Wednesday, 31 May 2023

Daily Readings & Thought for the day (June 1st.) “THE LORD OF HOSTS REIGNS ON MOUNT ZION” 

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css_animation="zoomIn"][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Today's readings.. (Joshua 18), (Isaiah 24), (Hebrews 6,7) Today’s and tomorrow’s chapters in Isaiah (24 & 25) contain a powerful message about the climax of human history, yet they are not very often quoted.   Chapter 24 ends with “for the LORD of hosts reigns on Mount Zion and Jerusalem and his glory will be before his elders.”   The next chapter begins with the reaction of the righteous, “O LORD, you are my God, I will exalt your name for you have done wonderful things …”  Humanly fortified cities have become ruins, never to be rebuilt (v.2) and the “cities of ruthless nations will fear you.” [v.3]  God has “been a stronghold to the poor … to the needy in his distress” [v.4] Then a glorious scene opens up, “On this mountain the LORD of hosts will make for all peoples a feast of rich food … he will swallow up death forever and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from all faces … Behold this is our God, we have waited for him … “ [v.6,8,9].    But go back, we jumped over nearly all of Ch. 24 – it speaks of what is to happen before this time of wonder and joy on the earth.  It is an extremely frightening picture!  Is it about to happen?  The chapter started, “Behold the LORD will empty the earth and make it desolate …” The next verse indicates that all the buyers, sellers, lenders, borrowers, creditors and debtors will suffer.  Verse 3 says, “The earth shall be utterly empty and utterly plundered; for the LORD has spoken this word”.  Then we read “the earth lies defiled under its inhabitants” [v.5], “its inhabitants suffer for their guilt” [v.6] and then follows details of the ways in which they will suffer. Reading further - “The earth is utterly broken … is violently shaken … its transgression lies heavily upon it and it falls and will not rise again” [v.19,20].  This is symbolic language of the heavens and the earth (rulers and people) that now exist being destroyed.  But later in Isaiah we will come across a wonderful vision, for God says, “For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth, and the former things shall not be remembered or come into mind. But be glad and rejoice forever in that which I create; for behold I create Jerusalem to be a joy  … my chosen shall long enjoy the work of their hands.” [Ch.65 v.17,18,22]  Will you behold these things? [vc_column_text] [embedyt][/embedyt] [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

God created... Darwinism still evolving... Who can we trust?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css_animation="none"]A @Christadelphians Video: Description: The bible account is reliable and trustworthy, it's unchanging and has passed the test of time... much evidence can be presented for its veracity. The theory of evolution on the other hand does not explain how non-living matter became living (abiogenesis)... its flounders in a sea of unprovable theories. Upon which of these two things do we put our trust? [embedyt][/embedyt][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css_animation="none"]*************************************************************************************** This video was produced by the project, arranged and supported by the Christadelphian community worldwide. You can follow us online at.. #1 Our Main site... #2 Our podcast on Podbean... #3 Our podcast on Apple... #4 Our podcast on Anchor... #5 Our facebook... #6 Our Whats App... #7 Our Instagram... #8 Our twitter... #9 Our YouTube Channel... #10 Our Audio site Watch/read / Listen to other thoughts for the day on our site here ___________________________________________________________________________________ CHRISTADELPHIANVIDEO.ORG, a worldwide collaboration by Christadelphians to help promote the understanding of God's Word to those who are seeking the Truth about the Human condition and God's plan and Purpose with the Earth and Mankind upon it. #Christadelphianvideo #christadelphianstalk #Christadelphians #bibletruthfeed #openbible #Gospeltruth #gospel #Christadelphian #bibletruthfeed #podcast[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Monday, 29 May 2023

Daily Readings & Thought for the day May 30th. “HE IS ABLE TO HELP …”

