Monday, 28 October 2019

The False Prophet of Revelation Explained npd

Two studies around the theme of The Unclean Spirit like Frogs from the mouth of…
The 1st study ‘The Dragon and the Beast’
the second ‘The False Prophet’ and then the third a signs of the times update for October 2019 this event is held annually and is a great way to keep upto date with the outworking of God’s plan with the earth and Mankind that he placed upon it.

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Wednesday, 23 October 2019

One Bible, Many Churches, HOW DID IT HAPPEN?

A detailed account of how religion has been diluted form the one true religion, the churches role in manipulating believers and doctrine and the psyche behind it all A fascinating study about an incredibly important subject! Watch in Full HD below - Click Image to play ...

Monday, 21 October 2019

Russia, Iran, Israel & the Return of Christ

God gave promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob about 4000 years ago. God promised to give the land of Israel to these Jewish forefathers and their descendants forever. Steve explains how this is relevant to us today and which Bible prophecies will happen in the future to make God's promises a reality. The presentation is based on Ezekiel 38.

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Monday, 14 October 2019

Bible Questions and Answers: The Two Witnesses in Revelation - Who are ...

Chapter 11: A deep understanding of the Bible gives the tools to interpret the symbolic language so that believers can see God's purpose unfold from John's time on Patmos until the Kingdom is established.

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Thursday, 10 October 2019

The Trumpet Calls Israel to Prayer in the Midst of a Storm mp4

While the sea and the waves roar around the world, tens of thousands of Jews gather at the Western Wall to call upon the God of Abraham in prayer, asking for forgiveness and for God to rebuild the temple. 

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

WOW..Bible Prophecy being fulfilled NOW! World News - God's Plan

"As Britain teeters on the edge of Europe and Europe looks to its east for allies, we see the work of the angels in aligning the nations before the return of the Lord.

In Britain, the iron and the clay are struggling to mix as the democratic system is being tested by the desire of the iron establishment to hold onto the status quo and yet the clay has voted that Tarshish should leave Europe. 

Russia, Turkey and Iran stand united. Europe, led by Macron and in the face of rejection from Britain, want to move away from Trump's ideals of internationalism to form political alliances with Russia.

In the middle of world affairs, as ever, is the nation of Israel. The witnesses to the God of the Bible. As they struggle to form a government, at the heart of their internal conflict is the promise of Netanyahu to continue to build on the West Bank. The UN looks on in outrage and many of Israel's neighbours call for sanctions - meaningful sanctions and if necessary force to stop the building.

Through all this the angels are working to ensure the scene is set for the coming of the just and righteous king, the Lord Jesus Christ, who only can create a kingdom which will fill the whole earth and never be destroyed.

Let us not get angry, frustrated or embroiled in any of the politics of this world. Let us simply watch, with Bibles in our hands, as the divine plan unfolds before our eyes and the world is prepared for the coming of the King."

Monday, 7 October 2019

The Problem Of Sin The Marvel of Forgiveness

The speaker examines Sin in the Bible and identifies what can be learnt for ourselves, David's Sin with Bathsheba is one of the examples examined. This is a wonderfully insightful video  - please watch!!

Saturday, 5 October 2019

Signs of the times Rugby 031019 shorter NXPowerLite Copy mp4

Milestones updates are produced throughout the year and have been for many years they give an insight to how world events are unfolding just as the Bible Prophecied. There seems so much happening in the world at the moment and this is also to be considered a sign of the times. The movements of Russia, the EU, and others are fascinating as we see them jockey for position on the world stage. Bro Don and his Farther before him have followed these prophetic milestones for decades, producing books articles and videos to help us all understand the significant outworking of God's plan according to the scriptures.

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Friday, 4 October 2019

** MUST SEE** - The History of Bible Prophecy!

An outstanding class examining just how Bible prophecy has been viewed by Bible scholars through the ages since the assertion of Christ. The Preterist, Continual Historic and the Futurist views of scripture are all examined to see which view is most credible.
Quotes are used from prominent biblical scholas from bygone centuries to demonstrate from their understanding of scripture the outworking of God’s plan and purpose with the nations, some having made predictions 100’s of years in their futures and with amazing accuracy of events unfolding on the Biblical timeline and some within just a couple of years – A fascinating study worhty of any Bible Class.
The Answer to which view is the most credible? – you must watch the video!!

Compilation of Thought for the Day Bible Verses September 2019

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