Monday, 23 March 2020

Daily Bible Readings from the Christadelphian Reading Planner for 23rd M...

 A small group of young Christadelphian brothers have taken the time to produce this valuable resource for the brotherhood and beyond, they are using the Bible reading planner developed by Brother Robert Roberts called The Bible Companion. The Bible Companion (or Bible Reading Planner) is a guide developed by the Christadelphians to aid reading the Bible. It was first produced by Robert Roberts when he was just 14 years of age, in about 1853, and revised by him over a number of years into its current format.
Most Christadelphians use this plan each day and it was designed to help you read the old testament once and the new testament twice each year.
These readings which we feature are recorded using the KJV or the NKJV of the Bible and we hope will be helpful to those who may struggle with time or who have poor eyesight.

Sunday, 15 March 2020

UK Prophecy Day 2020 Study 1-'The Looming shadow of the King of the North'

This outstanding and well-researched analysis compares expert opinions on political events with the long-held Christadelphian exposition of Bible Prophecy, which is now being fulfilled in chilling detail. Rulers pursue their aims with deceit but God's word is warning us plainly that events are building up to the return of Jesus Christ.

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