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Today's readings.. (Joshua 16), (Isaiah 22), (Hebrews 1,2)  Today we began reading the specially thought-provoking letter to the Hebrews.  The author is not named, but the best conclusion is that Paul wrote it as a message to his fellow Jews and he didn’t name himself because a prejudice against him had developed and some, maybe many Jews, would have ignored the letter if it had been obvious it came from him.   Now Paul had a special relationship with his Saviour because he appeared and spoke to him on the road to Damascus.  He is wonderfully conscious of the continuing unseen presence of Christ in his life and encourages his fellow  Hebrews to develop the same consciousness, he quotes many Old Testament passages from the Psalms and Moses’ writings that foretold the special and wonderful role God’s Son would have.  We see the emphasis in these two chapters of how he would first come into the world to die as a once and for all sacrifice for sins and also experience life as we do and so be able to understand and help us, We note in particular the closing verses in ch. 2 (from v.16) “For surely … he helps the offspring of Abraham.  Therefore he had to be made like his brothers in every respect, so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people.  For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are tempted.  The Greek word, translated ‘tempted’ essentially means ‘tested.’  Yes, “he is able to help,” but we do not receive this help, this guiding oversight of our lives, unless we prayerfully seek it.  We will see Paul’s warning in ch. 3, where, quoting David’s words in Psalm 95, Paul says, “Today if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts…” [v.15]  It is God’s ‘living word’ that we read and ‘hear’ – and “he is able to help” if we truly ‘listen’ and respond. [vc_column_text] [embedyt][/embedyt] [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

God's advice for a good life.

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The Contrast Between John 4 and 5 Explained... (Mark Evans)

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Sunday, 28 May 2023

Daily Readings & Thought for the Day (May 29th.) “I REMEMBER YOU IN MY PRAYERS”

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Today's readings.. (Joshua 15), (Isaiah 20,21), (Philemon) The short letter of Paul to Philemon has some valuable lessons for us in the area of spiritual relationships of believers with one another.  Paul is writing as “a prisoner of Christ Jesus” [v.1] and Timothy is with him – and other visitors support him, “Mark, Aristarchus, Demas and Luke” [v.24]. He tells Philemon, “I remember you in my prayers.” (v.4) We meditate on what filled Paul’s hours and days in his imprisonment, his mind was very much occupied with thoughts about the believers he knew and the news he hears about them. We  remember the dramatic night when he and Silas sang hymns while in prison, and we surely imagine him singing hymns with “Epaphras my fellow prisoner” [v.23].  How do we compare, we who are free to do as we please – does how we spend our time help or hinder our spiritual life?  We have to admit that, unless we are at some spiritual gathering, the events of our daily lives rarely help us spiritually; it is vital that we ask ourselves – do they hinder, do they undermine?   Paul is pleased with Philemon “because I hear of your love and the faith that you have toward the Lord Jesus and all the saints (fellow believers), and I pray that the sharing of your faith may become effective …” [v.5,6] Would others hear the same sort of thing about us?  If not, what would they hear?  Would it have any effect on them in the sense of a good (or bad) example we set them? Paul is able to say to Philemon, “I have derived much joy and comfort from your love, my brother because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you.”  [v.7]    Do we shed abroad a spirit that refreshes the hearts of other believers – so that we are a light that really shines in the increasing spiritual darkness of this world – the effect of that light being so good that even some unbelievers will notice?    Let us live so that we do this, it maybe that we do it unconsciously, only realizing the effect we have had as we look back on events.  And in communicating with fellow believers – and those who do not yet believe, which may include some of our children, we can state, “I remember you in my prayers.”  [vc_column_text] [embedyt][/embedyt] [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

666: Mark of the Beast Explained (Steve Hornhardt)

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Saturday, 27 May 2023

2023.05.21 Exhortation: Memorial - Emblems Josh 7, isaiah 11, 2 Thess 3 Bro Robin Britton

2023.05.14 Exhortation: Memorial - Emblems Deut 31, Isaiah 3 4, Col 1 Bro Will Taylor

2023.07.5 Exhortation: Memorial - Emblems Deut 24, Song 4, Acts 18 19 Bro John Clarke

Daily Readings & Thought for the Day (May 28th.) “YET I WHOLLY FOLLOWED THE LORD”

