Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Bible Q&A: The Kingdom of God - What does the Bible actually say?

Description: The Bible clearly promises the restoration of the Kingdom of God, initially set up with Israel. This will involve the return of Christ who is the heir to the throne. At last, the nations of the earth will experience peace and justice. You can read more about this subject in more detail here.. https://bibletruthandprophecy.com/in-defence-of-our-faith/#kingdomwhen

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Monday, 30 December 2019

The Long finned Australian Eel - A wonder of Creation

This video takes a look at the remarkable life of the long finned eel, which inhabits coastal and inland waters of eastern Australia. Some truly remarkable instinctive behaviours give testimony to the hand of a Creator, without whom we could not make sense of what we see. Prepare to be amazed and ask yourself whether pure chance could have resulted in the behavioural outcomes on display.

Thursday, 19 December 2019

Standing in the moment - Facing Fire with FAITH! Class 1: 'The Overall s...

A four-part series looking at the trial by Fire recorded in the book of Daniel. What faith was demonstated by Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego when they defied Nebuchadnezzar,  king of Babylon, in refusing to worship the Gold idol he had set up. There are great lessons to be found in this account and these 4 talks go into depth and help us to appreciate the courage these men had and how we can learn form their example.

Bible Q&A: The Hope Of The Christian - What does the Bible actually say?

While many at Xmas are thinking about the birth of Christ, this short talk examines the hope, (that as committed Christians) associating ourselves with his death really offers. The Hope offered to all believers is rooted in the ancient promises to Abraham, the Father of Israel. The Hope of Israel is expressed when the angel visited Mary to announce the birth of the Son of God. This Hope is offered to all.
Discover more about this and other 'key' bible subjects here...

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Must See! Russia's Foreign Policy Revealed in Bible Prophecy!

Russia’s provocative moves are only a foretaste of what is to come, leading to the Bible’s prophesied return of Christ to the earth. The Crimea will not be the last territory Russia seizes to its south. Russia’s future moves will include the building of the Gogian confederacy, including Ukraine, Europe and Muslim nations hostile to Israel and ultimately Israel herself will fall under the advancement of the Russian Bear.. 

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

WOW..Bible Prophecy being fulfilled NOW! World News - God's Plan

“As Britain teeters on the edge of Europe and Europe looks to its east for allies, we see the work of the angels in aligning the nations before the return of the Lord.
In Britain, the iron and the clay are struggling to mix as the democratic system is being tested by the desire of the iron establishment to hold onto the status quo and yet the clay has voted that Tarshish should leave Europe.
Russia, Turkey and Iran stand united. Europe, led by Macron and in the face of rejection from Britain, want to move away from Trump’s ideals of internationalism to form political alliances with Russia.
In the middle of world affairs, as ever, is the nation of Israel. The witnesses to the God of the Bible. As they struggle to form a government, at the heart of their internal conflict is the promise of Netanyahu to continue to build on the West Bank. The UN looks on in outrage and many of Israel’s neighbours call for sanctions – meaningful sanctions and if necessary force to stop the building.
Through all this the angels are working to ensure the scene is set for the coming of the just and righteous king, the Lord Jesus Christ, who only can create a kingdom which will fill the whole earth and never be destroyed.
Let us not get angry, frustrated or embroiled in any of the politics of this world. Let us simply watch, with Bibles in our hands, as the divine plan unfolds before our eyes and the world is prepared for the coming of the King.

Does Faith In the Bible Make Sense? Let's look at Prophecy!

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Monday, 28 October 2019

The False Prophet of Revelation Explained npd

Two studies around the theme of The Unclean Spirit like Frogs from the mouth of…
The 1st study ‘The Dragon and the Beast’
the second ‘The False Prophet’ and then the third a signs of the times update for October 2019 this event is held annually and is a great way to keep upto date with the outworking of God’s plan with the earth and Mankind that he placed upon it.

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Wednesday, 23 October 2019

One Bible, Many Churches, HOW DID IT HAPPEN?

A detailed account of how religion has been diluted form the one true religion, the churches role in manipulating believers and doctrine and the psyche behind it all A fascinating study about an incredibly important subject! Watch in Full HD below - Click Image to play ...

Monday, 21 October 2019

Russia, Iran, Israel & the Return of Christ

God gave promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob about 4000 years ago. God promised to give the land of Israel to these Jewish forefathers and their descendants forever. Steve explains how this is relevant to us today and which Bible prophecies will happen in the future to make God's promises a reality. The presentation is based on Ezekiel 38.

