: The Breath Came Into Them, Class 4

Video Description: Description: Conquered by Rome, the Jewish people were killed and dispersed throughout the world. Living in about 100 countries, they kept their identity and observed their customs. Pictures and people who visited the land in the 1800’s, show a desolate land, with a sparse population. It seemed impossible that the people would be restored to the land, yet the preaching of the pioneer brethren focused on the prophecies of Israel’s restoration.

 Watch them all here..

Epic Prophetic Milestones: The Breath Came Into Them, Class 4

 Video Description: Description: Conquered by Rome, the Jewish people were killed and dispersed throughout the world. Living in about 100 countries, they kept their identity and observed their customs. Pictures and people who visited the land in the 1800’s, show a desolate land, with a sparse population. It seemed impossible that the people would be restored to the land, yet the preaching of the pioneer brethren focused on the prophecies of Israel’s restoration.

 Watch them all here.. Latest Post From our Popular New additions Blog

The Fruit of the Knowledge of Good & Evil: 3 God Can Bring Good Out Of Evil

This series of studies given at the 2018 SWCBS - were presented by Brother Frank Abel from the Book road ecclesia Ontarion Canada.


1: The Garden of Eden

2: The Enormity of Sin

3: God can bring good out of evil

4: Mankind's response to evil

5: Our inclination to evil

6: Overcome evil with good.

 Watch them all here..

If God Be For us: Pt 2 'Tell God Every Detail Of Your Needs'

 Video Description: Description: A series of practical talks that we might be mindful of God in our lives. In our dealings with each other, we need to bring our thoughts and actions into harmony with Christ, forgiving and reaching out to each other.

 watch the whole series here.. Latest Post From our Popular New additions Blog

Peter: The First Disciple - Study 2 'Lord Save me'

Description:   This is an emotionally captivating story of Simon Peter’s conversion as a new creation in Christ as he lived and walked with our Master, our Lord, our Brother and our very best friend; the Messiah. This 5-part study takes us on an intimate journey as a disciple of Jesus Christ. It’s common knowledge that there were 12 disciples that accompanied Jesus on his ministry. Why is Peter always listed first in the record?  You’ll discover this answer along with how to personally face the inevitable storms, trials, and daily struggle of life by finding the true freedom that comes from following Christ – the starter (alpha) and the finisher (omega) of our faith!
Video Description: 2018 Manitoulin Bible Camp Study Series held between July 28 – August 4th 2018
The Theme was
“Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it.”
Psalm 34:14
Bro. Peter Owen, Mumbles Ecclesia, UK
“Peter – The First Disciple”
Study 1: Seek the LORD while he may be found.
Study 2: Lord Save me
Study 3: This is my Beloved Son Hear him
Study 4: Lord, Wither Thou Goest
Study 5: Follow Thou Me

Seek Ye First Study 2: 'Taste and see that Yahweh is Good'

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Prophecy in the Ecumenical Age Part 3

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Ezekiel's Temple, Study 7 The Holy Oblation and the Allocation of the La...

Description: The final study of this series deals with the division of the land for tribal possession. Land is also set aside for the priests, near to the Temple where they will serve. This equates with the positioning of the Levites near to the Tabernacle in the wilderness.

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Ezekiel's Temple, Study 7 The Holy Oblation and the Allocation of the La...

Description: The final study of this series deals with the division of the land for tribal possession. Land is also set aside for the priests, near to the Temple where they will serve. This equates with the positioning of the Levites near to the Tabernacle in the wilderness.

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The man of Sin in Ireland: Papal visit to Ireland - analysis

Friday, 31 August 2018

Part of the Family: 'The Movie'

As the situation for Jews in Nazi-occupied Europe deteriorated, some parents made one of the ultimate sacrifices: to give up their children to strangers via the Kindertransport. Starting in 1938, the Kindertransport allowed Jewish parents in Germany, Austria, and Czechoslovakia to send their children to Great Britain. 250 of these children came to live with Christadelphians.

Click image to watch the Movie.

Monday, 27 August 2018

WOW! -Russia is circling the prey, looking to take a slice out of Turkey!!

