Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Bible is quoted directly in the headlines of the news all over the world Bible in the News Video Post

Bible is quoted directly in the headlines of the news all over the world Bible in the News Video Post: Abraham makes headlines, but Jerusalem not off the table. Abraham and the words of the prophet Ezekiel made headlines during this past week or so, as the Bible is quoted directly in the headlines o…

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Monday, 29 January 2018

Study 1: The unmistakable sign of the fig tree in 2017

Study 1: The unmistakable sign of the fig tree in 2017: 1 Description: Israel, typified by the fig tree, has burst into life in fulfillment of many Bible prophecies. This is God’s doing, to restore the nation as He promised. Soon Christ will retur…

Study 1: The unmistakable sign of the fig tree in 2017

Study 1: The unmistakable sign of the fig tree in 2017: 1 Description: Israel, typified by the fig tree, has burst into life in fulfillment of many Bible prophecies. This is God’s doing, to restore the nation as He promised. Soon Christ will retur…

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Germany has been Quietly Working to Unite European Militaries since the ...

The Christadelphian Watchman: Prophecy update.
This article – a translation of some German newspaper reports gives us a valuable insight into how Germany has been quietly working towards a German-dominated European army since the 1950’s!

Thursday, 11 January 2018

God's influence seen in 2017. Year End Review

Description: The chaotic start of the world, socially, disasters, wars and terrorism were capped by the announcement of Trump, accepting Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. This has launched Jerusalem as the focus of contention and will lead to Armageddon. The restoration of Israel, a remarkable event, was enabled by a series of events, some quite minor.

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

“PERSIA..With them.” Iran in Bible prophecy - Prophecy in the News