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Monday, 14 October 2019

Bible Questions and Answers: The Two Witnesses in Revelation - Who are ...

Chapter 11: A deep understanding of the Bible gives the tools to interpret the symbolic language so that believers can see God's purpose unfold from John's time on Patmos until the Kingdom is established.

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Thursday, 10 October 2019

The Trumpet Calls Israel to Prayer in the Midst of a Storm mp4

While the sea and the waves roar around the world, tens of thousands of Jews gather at the Western Wall to call upon the God of Abraham in prayer, asking for forgiveness and for God to rebuild the temple. 

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

WOW..Bible Prophecy being fulfilled NOW! World News - God's Plan

"As Britain teeters on the edge of Europe and Europe looks to its east for allies, we see the work of the angels in aligning the nations before the return of the Lord.

In Britain, the iron and the clay are struggling to mix as the democratic system is being tested by the desire of the iron establishment to hold onto the status quo and yet the clay has voted that Tarshish should leave Europe. 

Russia, Turkey and Iran stand united. Europe, led by Macron and in the face of rejection from Britain, want to move away from Trump's ideals of internationalism to form political alliances with Russia.

In the middle of world affairs, as ever, is the nation of Israel. The witnesses to the God of the Bible. As they struggle to form a government, at the heart of their internal conflict is the promise of Netanyahu to continue to build on the West Bank. The UN looks on in outrage and many of Israel's neighbours call for sanctions - meaningful sanctions and if necessary force to stop the building.

Through all this the angels are working to ensure the scene is set for the coming of the just and righteous king, the Lord Jesus Christ, who only can create a kingdom which will fill the whole earth and never be destroyed.

Let us not get angry, frustrated or embroiled in any of the politics of this world. Let us simply watch, with Bibles in our hands, as the divine plan unfolds before our eyes and the world is prepared for the coming of the King."

Monday, 7 October 2019

The Problem Of Sin The Marvel of Forgiveness

The speaker examines Sin in the Bible and identifies what can be learnt for ourselves, David's Sin with Bathsheba is one of the examples examined. This is a wonderfully insightful video  - please watch!!

Saturday, 5 October 2019

Signs of the times Rugby 031019 shorter NXPowerLite Copy mp4

Milestones updates are produced throughout the year and have been for many years they give an insight to how world events are unfolding just as the Bible Prophecied. There seems so much happening in the world at the moment and this is also to be considered a sign of the times. The movements of Russia, the EU, and others are fascinating as we see them jockey for position on the world stage. Bro Don and his Farther before him have followed these prophetic milestones for decades, producing books articles and videos to help us all understand the significant outworking of God's plan according to the scriptures.

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Friday, 4 October 2019

** MUST SEE** - The History of Bible Prophecy!

An outstanding class examining just how Bible prophecy has been viewed by Bible scholars through the ages since the assertion of Christ. The Preterist, Continual Historic and the Futurist views of scripture are all examined to see which view is most credible.
Quotes are used from prominent biblical scholas from bygone centuries to demonstrate from their understanding of scripture the outworking of God’s plan and purpose with the nations, some having made predictions 100’s of years in their futures and with amazing accuracy of events unfolding on the Biblical timeline and some within just a couple of years – A fascinating study worhty of any Bible Class.
The Answer to which view is the most credible? – you must watch the video!!

Compilation of Thought for the Day Bible Verses September 2019

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Monday, 23 September 2019

Brexit and the Bible An event that shook the world

While Britain reels in a complex dance with the European Union, and within its own walls, to try to form a deal, a power behind the scenes is orchestrating the outcome. However, the finger of God has indicated a course to be pursued by Britain which cannot be evaded.

Meditations: Our reasonable Service -How is your ecclesia?

The Ecclesia is our spiritual home as we walk the road to the Kingdom - yet how often do we take it for granted? Like any family, our ecclesial home needs our input to remain healthy. Even more so, we ourselves need active contribution to develop our characters in ways which please our Lord.

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Sunday, 22 September 2019

Hallmarks of Design: The Naked Mole Rat

In this video in the Hallmarks of Design series, we look at a strange creature which repulses most people, and yet shows the most brilliant and amazing design mechanisms which allow it to thrive and prosper in its underground environment. Prepare to be enthralled by “The Naked Mole Rat” with all of its very unique features.

Saturday, 21 September 2019

Destination Tarshish for Tea, Toast and Tin!

