Tuesday, 30 October 2018
Christ Will Return to Establish Gods Kingdom
Description: By looking at how the disciples viewed the Kingdom of God it is clear that the Kingdom is actually that established with Israel on the earth. They understood that but just not when it would happen. This talk leads us through the disciples' growth and understanding. Events indicate that the time is near so we must be prepared.
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Thursday, 25 October 2018
Israel in Prophecy: What should we look for?
Description: The relevance of the Bible record for our times is highlighted in the outworking of Bible prophecy. The foundation of the Christadelphian movement with its clear insight into the events of the day and where they must ultimately lead, has been vindicated. In more recent years, the meaning of other lesser prophecies are now becoming clearly apparent.
The Apostle Paul’s Use of Prophecy
Description: Paul warned of the coming of a great religious falling away from God’s truth. This apostate leader would exalt himself and sit as in the temple of God. This was a re-emergence of the ancient Babylonian religion and was reinstituted in Rome, St John the Lateran which called ‘the house of God’.
Israel in Bible Prophecy: What is left that we should look for?
Description: In short there is nothing yet to expect before our Lord returns. Bible believers have expected the demise of the Turkish Empire to permit the revival of Israel. 70 years from Israel’s restoration, Israel has legalised the status of Jerusalem and is further developing the West Bank.
Comments: 40 min There are no Arab states who come against Israel!!! Wow! At long last someone sees the point!!!
Living in the Kingdom
Description The organisation of the Kingdom of God is outlined, as centralised in a great temple in Jerusalem, the centre of worship and international government. As we learn about the wonder of God’s prophecies, we come to appreciate the magnitude of the divine purpose. This should lead us to keep the charge now, that we may serve under the King in Jerusalem.
Israel in Bible Prophecy: What is left that should we look for?
The Bible is full of Prophecies - Ever wondered what Bible prophecy is still to be fulfilled concerning Israel?
This video goes into great detail regarding such prophecies and establises just what prophecies are still yet to be fulfilled.
Bible believers have expected the demise of the Turkish Empire to permit the revival of Israel. 70 years from Israel’s restoration, Israel has legalised the status of Jerusalem and is further developing the West Bank.
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This video goes into great detail regarding such prophecies and establises just what prophecies are still yet to be fulfilled.
Bible believers have expected the demise of the Turkish Empire to permit the revival of Israel. 70 years from Israel’s restoration, Israel has legalised the status of Jerusalem and is further developing the West Bank.
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Monday, 22 October 2018
JEPHTHAH'S VOW! What actually happened - Did he sacrifice his Daughter?
Video Description: Description: Jephthah was a man of true faith, who knew his Bible history, and made a vow asking for the Father’s help against the Ammonites, leaving the Father to decide the value of his offering. And when the Father asked for his most precious possession, he faithfully committed his daughter in service to Him.
Sunday, 21 October 2018
Must See! The Apostle Paul's use of Prophecy: declaring the End times.
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Friday, 19 October 2018
RUSSIA INVADES AFRICA!! End times Bible Prophecy - The Cold War is back ...
According to the Russian Foreign Minister, the Cold War is back with a vengeance. The Battle for Africa is on, and Russia is moving in on Sudan, Eritrea, and Ethiopia, the nations that make up ancient “Ethiopia” as well as Libya, both described as marching with the Russians in the latter days.
A curious phrase in Daniel 11 shows Libya and Ethiopia in alliance with the King of the North at the time of the end:
Sunday, 14 October 2018
Suffering: Does God Really Care?
Video Description: Description: There are all types of suffering. For some people suffering brings them closer to God and for others it puts up a barrier. Adam and Eve brought on us all pain and suffering by choosing to disobey God’s command. We also can choose to follow God or please ourselves. Suffering can teach us about ourselves and helps form our character. Jesus learned obedience by the things which he suffered.
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Latest Post From our Popular New additions Blog
Monday, 8 October 2018
Friday, 5 October 2018
Wednesday, 3 October 2018
Tarshish, Brexit and the Chequers plan: The plans to keep Britain attach...
Brexit is set to happen on the 29th March 2019 but there are frantic attempts to keep some sort of deal in place with the EU. Scared by the unknowns of a world outside of the EU some in the British leadership are doing all they can to keep as attached as possible to Europe.
The scriptures of truth have outlined the destiny of Britain in the latter days and it is not part of the political or close economic union that the EU demands. The separation cannot be stopped.Latest Post From our Popular New additions Blog
Tuesday, 2 October 2018
Jerusalem: Past, Present and Future
Video Description: Description: The ancient city of Jerusalem, has a long history which is outlined. Though the Bible outlines a future battle at Jerusalem, it will ultimately be a city of peace, the centre of the administration of the coming Kingdom of God.
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