Monday, 23 September 2019

Brexit and the Bible An event that shook the world

While Britain reels in a complex dance with the European Union, and within its own walls, to try to form a deal, a power behind the scenes is orchestrating the outcome. However, the finger of God has indicated a course to be pursued by Britain which cannot be evaded.

Meditations: Our reasonable Service -How is your ecclesia?

The Ecclesia is our spiritual home as we walk the road to the Kingdom - yet how often do we take it for granted? Like any family, our ecclesial home needs our input to remain healthy. Even more so, we ourselves need active contribution to develop our characters in ways which please our Lord.

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Sunday, 22 September 2019

Hallmarks of Design: The Naked Mole Rat

In this video in the Hallmarks of Design series, we look at a strange creature which repulses most people, and yet shows the most brilliant and amazing design mechanisms which allow it to thrive and prosper in its underground environment. Prepare to be enthralled by “The Naked Mole Rat” with all of its very unique features.

Saturday, 21 September 2019

Destination Tarshish for Tea, Toast and Tin!

For many years historians and archeologists have poured over writings, manuscripts, maps, and the like searching for the top secret source of the Phoenicians tin they brought into the eastern Mediterranean.  For the Bronze age to be the bronze age they needed a solid source of tin and the Phoenicians had the just the spot, only they didn’t tell anyone.  Even the great historian Herodotus could not put his finger on it, but this week the lab results are in and we now have the conformation so many have looked for.
Welcome to another edition of the Bible in the News.

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Reasons to Believe... The Hope Of Israel

Welcome to our new series of ' reasons to Believe' short videos.
Description: The Promises of God are founded with Israel and form the basis of the gospel. ‘Despite the cruelty Israel has historically suffered’, their repatriation to their ancient land as a nation ensures that the complete fulfilment of the promises to will be achieved.

Thursday, 12 September 2019

Creation vs all versions of Evolution

Description: This video shows how Theistic Evolution is an attempt to change the unchangeable word of the creator God to make it fit with so called scientific evidence. The video shows how Theistic Evolution is incompatible with the Bible and the Christadelphian Statement of Faith. Watch in Full HD below - Click Image to play ...

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Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Visions of the Kingdom Age Class No 42 Kingdom Visions Cherubim feet

Why are the cherubim feet described as calf feet and brass? How does this relate to other visions of immortalization? What does this tell us about the qualifications for the gift of immortality? Are the 2 feet, cloven in 2, part of a much larger scriptural pattern?

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

1st Century Christianity Challenges Modern Church Teaching


This video compares the scriptural beliefs of the first-century Christians to religion as we know it today and determines the differences.
The great prophecies of Daniel given 2,600 ago are explained. History and archaeology help identify all the symbols used to portray in the prophecies. By examining the Word of God, personal faith is developed and we can be assured of the outworking of the purpose of God.Latest Post From our Popular New additions Blog

Sunday, 8 September 2019

Brexit twists and turns

It’s been another week of twists and turns in the fiasco which is Brexit. As the UK Parliament returned to the business of Brexit on Monday, Prime minister Boris Johnson looks like he has lost control already. In this episode of the Bible in the news we review the week and remind ourselves of Bible prophecy in relation to Britain and the EU.
On Tuesday this week the UK Parliament took control of the parliamentary agenda. Holding sway ‘Remain’ MPs passed legislation to prevent a no-deal Brexit forcing the UK Prime Minister to either have a deal in place before the UK can leave the EU on October 31st or alternatively to request a further delay to Brexit until January 31st 2020 if there is no withdrawal agreement approved by October 19th.