 “And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates.” (Revelation 9:13–14)

The first three angels were the Seljuk Turks under Togrul Beg, the Mongols under Gengis Khan, and the Moguls under Tamerlane. These all flooded into the Byzantine third of the Roman Empire. The Fourth Angel was the Ottoman Turks who were unleashed on the Byzantium, and conquered it in 1453 under Mehemet II, establishing the Ottoman Empire that lasted until 1917.
America and Turkey have engaged in an economic war of tariffs and sanctions. Turkey's place in NATO is being questioned - unbalancing the status quo in the Middle East as it is a buffer between Russia and the Middle East and between the Middle East and Europe. All the while Russia is circling the prey, looking to take a slice out of Turkey. In this edition of the Bible in the News we examine the storm that has been brewing and the prophecies related to it.

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Thursday, 23 August 2018

*MUST SEE** -'FROG LIKE SPIRITS' Gathering the Nations to Armageddon

This is an insightful and revealing study into the 'Frog-like spirits' mentioned in scripture. The speaker goes to great lengths to demonstrate from his research that it is this spirit that is the driving force behind political and religious systems

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

Hosea: Love Story: Marriages of Hosea and Yahweh to Unfaithul Spouses

Description: Hosea’s experience of an unfaithful wife becomes the model of God’s patience and forgiveness over His unfaithful people. Despite the moral and spiritual degeneracy of Israel, the lesson of the book portrays the wonder of God’s willingness to forgive, and shows the teaching of the triumph of grace over law. The connection of God with Israel is not transactional; it is about relationships. God works with His people, and with us to bring about His forgiveness that His ultimate purpose might be accomplished. Latest Post From our Popular New additions Blog

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Jesus Said – …be of good cheer; I have overcome the world

Description: This positive advice from Jesus for his disciples was to prepare them for the difficult times ahead.

Thursday, 7 June 2018

Solomon And His Cabinet: Class 1 ‘Beloved of Yah’

Solomon And His Cabinet: Class 1 ‘Beloved of Yah’: This series By Brother Mark O’Grady was given at Swanwick Family Bible School in 2018. We were unable to obtain permission to use the recordings from that event so we have located the same se…

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

*WOW! Russia’s new weapons!* – The nations are preparing for War – Bible in the News Video Post

*WOW! Russia’s new weapons!* – The nations are preparing for War – Bible in the News Video PostThis week we review Russia’s scary new weapons which will be ready for use in the next two years. The nations are indeed preparing for the great conflict of the latter days as we would expect from Bible prophecy. 

Monday, 4 June 2018

Israel Will Survive! - The Christadelphian Watchman Prophecy Update

Considering that Israel, according to the Bible are God’s chosen people, they do not seem to be in a good place at the moment; surrounded by hostile nations and people. In this video we examine why!

Monday, 28 May 2018

70 Years of Struggle 1948 – 2018

70 Years of Struggle 1948 – 2018: Video Description: Description: Israel has had a continuous struggle since it’s establishment in 1948, but it shall not always be so. The Bible speaks of an incredible future that awaits this land,…

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Friday, 25 May 2018

Cameos Of The Kingdom – Jim Cowie Bible Study 5 part Series

Cameos Of The Kingdom – Jim Cowie Bible Study 5 part Series: This superb series was given on the 10-11th Feb 2017 at the Norfolk (USA) Study weekend. The literality of the temple building described in detail in Ezekiel’s prophecy is reinforced and expa…

Sunday, 6 May 2018

Israel, Rebirth of a Nation Proof that God Exists

The rebirth of the State of Israel on 14 May 1948, and its continued existence is an amazing fulfilment of predictions in the Bible written 2,500 years ago.

God said of Israel “I will take you from the nations and gather you from all the countries and bring you into your own land.” (Ezekiel 36:24)

The return of Jewish people to their biblical homeland of Israel is also a sign that Jesus Christ will return to the earth to establish God’s

kingdom. In Luke 21:24-27 Jesus says that when Jerusalem is in Jewish control again he will be about to return and give eternal life to his true followers.

This year will see the 70th anniversary of this historic event – In Tel Aviv, at midnight on the 14th day of May 1948 saw Israel declare independence from under British administration (At midnight the British Mandate of Palestine is officially terminated and the State of Israel comes into being.)

The next day, May the 15th four of the seven countries of the Arab League at that time  – Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Syria ( backed by Arab volunteers invade the territory of the newly formed state- The resulting war lasts for 13 months – but despite the Israeli army only being approx 100,000 in size at the peak of the engagement – the Israeli army triumphed.