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Today's readings.. (Joshua 14), (Isaiah 19), (Titus 1,2,3) In Joshua ch. 14 today we read of the blessings received by a man who “wholly followed the LORD.”  Caleb was the other man, who with Joshua, spied out the land and brought back an optimistic report; this was after the people had miraculously escaped from Egypt, been fed in the wilderness, built the tabernacle and received the law. Surely the whole nation had evidence on which to base their faith – and today, God’s book is available for all to read and provides much evidence to build up our faith. Caleb is now aged 85 and seeks his promised reward. We read his testimony to Joshua of the time “when Moses … sent me … to spy out the land, and I brought him word again as it was in my heart” [v.7] His was a good positive report, spoken in faith.  Sadly, he adds, “my brothers who went up with me made the heart of the people melt; yet I wholly followed the LORD” [v.8]  A prophecy about Egypt features in our Isaiah chapter 19 – and today the Coptic Christians in their midst are an unhappy and somewhat persecuted minority. Verse 17 came remarkably true after Israel was re-established in 1947/48.  We read, “In that day the Egyptians will be like women and tremble with fear before the hand that the LORD of hosts shakes over them.  The land of Judah will become a terror to the Egyptians …” [v.16,17]  This never happened in history – until then!   But then Isaiah is caused to look further into the future to the time when “the LORD will make himself known to the Egyptians, and the Egyptians will know the LORD in that day and worship …” [v.21]  In that day all the world will become dramatically aware there is a Creator – and a divine law to be obeyed (see Isaiah 2 v.2,3) Let us “wholly follow the LORD” now, for, said Jesus, “blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” [John 20 v.29].  Caleb saw – yet in seeing he was aware of all the difficulties, but he “wholly followed the LORD”.  We see the unfolding fulfilment of prophecy, especially with Israel, as an aid to strengthening our faith; may we be able to say in that day, “yet I wholly followed the LORD” [vc_column_text] [embedyt][/embedyt] [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Exhortation: Checking our resolve to do God's will (Frank Abel)

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css_animation="none"][embedyt][/embedyt][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css_animation="none"]*************************************************************************************** This video was produced by the project, arranged and supported by the Christadelphian community worldwide. You can follow us online at.. #1 Our Main site... #2 Our podcast on Podbean... #3 Our podcast on Apple... #4 Our podcast on Anchor... #5 Our facebook... #6 Our Whats App... #7 Our Instagram... #8 Our twitter... #9 Our YouTube Channel... #10 Our Audio site Watch/read / Listen to other thoughts for the day on our site here ___________________________________________________________________________________ CHRISTADELPHIANVIDEO.ORG, a worldwide collaboration by Christadelphians to help promote the understanding of God's Word to those who are seeking the Truth about the Human condition and God's plan and Purpose with the Earth and Mankind upon it. #Christadelphianvideo #christadelphianstalk #Christadelphians #bibletruthfeed #openbible #Gospeltruth #gospel #Christadelphian #bibletruthfeed #podcast[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Divergence of West Bank and Gaza Continue - a Fulfilment of Prophecy