For many years historians and archeologists have poured over writings, manuscripts, maps, and the like searching for the top secret source of the Phoenicians tin they brought into the eastern Mediterranean.  For the Bronze age to be the bronze age they needed a solid source of tin and the Phoenicians had the just the spot, only they didn’t tell anyone.  Even the great historian Herodotus could not put his finger on it, but this week the lab results are in and we now have the conformation so many have looked for.
Welcome to another edition of the Bible in the News.

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Reasons to Believe... The Hope Of Israel

Welcome to our new series of ' reasons to Believe' short videos.
Description: The Promises of God are founded with Israel and form the basis of the gospel. ‘Despite the cruelty Israel has historically suffered’, their repatriation to their ancient land as a nation ensures that the complete fulfilment of the promises to will be achieved.

Thursday, 12 September 2019

Creation vs all versions of Evolution

Description: This video shows how Theistic Evolution is an attempt to change the unchangeable word of the creator God to make it fit with so called scientific evidence. The video shows how Theistic Evolution is incompatible with the Bible and the Christadelphian Statement of Faith. Watch in Full HD below - Click Image to play ...

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Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Visions of the Kingdom Age Class No 42 Kingdom Visions Cherubim feet

Why are the cherubim feet described as calf feet and brass? How does this relate to other visions of immortalization? What does this tell us about the qualifications for the gift of immortality? Are the 2 feet, cloven in 2, part of a much larger scriptural pattern?

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

1st Century Christianity Challenges Modern Church Teaching


This video compares the scriptural beliefs of the first-century Christians to religion as we know it today and determines the differences.
The great prophecies of Daniel given 2,600 ago are explained. History and archaeology help identify all the symbols used to portray in the prophecies. By examining the Word of God, personal faith is developed and we can be assured of the outworking of the purpose of God.Latest Post From our Popular New additions Blog

Sunday, 8 September 2019

Brexit twists and turns

It’s been another week of twists and turns in the fiasco which is Brexit. As the UK Parliament returned to the business of Brexit on Monday, Prime minister Boris Johnson looks like he has lost control already. In this episode of the Bible in the news we review the week and remind ourselves of Bible prophecy in relation to Britain and the EU.
On Tuesday this week the UK Parliament took control of the parliamentary agenda. Holding sway ‘Remain’ MPs passed legislation to prevent a no-deal Brexit forcing the UK Prime Minister to either have a deal in place before the UK can leave the EU on October 31st or alternatively to request a further delay to Brexit until January 31st 2020 if there is no withdrawal agreement approved by October 19th.

Saturday, 31 August 2019

Britain’s Exit from Catholic Europe, and Russia’s Entrance mp4

The newsrooms around the world have not been quiet over the last few weeks.  This week the plot thickened in the United Kingdom with three ministers flying to meet the Queen to request a suspension of parliament, which was granted causing outrage and protests.  The impression however coming out of No.10 Downing Street is that they are serious about leaving on October 31st, with or without a deal.  The fight in the country is certainly far from over, but we do know from Bible Prophecy that Britain does not belong in Europe.  Whether it happens on October the 31st or not, Britain will leave Europe, even if she has to fight to get out.  That excitement is this week.  Last week however was also worth watching.
Last week another meeting took place, French President Emanuel Macron sat down for a chat with Russian President Vladimir Putin.  When these meetings happen there is always interest from a Bible Prophecy perspective as Bible students have long waited for an empire develop that would include Europe and Russia.  What came out of that meeting certainly shows that those in power in Europe are moving events directly in line with where the scriptures have indicated millennia ago they would.  And with Britain showing every sign that she really may Brexit, Europe will be left to finally pursue her ambitions unimpeded.
Welcome to another edition of the Bible in the News.  This is John Billington with you this week.

Thursday, 29 August 2019

UL - Brisbane Prophecy Day 2019: Upon the Mountains of Israel

2. As God sent an angel to destroy the Assyrian invaders before they could take Jerusalem, so He is to put an end to the Gogian invaders. The Palestinian cause is faltering and Israel’s developing ties with the Arab states prepares them to question Gog’s intentions.

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Sunday, 25 August 2019

Britains Rocky BREXIT Road mp4

Britain’s rocky road to BREXIT has seen many twists and turns over the past few weeks as Boris Johnson has become Prime Minister and is shuttling back and forth to Europe to see if a deal can be made. There are many political intrigues going on, but what we can be confident about is what the scriptures predict… We don’t know how but we know that Britain must leave Europe.