How did the Nation survive this onslaught? – was it chance? was it great planning and execution of a preconceived plan by the army leaders?

No, it is much more simple than that!

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

The Development of the Apostasy: Class 1 - T'he Apocalypse Suffering Jez...

We live in the time period when the great “climax” of 2000 years of revelation will come to a head.

Yet at the very end when all these things will come to their fruition there seems to be a loss of interest in the detail and message of the great apocalypse.

The pressures of the world are encroaching on ecclesial life at staggering rates

As a community, our desire for THE TRUTH has been superseded by a desire for SOCIALSHIP under the guise of greater FELLOWSHIP

What we are forgetting is the only thing that binds us all together is the WORD OF GOD – it is on this basis, and this basis – and this basis only that we have fellowship one with another

We hope these studies will help us to refocus our minds on the nearness of Christ’s return and the need to get back to the roots of “what manner of people” we ought to be.

 This version of these studies was first presented at the Silver Star Bible School in 2004 by Brother Jonathan Bowen

Can't Wait?

 You can watch the whole box set here...

Friday, 27 April 2018

Monday, 23 April 2018

Britain against Russia, a sign of the times

Britain against Russia - a sign of the times
Bible prophecy and Russia and Britain at odds in the latter days
April 8, 2018 - Audio, 18.26 MIN
(Links at bottom of page to download free viewers.)
Can we expect to see Russia and the UK at odds from Bible prophecy? Ezekiel 38 indicates that we can. This week in Bible in the news we consider Britain and Russia in prophecy. 
Hello this is Matt Davies joining you.

The latter days

Ezekiel 38 is a fascinating prophecy because it outlines to us the state of the nations in “the latter days”. This phrase is very interesting to consider. When we come across phrases in the Bible which repeat it is because God, through His inspiration of His prophets, is revealing something for us to consider. “The Latter Days” is a ‘sign post phrase’. It is referring to a specific time in history. Consider what the Bible has to say about this time period:
  • The people of Israel will have returned to their land after a period of dispersion (Hosea 3:5)
  • The nation of Moab (area of Jordan) would be restored after a time of non-existence (Jer 48:47)
  • Israel will be victorious over their Arab neighbors (Num 24:14)
  • A power to the North will attack Israel but will come to his end (Daniel 10:14&11:40-45)
  • Israel will face a time of tribulation which will cause them to reflect on God (Deut 4:30 & 31:29, Jeremiah 21:20, 30:24)
  • God’s law will go forth from Zion and all nations will obey it (Isa 2:2, Micah 4:1)
The prophecy of Ezekiel 38 has a lot to say about this time period. “The latter days” is mentioned in verse 16 so we know this is a revelation of events which take place at the same time as the other passages we have referred to.

Like the other passages, we see the “latter days” is a time period when Israel has returned after a period of dispersion. The prophecy focuses on “the mountains of Israel” which is the modern day “West bank” area. It mentions the Jews who live there as living in places which were “desolate places that are now inhabited” (v12). The inhabitants are those who “are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land”.

Therefore this is speaking of our times. The state of Israel came into existence in 1948 and Jews have been settling in the area of the mountains of Israel ever since - much to the disgust of the nations of the world.

We know therefore we are living in the “latter day” period. The time when ultimately a great conflict will take place with the regathered people of Israel but will end up with the Kingdom of God being established on the earth.

The invader from the North as Russia

Ezekiel 38, like Daniel 11, tells us of a great invading force which comes from the North (Eze 38:15). What is interesting about it, is that it gives us the names of the nations who will be involved. The names though are the ancient names of those nations.

We are told the invading force is headed up by a mysterious man called “Gog”. He is “the prince of Rosh” (NKJV).

