Sunday, 28 July 2019

Abraham the man Class 4 'He made a Covenant with Abraham'

The Mountains of Israel What and Where are they, and WHY mp4

 This week we look at what and where are the “mountains of Israel”, an expression we often read of in the book of Ezekiel. Why is this area singled out in prophecy, separate from the rest of the land of Israel?

In Scripture we often read of the “mountains of Israel”, especially in relation to Prophecy. In Eze 34 we read of a prophecy of the return of Israel to these mountains;
“And I will bring them [Israel] out from the people, and gather them from the countries, and will bring them to their own land, and feed them upon the mountains of Israel by the rivers, and in all the inhabited places of the country.”

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Sunday, 21 July 2019

Technology - the Christian and the Problem: Study 1'The Consumer Experie...

First of 3 studies examining the impact of technology on individuals, society, and the ecclesia. The speaker has a degree in marketing and Digital Media and a diploma in television and film production and has worked in the industry for 10 years. He is a Christadelphian and here presents the facts without judgement in the hope that listeners will be better equipt to deal with the growing problems facing parents carers alike. Many scriptures are referenced to provide balance and clarity.

Tom examines the impact of technology on our lives both good and bad and explains the Biblical wisdom of managing technology very carefully.

Saturday, 20 July 2019

'Sensational' Signposts in 2019 - Preparing for Christ's Return are you ...

Description: “Every verse in Ezekiel 38 has been fulfilled or in the process of being fulfilled”. That is a bold statement but this talk shows that it is in fact so. We are living in exciting times as so much is happening in the world in rapid succession and this demonstrates that Christ’s return is very near.

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Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Stop & Think about God's Awesome Creation

GOD is the essential First Cause of the universe. Eternal God existed before the universe and acts within it.

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Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Is the Bible Reliable?

Description: The viewer is led through a series of propositions with factual, historical, archaeological and prophetic evidence demonstrating the reliability of the Bible. By looking at ancient manuscripts and the Dead Sea Scrolls, we are persuaded of the accuracy of the text of the Bible and therefore the truth of its message. The talk has guidance on how to choose the most suitable Bible version for ourselves.

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