Thursday, 22 August 2019

As Russia & Iran Strengthen Ties, Some Expect Rapture mp4

With Iran, Russia, Britian, the US and now Israel striving for control in the Strait of Hormuz we see additional evidence of Russia assuming its role prophecied in Ezekiel 38.
“2 Son of man, set thy face toward Gog, of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, and prophesy against him,”
“5 Persia, Cush, and Put with them, all of them with shield and helmet;”
“7 Be thou prepared, yea, prepare thyself, thou, and all thy companies that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them.”
Ezekiel 38:2,5,7 ASV
Russia is to be a guardian force to its allies, including Persia (Iran).

Thursday, 1 August 2019

WOW! Brexit: The Destiny Of Britain Foretold In The Bible

An In-depth study into this fascinating subject, 7 key proofs are detailed to show how Britain can be easily identified from scripture and therefore has a key role to play in the outworking of God's plan with the Earth and the Kingdom of men

A Perfect Reflection

Whether we think about a reflection in nature, or how we speak about one thing being a reflection of another, the concept is the same. The original is the benchmark, the standard, and the reflection will be an image of the same – may be very clear, maybe not, depending on the material doing the reflecting. Throughout the Bible, we are directed to this idea. God has always existed, and He is the standard for what is right and good. He wants men and women to develop characters that reflect His own – and this is what pleases Him.

Reading For Life! Glad Tidings Magazine

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Sunday, 28 July 2019

Abraham the man Class 4 'He made a Covenant with Abraham'

The Mountains of Israel What and Where are they, and WHY mp4

 This week we look at what and where are the “mountains of Israel”, an expression we often read of in the book of Ezekiel. Why is this area singled out in prophecy, separate from the rest of the land of Israel?

In Scripture we often read of the “mountains of Israel”, especially in relation to Prophecy. In Eze 34 we read of a prophecy of the return of Israel to these mountains;
“And I will bring them [Israel] out from the people, and gather them from the countries, and will bring them to their own land, and feed them upon the mountains of Israel by the rivers, and in all the inhabited places of the country.”

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Sunday, 21 July 2019

Technology - the Christian and the Problem: Study 1'The Consumer Experie...

First of 3 studies examining the impact of technology on individuals, society, and the ecclesia. The speaker has a degree in marketing and Digital Media and a diploma in television and film production and has worked in the industry for 10 years. He is a Christadelphian and here presents the facts without judgement in the hope that listeners will be better equipt to deal with the growing problems facing parents carers alike. Many scriptures are referenced to provide balance and clarity.

Tom examines the impact of technology on our lives both good and bad and explains the Biblical wisdom of managing technology very carefully.

Saturday, 20 July 2019

'Sensational' Signposts in 2019 - Preparing for Christ's Return are you ...

Description: “Every verse in Ezekiel 38 has been fulfilled or in the process of being fulfilled”. That is a bold statement but this talk shows that it is in fact so. We are living in exciting times as so much is happening in the world in rapid succession and this demonstrates that Christ’s return is very near.

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Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Stop & Think about God's Awesome Creation

GOD is the essential First Cause of the universe. Eternal God existed before the universe and acts within it.

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Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Is the Bible Reliable?

Description: The viewer is led through a series of propositions with factual, historical, archaeological and prophetic evidence demonstrating the reliability of the Bible. By looking at ancient manuscripts and the Dead Sea Scrolls, we are persuaded of the accuracy of the text of the Bible and therefore the truth of its message. The talk has guidance on how to choose the most suitable Bible version for ourselves.

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Sunday, 30 June 2019

5 Facts to Build your life upon.

Introducing a brand new series of short Bible Based studies  called '5facts'

Thrilled to announce a new partnership and website. This site details 5 key facts that demonstrate how one Christadelphian explains his faith. This is a wonderful site with a simple and clear layout The feature presentation outlines five consequences of holding our faith as a basis for daily life.
The 5 facts are...
1: A loving father
2: A Resurrected Jesus
3: A living word
4: Angels at work
5: God is at work in the world
Please SHARE ON YOUR TIMELINES and in groups - in the hope more will see the simple but clear message and respond to the call of the Gospel. We aim to produce 5 shorts from the main video and feature them on this page shortly.

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Five Facts to base your life upon: Fact 3: 'A Living Word'

Key points 

God has placed my feet on the path of life. Without Him I would not know the right way to walk. But God has given His Word, the Bible, to reveal His mind and purpose. In this way, I can learn what is good and my mind can begin to be transformed by meditating on the power of God's word.

