Monday, 25 February 2019

The EU, Lisbon Treaty, Tower of Babel, Origin of Language, The Warning f...

This is a fascinating looking into the meaning of the scriptural principles of separation, The historical significance of the Global Flood and the dividing of the nations by the confusion of language at the Tower of Babel are considered for their relevance for us today as we see Europe attempting to establish that which God condemned. God has a plan and purpose for man and his kind and ultimately it does not involve a united Europe speaking with one voice This European system, spoken of as the 'Beast' in scripture will not succeed to Rule.
God has declared that Israel will be the holy city and Jerusalem the capital of the world, with the Law going out from Zion, not from a united European voice.

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Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Must See!! Public Health And The Law Of Moses: 3500 ahead Of Its Time!!

A study developed over many years this video is the latest from Bro Stephen and shows how the Law given to Moses was millenniums ahead of its time a must see!!!!
Description: The issue of infectious diseases in various African countries is outlined by Dr Stephen Palmer. Matters of hygiene need to be taught as the key preventative to disease. The God-given Law of Moses given to the fledgeling nation of Israel provided a series of health and quarantine laws to protect the people.

Cunningly Devised Fables? Class 2: Arise walk through the Land

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