According to the Hebrew scholar Gesenius
"Rosh is a “proper name of a northern nation, mentioned with Tubal and Meshech; undoubtedly the Russians, who are mentioned by Byzantine writers of the tenth century, under the name oi Î¡̔ῶÏ‚ (Ros), dwelling to the north of Taurus [Mountains in Turkey], and described by Ibn Fosslan, an Arabic writer of the same age, as dwelling on the river Rha (Wolga [Volga]).”
Gesenius', Hebrew Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament

Another scholar called “Clyde E Billington Jr.” states: 
“Historical, ethnological, and archaeological evidence all favour the conclusion that the Rosh people of Ezekiel 38-39 were the ancestors of the Rus/Ros people of Europe and Asia. The Rosh people who are mentioned in Ezekiel were well known to ancient and medieval writers by a variety of names which all derived from the names of Tiras and Rosh. Those Rosh people who lived to the north of the Black Sea in ancient and medieval times were called the Rus/Ros/Rox/Aorsi from very early times. From this mixture with Salvs and with the Varangian Rus in the 9th century, the Rosh people of the area north of the Black Sea formed the people known today as the Russians.”
Clyde E Billington Jr., The Rosh People In History And Prophecy (Part Three) Michigan Theological Journal (Spring 1993)

From this evidence, Gog then is the leader of the Russians. Currently, the leader of the Russians is Vladimir Putin. Putin recently won another election as Russia’s president which will keep him in power for another six years.

We are not saying Putin is the Gog of Ezekiel 38 but he is certainly showing the same ruthless aggression and tactical intelligence that we might expect from Gog. Gog though may still be waiting in the shadows learning from the behavior of Putin as Russia becomes great.

In Ezekiel 38 verses 1-9 we read of Gog aligning Russia with other nations to invade Israel. Also with Russia are Persia (Iran), Etheopia and Libya (Northern African nations), Gomer (Western Europe), Magog (Eastern Europe) and the house of Togamer (the Turkic nations).

Tarshish as Britain

The British power is also in Ezekiel 38 but is not with the attacking force who comes against Israel. They are found in verse 13 under the name of ‘Tarshish’.

There are some very good Biblical and historical reasons for concluding Britain is Tarshish. Looking at the clues we get from the Bible we can see that Tarshish is a trading power operating in the region of Sheba & Dedan (modern-day Gulf States). We’re told that in Ezekiel 38:13. Also in Ezekiel 38:13 we read that there are political “young lions” - that is nations who are now independent of their ‘Tarshish’ mother lion. We, therefore, conclude that Tarshish is a colonial power.

From other parts of the Bible, we find that the Tarshish people are descended from Japheth & an area which is an island or coastal land (Gen 10:4-5). It is thought that descendants from these men immigrated to the far West of Europe.

In passages such as 2 Chron 9:21 Psalm 48:7 Isaiah 2:16, 23:1, 60:9 and Ezekiel 27:25 Tarshish was known as an ancient maritime power. Some of the oldest boats ever discovered have been found in and around Britain.

Tarshish was an ancient trading power who was active in global markets and in the past, it particularly traded with India 2 Chron 9:20-21. In Isaiah 23:6 we read Tarshish would take over from the trade of Tyre (Phoenicians).

From Ezekiel 27:12 we can see that in ancient times Tarshish was a source of silver, iron, tin and lead & traded with the ancient Phoenicians of Tyre. These metals are located in abundance in Britain and there is abundant evidence that they have been mined from ancient times.

When you piece all of these things together it would appear that only Britain fulfills the requirements of the Biblical clues of who Tarshish is.

Rosh and Tarshish

What does this Tarshish power do in Ezekiel 38? two points here:
  1. Tarshish is on opposite sites to the Rosh power.
  2. When Russia and her confederacy invades Israel the Tarshish power can only say “Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil?” (v13). Although they pose this question it does not appear that any action is or can be taken against the aggression of Gog.
Therefore we can expect, in the time period of the latter days when Israel have returned to their land a distancing of the powers of Britain and Russia. We can expect Russia to be dominant and aggressive and Britain, although having the pride to verbally stand up to the Russian power, to not have the teeth to do anything to stop an invasion from Russia into Israel.

The events in the news we are witnessing indicate that these predictions from the Bible are holding true.

Bible in the News

On March 3rd this year a Russian lady called “Yulia” arrived in London from Moscow. She was there to visit her Father, Sergei Skripal.

Skripal was a former Russian double agent. Sergei Skripal was jailed by Russia for spying for but released as part of a spy swap between the US and Russia in 2010.
Sergei Skripal, 66, and his daughter Yulia, 33 - source: BBC
According to the Evening Standard he had recently written to Putin and asked to be pardoned so he could visit his home country.

