Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Bible Q&A: The Kingdom of God - What does the Bible actually say?

Description: The Bible clearly promises the restoration of the Kingdom of God, initially set up with Israel. This will involve the return of Christ who is the heir to the throne. At last, the nations of the earth will experience peace and justice. You can read more about this subject in more detail here.. https://bibletruthandprophecy.com/in-defence-of-our-faith/#kingdomwhen

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Monday, 30 December 2019

The Long finned Australian Eel - A wonder of Creation

This video takes a look at the remarkable life of the long finned eel, which inhabits coastal and inland waters of eastern Australia. Some truly remarkable instinctive behaviours give testimony to the hand of a Creator, without whom we could not make sense of what we see. Prepare to be amazed and ask yourself whether pure chance could have resulted in the behavioural outcomes on display.

Thursday, 19 December 2019

Standing in the moment - Facing Fire with FAITH! Class 1: 'The Overall s...

A four-part series looking at the trial by Fire recorded in the book of Daniel. What faith was demonstated by Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego when they defied Nebuchadnezzar,  king of Babylon, in refusing to worship the Gold idol he had set up. There are great lessons to be found in this account and these 4 talks go into depth and help us to appreciate the courage these men had and how we can learn form their example.

Bible Q&A: The Hope Of The Christian - What does the Bible actually say?

While many at Xmas are thinking about the birth of Christ, this short talk examines the hope, (that as committed Christians) associating ourselves with his death really offers. The Hope offered to all believers is rooted in the ancient promises to Abraham, the Father of Israel. The Hope of Israel is expressed when the angel visited Mary to announce the birth of the Son of God. This Hope is offered to all.
Discover more about this and other 'key' bible subjects here...

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Must See! Russia's Foreign Policy Revealed in Bible Prophecy!

Russia’s provocative moves are only a foretaste of what is to come, leading to the Bible’s prophesied return of Christ to the earth. The Crimea will not be the last territory Russia seizes to its south. Russia’s future moves will include the building of the Gogian confederacy, including Ukraine, Europe and Muslim nations hostile to Israel and ultimately Israel herself will fall under the advancement of the Russian Bear..