Tuesday, 12 March 2019

The Operation of God's Hands 2: The Big Picture

Description: God works with situations and people to bring about His ultimate purpose. We need to rely upon God guiding us, though we may not perceive it at the time. It is only when we look back upon the course of events that we can see something of His working. Don’t take God for granted in your life.

Saturday, 9 March 2019

Jesus Last Hours with his Disciples Study 3: I Am The True Vine

Watch the whole series here... https://bibletruthandprophecy.com/jesus-last-hours-with-his-disciples-4-part-video-bible-study-series/

A well presented and thoughtful look at the last evening of Jesus with his disciples. Their interactions is seen, their petty differences but all is handled by the gracious, insightful attention of the Lord who knows what he will face in a few hours.

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