The Bible: guidebook for my life

Psalm 119:105 

​Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

The Bible: God's message 

Isaiah 8:20 

To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.

Applying the word to my life

Hebrews 4:12  For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

 My mind can be transformed

Romans 12:2 

...be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God

You may have heard about the Bible, you may even be able to recite some well-known verses, but do you 'KNOW' the 'Bible'?

What the real message of the Bible is and why it is the most important book you will ever read

Thursday, 20 June 2019

Friend or Foe? What Is Britain's Future Relationship with the EU?

As Prime Minister Theresa May prepares to leave office, we examine how her vision for the future relationship between the UK and EU compares with Britain's future role, and the relationship that will exist between the UK and EU at the time of the end.

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Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Bible Miracles: Are they Credible / Believable?

If there is no power higher than Man, miracles don’t happen. However, if a man is part of God’s creation, then miracles are possible because divine power can perform what is extraordinary. God will save those who are humble.

Sunday, 16 June 2019

The Man Of Sin and the Place of His Temple!

Description: The temple of the man of sin has its historical roots in the ancient system of Babylon. Babylon captured the city of Jerusalem and took its holy vessels – this plundering guaranteed the collapse of Babylon. However, the pagan system of worship was revived in a pseudo-christian system enthroned in Rome continuing the ancient conflict between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent.

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Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Preserving a Legacy

Preserving a Legacy Most men and women want to create a legacy, be it a gift or some memorial after they have died. Many quotations remind us how important it is to leave the world a better place than we found it – perhaps by small acts of kindness. God has power over life and death, and He neither dies nor forgets. He is going to set up a kingdom here on earth, where men and women can live for ever with Him. If we want to be remembered by God, then it starts with loving and obeying Him. And the guide to making this legacy is there for us all to follow – the Bible.

Saturday, 8 June 2019

Tarshish and her Chiefest Lion

This week, American President, Donald Trump has been visiting the UK. We examine some of the highlights of the visit in the context of Bible Prophecy.

Ezekiel 38

Ezekiel 38 is a prophecy set just before Jesus re-establishes God’s Kingdom on the earth. It is a time in the Bible called “the latter days”. The prophecy tells us that this is the time that the people of Israel will have returned to their land – a sign we have been witnessing being fulfilled after the events of World War 2 and since the declaration of the independence of the state of Israel in 1948.
In the prophecy two sets of nations are described, one set are involved in an all out attack of Israel which is stopped by divine intervention. Whilst this invasion is taking place we read in verse 13 of another set of nations named Shebah, Dedan and the Merchants of Tarshish emerge to verbally question the invading forces.
This prophecy gives us a glimpse of the future. The destiny of the nations seen through the eye of prophecy.


Shebah and Dedan are well documented as being peoples in the area of the Gulf states.
Tarshish is harder to pin down. There are a number of clues in the Bible though that we can put together which helps us to identify who Tarshish is:
  1. Its people are descended from Japheth who emigrated across western Europe & is an island or coastal power. Gen 10:4-5
  2. It was well known as a maritime power in ancient times. 2 Chron 9:21 Psalm 48:7 Isaiah 2:16, 23:1, 60:9, Ezekiel 27:25
  3. In ancient times, especially around 900-600BC it traded in global markets and particularly traded in the East. 2 Chron 9:20-21
  4. It is located to the far west of Israel. Jonah 1:3
  5. At the time of Ezekiel (600BC) it was a source of silver, iron, tin and lead & traded with the ancient Phoenicians of Tyre. Ezekiel 27:12
  6. After the Phoenician city of Tyre was destroyed (around 300BC) its power and influence was to pass over to Tarshish which was to replace Tyre as the worlds trading power. Isaiah 23:6
  7. It is a colonial power, having political offspring. Ezekiel 38:13
The only modern power that fits these characteristics is the British power.

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Friday, 7 June 2019

What is the Gospel

Description: What is the Gospel? This is a good Biblical explanation that the Gospel taught in the New Testament by the Lord Jesus and his apostles, is a restatement of the teaching of the Old Testament presented by the prophets of God to Israel. The speaker shows what is involved in the Gospel and how it relates to the coming Kingdom of God on earth and the Name of Jesus Christ who is to return.

The Biggest word in the world

What do you think the biggest word in the world is? And what does it have to do with discipleship? Check out this week's devotion to find out!