Divergence of West Bank and Gaza Continue - a Fulfilment of Prophecy
The Bible prophecies a very different future for the West Bank compared to the Gaza Strip
In 2005 the Israeli Knesset passed what was called the “Disengagement Law” which ordered the removal of the 21 Israeli Settlements and the eviction of the settlement’s 8000 inhabitants from their homes in the Gaza strip and banned any settlers moving there in the future.
But what the law also ordered was the removal of settlements in the northern West Bank, which also was brought into force in 2005, but was hardly heard of due to being overshadowed by the much larger disengagement of Gaza. However, this year Israel’s new government has amended the Disengagement Law so that Israelis are no longer prevented from going to and settling these areas in the northern West Bank, while making no change to the law in respect to disengagement from the Gaza Strip. Now, when we consider Bible Prophecy concerning the land of Israel, it is clear that the future for the West Bank has always been very different from that of the Gaza strip. Through Ezekiel, we are repeatedly told that it would be God’s people, Israel, dwelling on the mountains of Israel at the end times, not a Palestinian State, nor a hostile people to Israel, for they will be dwelling safely, without walls bars or gates (Ezekiel 38:11). In Ezekiel 38:8 Gog comes against God’s people who are dwelling upon “the mountains of Israel” and “they shall dwell safely all of them”. The mountains of Israel refer to the spine of mountains that go from north to south in Israel, much of what is known as the West Bank today. However, the prophecies regarding the area of the Gaza strip is very different, particularly when we look at the Armageddon prophecy as written in Joel 3. For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem,  I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land. And they have cast lots for my people; and have given a boy for an harlot, and sold a girl for wine, that they might drink. Yea, and what have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Zidon, and all the coasts of Palestine? will ye render me a recompence? and if ye recompense me, swiftly and speedily will I return your recompence upon your own head; The original Hebrew word for “recompence” has the idea of “paying back for something”, and so what we find is that in the area of Tyre and Zidon, and the coasts of Palestine, there will be a group of people who at the time of Christ’s return will be looking to pay back for something, who feel they have been treated unjustly, and God will be ready to turn that payback on their own head. Now Tyre and Zidon has been part of Lebanon since the time of Israel’s birth, and Hezbollah are a terrorist group that are stationed there and have much influence in the Lebanese government, while the coast of Palestine, or the Gaza Strip, is an area that less than 20 years ago was a territory controlled by Israel, in a similar way to how the West Bank is today. And so we see that the future for the Gaza Strip is very different to that of the West Bank, because we should expect to see the Gaza Strip inhabited by people who do not love Israel, who feel they have been mistreated, which is exactly what we see today. The West Bank, on the other hand, is very different, we expect to see it become more Israeli and less Palestinian – until it becomes as described in Ezekiel 38, a place inhabited by God’s people, who have been gathered from many nations. And so what we see in the news this week is the Israeli Defence Minister signing the order to repeal the ban on Jews returning to the northern West Bank, which is another step of many, taking the West Bank and Gaza Strip in different directions. In 1967 Israel took the West Bank and Gaza Strip during the Six-Day War. The legal status held by both of these territories was identical, those living in these areas were under the same legal framework. Both these areas were soon settled by Israelis. In 1993 the Oslo Accords were signed, intending on again treating these areas the same, some parts were given to the same Palestinian Authority, while some remained in Israeli control, and settlements remained in both regions. It wasn’t until 2005 that we saw the first signs of a the different future that these places held, when the Disengagement Law removed all settlements in the Gaza Strip, while settlements in the West Bank continued to flourish. Then, within the next couple of years during the Palestinian Civil War, Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip, while Fatah remained in control of Palestinian areas in the West Bank. Since Israel’s disengagement of Gaza in 2005, there has been no Israeli settlements in Gaza, meanwhile Israel’s West Bank settler population has doubled from 250,000 to now over half a million. Israel’s new government is further removing restrictions on Israeli settlements in the West Bank, and so the population is likely to grow at an even larger rate than before. And so we see this divergence of these two areas continuing, both going towards what we see in that prophetical snapshot, of the prophecies of the Lord’s return. Join us again next week for another episode of Bible in the News. This has been Paul Barnes joining you.

The renewed battle is about to commence in Ukraine - what will it bring?

The time that Kings go out to Battle
The time of renewed battle is about to commence in Ukraine - what will it bring?
May 15, 2023 - Audio, 15.10 MIN (Links at bottom of page to download free viewers.)

As then nations of Ukraine and Russia are about to embark on the final push for victory, the world is constantly spun a yarn of imminent Ukrainian victory. The Bible paints a different picture in the long term, including much of Europe coming under Russia’s control.