On March 4th, Yulia was in Salisbury, in the South of England and met up for a drink with her father Sergei. At about 2:20 pm they went to a pizza restaurant.

2 Hours later, they were on a bench outside the Pizza restaurant. A member of the public was calling 999 after seeing the pair in a terrible condition. They were showing all the symptoms of a serious poisoning and it was doubtful the pair would survive.

The next day Wiltshire Police declare what has happened as a “major incident”. Boris Johnson the UK Foreign Secretary declared that Britain would "respond appropriately and robustly" if Russia was involved.

On March 12th, the British Priminister, Theresa May gave a speech and revealed that that the Skripals were poisoned with a Russian-made nerve agent called Novichok, and calls on Russia to give a "credible response". She set a deadline for Russia to respond. They chose not to.

The prime minister said there were    two plausible explanations “Either this was a direct by the Russian state against our country, or the Russian government lost control of this potentially catastrophically damaging nerve agent and allowed it to get into the hands of others.”

In a news report by the Guardian it was reported:
“May made clear that she believed there was already “a backdrop of a well-established pattern of Russian state aggression” – listing the illegal annexation of Crimea, violating European airspace and a “sustained campaign of cyber-espionage and disruption”, including “meddling in and hacking the Danish ministry of defence and the Bundestag, among many others”. She also spoke of the extrajudicial killing of terrorists and dissidents outside Russia and the murder of Litvinenko.”
After the deadline was ignored  23 Russian “undeclared intelligence officers” were expelled by Britain. Many other nations condemned Russia and expelled diplomats in solidarity with the UK.
May gave Russia a deadline to respond.
Britain has not shown their evidence that the nerve agent was Russian and this has led to some in the international community condemning Britain. Russia denies all connections with the attack.

The game continues though.

On the 7th of April the BBC ran a report entitled “Russian spy: Embassy request is tactic, says ”. The report came after Russia had asked for a meeting with the UK to discuss the incident. the report stated:
“The Foreign Office has described a Russian request for a meeting with Boris Johnson on the Salisbury poisoning as a "diversionary tactic". The Foreign Office said Russia's response had been "unsatisfactory", as it had been three weeks since Russia was asked to "engage constructively". The Russian Embassy said it was "high time" for a meeting on the inquiry. Current interaction between the embassy and the Foreign Office was "utterly unsatisfactory", it said. The Foreign Office said it would respond to the invitation for a meeting between Ambassador Alexander Yakovenko and Foreign Secretary Johnson "in due course". It said: "It's over three weeks since we asked Russia to engage constructively and answer a number of questions relating to the attempted assassinations of Skripal and his daughter. "Now, after failing in their attempts the UN and international chemical weapons watchdog this week and with the victims' condition improving, they seem to be pursuing a different diversionary tactic."
So as we watch with Bibles in hand we see that the Tarshish power and the people of the Rosh are indeed on separate sides as we would expect from Bible prophecy. As the great conflict of the latter days comes closer the pieces are being arranged so that the nations can take their place just as the prophets of old stated they would by the power of the living God.

The Kingdom of God

We are in the latter days. We are witnessing the formation of the nations as the prophecies of the Bible have predicted.

We’ll end the Bible in the News this week by quoting from Isaiah 2 and other events which will soon unfold on the world stage in “the latter days”. These are descriptions of the coming literal and physical Kingdom of God which Jesus Christ will soon establish on the earth when he returns to sit on the throne of his Father David and the Kingdom of Israel is once again restored. The signs are there to warn us and also encourage us that soon the reality of that Kingdom will be here. 
“And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. 
And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war .” Isaiah 2:2-4

Thursday, 12 April 2018

Macron sparks uproar by reaching out to …Catholic Church - Christadelphi...