1) Exodus 19:5

2) John 14:23

3) Romans 6:5

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Thursday, 6 June 2019

Britain Brexit and the Bible

Description: We see around us the signs of the times, the outworking of God’s purpose with the earth. Faithful men of every age have been able to do this demonstrating that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men.

Study 3 Deuteronomy: The reasons behind the ritual

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Friday, 17 May 2019

The Challenge of Faith

Very few things can be proved beyond any doubt. In many cases, we have to look at the evidence and decide for ourselves what or who to trust. In certain aspects, this applies to the Bible, which teaches that faith is about things that we cannot see or prove.

Saturday, 11 May 2019

ALL THINGS ARE NOW PREPARED... for 'God's Kingdom on Earth'

The Bible focus is centred on Giving Glory to God Our Creator, To that end, he has declared that the Earth will be full of his glory- This is soon to come to pass - prophecies have been fulfilled and are still being fulfilled as we see the nations being drawn against Israel which will culminate in the great day of Judgement - 'The battle of Armageddon' the great and terrible day of the Lord ( no this is not a Hollywood blockbuster film - this is reality!)
This will all happen in Israel with Jerusalem at the centre of attention.
This short video is an attempt to briefly summarises this event in dramatic tone showing the order of events that will lead up to the establishment of God's kingdom.

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Monday, 6 May 2019

'Game of Thrones' - 'Avengers ENDGAME'? No - it's the ENDGAME for the Ki...

This Video deals with the reality that will soon be upon the Earth - the destruction of the Kingdom of men and the re-establishment of God's Kingdom on Earth - This is real, not makebelieve like the Game of Thrones or Avengers ENDGAME which are reaching their respective climax episodes - are we ready for this world-changing event because it will affect everyone on the planet not just Movie celebrities...

Sunday, 5 May 2019

Was Brexit really foretold in the Bible? Watch this compelling video and...

This lecture explains the prophetic significance and implications of a Brexit. The Bible prophesied many things in the past including the return of Israel to their land and the establishment of their state once again, which happened in 1948. The Bible also prophesied that around the return of Israel to their land, many changes in the world would occur, and Christ would return to become King of the entire world. The recent events in the United Kingdom have shocked the world, and sent financial markets into turmoil. Around the globe, experts and the media have described this as “an earthquake”, “a tragedy”

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Friday, 26 April 2019

Dead Sea Scrolls A remarkable History

Rediscovered in the late 20th Century, the scrolls prove that without doubt, the scripture we have today are authentic and reliable.Latest Post From our Popular New additions Blog

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

The Operation of God's Hands 2: The Big Picture

Description: God works with situations and people to bring about His ultimate purpose. We need to rely upon God guiding us, though we may not perceive it at the time. It is only when we look back upon the course of events that we can see something of His working. Don’t take God for granted in your life.

Saturday, 9 March 2019

Jesus Last Hours with his Disciples Study 3: I Am The True Vine

Watch the whole series here... https://bibletruthandprophecy.com/jesus-last-hours-with-his-disciples-4-part-video-bible-study-series/

A well presented and thoughtful look at the last evening of Jesus with his disciples. Their interactions is seen, their petty differences but all is handled by the gracious, insightful attention of the Lord who knows what he will face in a few hours.

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Monday, 25 February 2019

The EU, Lisbon Treaty, Tower of Babel, Origin of Language, The Warning f...

This is a fascinating looking into the meaning of the scriptural principles of separation, The historical significance of the Global Flood and the dividing of the nations by the confusion of language at the Tower of Babel are considered for their relevance for us today as we see Europe attempting to establish that which God condemned. God has a plan and purpose for man and his kind and ultimately it does not involve a united Europe speaking with one voice This European system, spoken of as the 'Beast' in scripture will not succeed to Rule.
God has declared that Israel will be the holy city and Jerusalem the capital of the world, with the Law going out from Zion, not from a united European voice.

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Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Must See!! Public Health And The Law Of Moses: 3500 ahead Of Its Time!!

A study developed over many years this video is the latest from Bro Stephen and shows how the Law given to Moses was millenniums ahead of its time a must see!!!!
Description: The issue of infectious diseases in various African countries is outlined by Dr Stephen Palmer. Matters of hygiene need to be taught as the key preventative to disease. The God-given Law of Moses given to the fledgeling nation of Israel provided a series of health and quarantine laws to protect the people.

Cunningly Devised Fables? Class 2: Arise walk through the Land

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Wednesday, 9 January 2019