Saturday, 18 January 2020

Putin's Eye is On Jerusalem!

The future movements of Russia are notable signs of the times, because they are predicted in the Scriptures of truth. The Russian Autocracy in its plenitude, and on the verge of dissolution, is the Image of Nebuchadnezzar standing upon the Mountains of Israel, ready to be smitten by the Stone. When Russia makes its grand move for the building-up of its Image-empire then let the reader know that the end of all things, as at present constituted, is at hand. The long-expected, but stealthy, advent of the King of Israel will be on the eve of becoming a fact. Dr John Thomas

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Wednesday, 15 January 2020

Clarity regarding Christadelphian core beliefs': For if the trumpet give...

This video examines the growing trend amongst all Christian denominations to embrace modern thinking in place of the Bible narrative, amongst the issues considered in this video include the rise and acceptance of Theistic Evolution (Evolutionary creationism), the role of women in ecclesia, voting and participation within the armed forces. Many of these practices are being done away from the main fellowship and behind closed doors in attempt to gain support for their unscriptural ideas.