 News Report

Remarks by French President Emmanuel Macron that he wanted to repair church-state ties caused uproar Tuesday, sparking charges he was tampering with France's longstanding secular tradition.
The Catholic Church and the state were for centuries virtually indistinguishable in France but the 1789 Revolution and 19th century modernisation saw the two formally separated by a 1905 law.
Macron, who prides himself on tackling difficult issues head-on, told a meeting of bishops Monday that he hoped to repair relations with the Church through a "dialogue of truth".
"A president of the French republic who takes no interest in the Church and its Catholics would be failing in his duty," he said.
Former socialist prime minister Manuel Valls, who backed Macron for president in 2017, tweeted that "secularism is France".
The French revolution came about because of the persecution the Catholic church perpetrated upon anyone who didn’t agree with them. In the Book of Revelation chapter 11:3, we read of the Two Witnesses, they were a mixed group of people who were Protestants, anti-Papists, anti-Catholic who championed civil and religious rights against the laws and rules the Catholic church was trying to force upon them. Also, among these people, were Jews and those who believed in the Bible, and how it pointed to the birth, life and death of the Lord Jesus and also his resurrection along with the Kingdom of peace, Jesus would bring with him when he returned to the earth.
This punishment in the 16th century of Catholicism prophesies in the Bible, destroyed the Catholic church, killed many of the priests and the royalty with Madam Guillotine and many priests were sent into exile, church property sold off and all personal titles were banned.
According to some, President Macron is a Jesuit, and if so, will be keen, along with Germany, to contribute to the establishing of another Holy Roman Empire based in Germany and Austria which Napoleon destroyed in the Battle of Osterlich. The point is, Macron being a Jesuit, is now contributing to helping the return of this Catholic system into Europe. We know that many of the heads of the European Union, are similarly Jesuits and are also trying to bring about this oppressive system back into Europe
After the revolution, France became a secular society, and the Motto of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity are also prophesied in the Bible, described as three frog spirits, which then propagated throughout Europe causing many other revolutions and encouraging people to go away from the good God-given laws and wisdom in the Bible, giving rise to the Humanistic attitude today that, anyone, can do and believe what they like as long as it doesn’t affect others. Unfortunately, it does affect others, it effects the whole society and in process of time, will bring this modern age unto the same Judgements which God brought upon the Catholic church.

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Saturday, 7 April 2018

Great News for the World: Return of Christ Is Certain - Part 1

Moderator: Bro. Frank Abel Guest: Bro. Jim Styles

In the early 1970’s, Bre. Frank Abel and Peter Robinson did live religious call-in TV programs on the Kitchener Cable TV station. In 1976, Bro. Frank thought that the programs should have a much wider audience. So in 1976 a committee was formed to do just that. In August of 1977, 26 programs (2 later programs made to summarize the series) were made at the commercial Barrie TV station studio. They were titled ‘Great News for the World’. For one year these programs ran on this station in Barrie at 12:00 noon on Sundays and later on Global TV in Toronto.

Lebanon: In Bible Prophecy and in the News!!!

Isaiah 33:9, tells us that Lebanon will be ashamed and hewn down but in the Kingdom period after Christ’s return, we read:
“The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose. It shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice even with joy and singing: the glory of Lebanon shall be given unto it, the excellency of Carmel and Sharon, they shall see the glory of the LORD, and the excellency of our God.” Isaiah 35:1

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Friday, 6 April 2018

War on the West: Russia’s Growing Threat to Britain & NATO

The April issue of the Bible Magazine is now at the printer and highlights the escalating tensions between Russia and the West, and between Britain and the Autocrat Putin in particular. According to a headline in the U.K.’s Sunday Express:

“Russia on brink of WAR threat: Kremlin warns UK is walking a ‘dangerous’ and ‘INSANE’ path.”
And again in the same paper:
“World War 3: Russian jets’ ‘DARK MISSIONS’ over Baltic spark fears of covert invasion.”
The paper went on to say:
“The alarming news comes off the back of reports, Russia has been extending its military reach into northern Europe.”
An earlier article in The Times newspaper (now reproduced in the Bible Magazine) had the headline  “Vladimir Putin is preparing for Armageddon.” Yet another news headline read: “Tensions between the UK and Russia are at breaking point. If things were to escalate to war, Vladimir Putin owns a terrifying war chest at his disposal.”
Current Issue of The Bible Magazine
As tension has escalated during the past month, Russia has issued warnings to Britain. For example:
“Maria Zakharova, a Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman, said the prime minister’s plans to sanction Russia, including its decision to expel 23 Russian diplomats from the UK, was extraordinarily dangerous. She warned Moscow was still working on retaliatory measures against Britain for the biggest such expulsion since the Cold War following the poisoning, which left Mr Skripal and his daughter critically ill.
“At a routine briefing, Ms Zakharova told reporters she wanted to comment on ‘the statements made by the prime minister of Britain in parliament with completely insane accusations towards the Russian Federation, our entire country, our entire people.’
“She said: ‘In connection with the introduction by Britain of unfriendly steps towards Russia, we plan to introduce reciprocal steps, without doubt... They are currently being worked on and will be adopted in the near future.’ “
Such warnings to the West by Russia go largely unheeded. This may not be wise because the Sure Word of Prophecy DOES tell us about the overwhelming power of Russia (the latter-day King of the North) and of his whirlwind invasion, when many countries will be overthrown—Daniel 11:40, 41.
Europe’s “Lukewarm” Support
The German Foreign Minister was less than enthusiastic in his support for Britain in its row with Russia. He said that it was a “bilateral issue” and that the U. K. “should clarify details of the evidence” that Russia had been behind the poisoning attack.
Another crack in the European response came when Bulgaria said that it will not expel Russian diplomats. There are now 9 EU states that will not support Britain.
A Development Foretold
Now the coming together of Europe and Russia was foretold in the Bible, and was commented upon by several of those who were able to explain its prophecies to their contemporaries. 150 years ago one of the most remarkable explanations of this development was given by John Thomas in his book Elpis Israel (published 1849). In his comment upon the Image prophecy of Daniel chapter 2 he noted the fact that this Image—representing the empires of men—is to be smitten and broken in pieces together (see verses 35 and 45). He wrote:
“The idea I would convey is well expressed by the prophet, saying, ‘The God in heaven, who revealeth secrets, maketh known to the king what shall be in the latter days’ (Daniel 2:28). That is, there will be in the latter days a dominion, ruling over all the countries mainly comprehended in the limits of the successive empires of Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome; and represented by the Image as a whole; and which will be broken by a power from heaven, which will utterly destroy it, and set up an empire which will cover all the territory it possessed.

Title page of 'Anatolia,' written by John Thomas in 1854
He continued: “Now, there has never yet existed a single dominion, contemporary with the toe-kingdoms, and of course comprehending them in its jurisdiction, which could claim to be represented by Nebuchadnezzar’s Image. In order, then, to prepare for the catastrophe, the Image which is now in antagonistic parts, must be confederate, in other words, a dominion must arise before the setting up of the kingdom of God, which shall rule over these territories.”
In other words,  he was saying that Europe must be incorporated into this future Image-empire.
In 1854 the author of Elpis Israel published another work entitled “Russia Triumphant and Europe Chained!” This was a detailed exposition of Daniel’s prophecy.
This was followed by many other Christadelphian works, all covering the same ground. For example in 1885 a Christadelphian newspaper carried the headline:
So Vladimir Putin’s War on the West is no surprise to Christadelphian Bible students who follow the same path trodden by John Thomas well over a century ago.. The Bible Magazine has published several articles on the topic over the years—for example:
Vol. 17 Issue # 1 2003/4 “Russia’s Triumph over Europe.”
Vol. 21 Issue # 4 in 2008 “Russia Triumphant and Europe Chained.”
Today, as we see “Putin’s War on the West” taking shape again, we must realize that the prophetic word is sure and certain. There is no change. Russia will build up its image-empire as a preliminary to the fulfillment of Ezekiel chapter 38. The April issue of the Bible Magazine gives the background to this prophecy and explains where events are heading and how they involve Israel. You can obtain a free copy by contacting:
The Bible Magazine, PO Box 514, Burford, Ontario, N0E 1A0 Canada
This has been Paul Billington bringing you this edition of the Bible in the News.
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Saturday, 31 March 2018

Britain backs out, Russia Rallies and Europe Unites How long left have we got? Video post

Britain backs out, Russia Rallies and Europe Unites How long left have we got? Video post: Description: There is growing danger of great-power conflict due to Russia’s military build-up. Nations are fearful as Russia becomes a threat to all of Europe. The Bible shows that Christ wi…

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Friday, 30 March 2018

Christadelphian Watchman Prophecy Update : Now let's look at Europe and ...

So what is happening with Russia?  It seems the whole world is turning against them after recent events and yet Scripture informs us that Europe and Russia will be joined in some form - Is Russia preparing to invade Europe or will the situation be resolved!!!!

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Marriage as defined by the Bible is Relevant for today

Description: Statistics of relationships and marriage are presented and contrasted with God’s teaching from the very beginning. Bible teaching shows that marriage develops love and attachment, providing stability for children in society.

Monday, 19 March 2018

Zechariah Prophecies for the last Days Study 6 They shall look upon me w...

What to know what happens before Armageddon? This excellent study outlines the events in detail using Zech 14, Dan 11 and Exek 38.Analysing each key phrase in detail the Speaker developed a time line and timetable for the terrible events that are shortly to unfold in the middle east bringing about the destruction of 2/3rds of the inhabitants of Israel.

Description: The book of Zechariah is set in the historic context of the return of Israel after the Babylonian captivity. As they rebuild the nation and their ancient city, they faced disappointments and challenges. There are lessons we can learn in order to keep our focus on the great God. Today, the world faces an international issue over Jerusalem; truly it has become “a burdensome stone for all people” and will be the climax that activates divine intervention.

Monday, 5 March 2018

The 6th Vial: 'Drying Up The Euphrates' Inc Previously unknown facts

The First of three studies given at the Rugby Bible Prophecy Day 2018.
This Study looks at the events surrounding and leading upto and the 'Drying Up' of the Ottoman empire late in the 20th Century that pathed the way to the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948.

Exclusively revealed are detailed records and personal accounts of those directly involved. We are grateful to the Waddesdon Manor Archive for granting the speaker access to some revealing and previously unpublished material which demonstrates just how the key players involved in the decision process leading upto the repatriation of Jews to their homeland was very much motivated with the Bible's prophecies concerning Jerusalem in mind.

A fascinating study, showing how the hand of God is omnipresent in all the affairs of man concerning HIs people.

The 6th Vial: 'Drying Up The Euphrates' Inc Previously unknown facts

Sunday, 25 February 2018

Sunday, 18 February 2018

PREPARE WAR! Israel Clashes with Iran - The 'Persia' of Latter day Bible...

Iran has used the vacuum of the Syrian civil war to create a foothold in Syria which has caused great alarm in Israel. This week we look at recent developments with Bible in hand as we see rumblings in the North. Welcome to Bible in the News. This is Matt Davies joining you.
Last Saturday an Iranian drone was destroyed by Israelis after it entered Israeli airspace. It had taken off from Syria. In repose Israel launched eight jets to strike at the drones launch site. As they were conducting the strike in Syrian territory Syrian antiaircraft missiles were fired on the jets and one was hit, causing the pilot to eject and the plane to crash.
According to the Guardian newspaper in their report entitled “Israel launches 'large-scale' attack in Syria after fighter jet crashes”, Israel destroyed four Iranian targets near Damascus.

Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Bible is quoted directly in the headlines of the news all over the world Bible in the News Video Post

Bible is quoted directly in the headlines of the news all over the world Bible in the News Video Post: Abraham makes headlines, but Jerusalem not off the table. Abraham and the words of the prophet Ezekiel made headlines during this past week or so, as the Bible is quoted directly in the headlines o…

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Monday, 29 January 2018

Study 1: The unmistakable sign of the fig tree in 2017

Study 1: The unmistakable sign of the fig tree in 2017: 1 Description: Israel, typified by the fig tree, has burst into life in fulfillment of many Bible prophecies. This is God’s doing, to restore the nation as He promised. Soon Christ will retur…

Study 1: The unmistakable sign of the fig tree in 2017

Study 1: The unmistakable sign of the fig tree in 2017: 1 Description: Israel, typified by the fig tree, has burst into life in fulfillment of many Bible prophecies. This is God’s doing, to restore the nation as He promised. Soon Christ will retur…

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Germany has been Quietly Working to Unite European Militaries since the ...

The Christadelphian Watchman: Prophecy update.
This article – a translation of some German newspaper reports gives us a valuable insight into how Germany has been quietly working towards a German-dominated European army since the 1950’s!

Thursday, 11 January 2018

God's influence seen in 2017. Year End Review

Description: The chaotic start of the world, socially, disasters, wars and terrorism were capped by the announcement of Trump, accepting Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. This has launched Jerusalem as the focus of contention and will lead to Armageddon. The restoration of Israel, a remarkable event, was enabled by a series of events, some quite minor.

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

“PERSIA..With them.” Iran in Bible prophecy - Prophecy in the News