This past few months have seen what has been called a stalemate, or war of attrition in Ukraine. There has been much talk about Ukraine’s “spring offensive” which has yet to materialize. There are only three weeks of spring left. Zelensky has been jetting around Europe soliciting more weapons and ammunition for this big event. He has visited Italy, France, and Britain so far. Western media has produced story after story of declining Russian morale, lack of ammunition, major defeats, death of Russian troops – while being virtually silent on Ukrainian losses especially around Bakhmut – the kill box Russia has created for Ukrainian forces. Before withdrawing the left major roads and bridges open into the area, allowing the Ukrainians to commit a huge portion of its forces into this area. Systematically, it has been cutting these forces down, while sitting relatively still during the winter and muddy season in Ukraine. The weather has made a big impact on the war in Ukraine this winter. The top soil in Ukraine can extend from 14 to 20 feet deep, creating a situation where tanks cannot move on unpaved roads during the muddy season. Soldiers will sink up to their wastes or chests if they step into these areas. In an interview with ABC News, retired US military meteorologist David Helms spoke about the impact of the weather in Ukraine for armed forces: Mr Helms described Ukraine's mud season as "a time where roads don't exist". As the ground thaws out from the winter freeze, the ground usually turns to mud in early spring, making unsealed roads impassable. The soil will begin to dry across Ukraine from the south, meaning that within a certain window, if timed correctly, Ukraine could advance while Russian tanks are still stuck in the mud. This year, April experienced unusually high rainfall, extending mud season by about a month. Such conditions make ground operations, resupply and air support much more difficult to sustain. There is a phrase in the Samuel that describes this kind of time: “And it came to pass, after the year was expired, at the time when kings go forth to battle, that David sent Joab, and his servants with him, and all Israel; and they destroyed the children of Ammon, and besieged Rabbah.” (2 Samuel 11:1) This is the time that is fast approaching in the Ukraine. The milder winter kept troops locked into positions as the ground did not freeze significantly enough to allow movement. Soon the ground will dry up and movement will be possible again. Already we are seeing the machines of war beginning to rumble.  The head of Russia’s Wagner group says the counteroffensive has begun, Zelensky says it has been delayed. The level of strategic disinformation on both sides of the conflict makes it difficult to ascertain the real facts on the ground.
Zelensky meets the Pope
Western governments have been sending billions of dollars of military aid to Ukraine in the form of weapons, ammunition, and cash. However, this is not an inexhaustible supply, and opposition to the continued investment in a losing war is growing. ABC News reported, Dr Jessica Genauer, senior lecturer in international relations at Flinders University, as stating: "Overall, it's clear that by September or October this year, Ukraine will need to have shown success in a counterattack to ensure continued weapons supplies from Western partners, or the ability to negotiate peace on beneficial terms." The negotiation of peace does not seem to be something that Zelensky is interested in. During his trip to Italy, Zelensky met with Pope Francis. Francis has been criticized for not coming out in support of Ukraine, and keeping on friendly terms with Russia. In a very underreported comment, the following was stated by Zelensky in a special interview with Bruno Vespa on the Italian TV show Porta a Porta show:
Zelensky on Italy's Porta Porta TV show.
"It was an honor for me to meet His Holiness, but he knows my position: the war is in Ukraine and the [peace] plan must be Ukrainian. With all respect for His Holiness, we do not need mediators, we need a just peace, We urge the pope, like other leaders, to work for a just peace but first we must do all the rest", he said, stressing that it didn't make sense to try to involve Russia in dialogue now. "You can't do mediation with Putin, no country in the world can do it". This doesn’t appear in many western media outlets but is reported throughout many Asian media outlets.

Cutting off Supplies

Over the weekend a huge depot in the city of Khmelnytskyi storing missiles and ammunition was struck by Russian drones. Residents reported windows and roofs blown off houses. This is the second depot strike in three days. CNN reported last Wednesday: "An ammunition depot of the 65th mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was destroyed near the village of Preobrazhenka, Zaporizhzhia region," said the ministry in its daily briefing. There’s been no word from the Ukrainian side.
Russia's strike on an ammunition depot in Khmelnytskyi this weekend
This is part of the ongoing targeting of Ukrainian depots as the Russian Defence ministry also reported on Sunday: “In the seaport of Odessa, on the territory of a shipyard, a docked Ukrainian warship and a warehouse of Harpoon anti-ship missiles, supplied by the US to the Kiev regime, have been destroyed by sea-based high-precision long-range missiles,” Russia's Defense Ministry said in a statement Sunday. The attack also crippled a repair facility where vessels of the Ukrainian navy have been fixed, Gen. Igor Konashenkov told reporters in Moscow. Another underreported event is the blowing up of the bridge that connects Moldova and Ukraine, the potential route that NATO forces from Romania could enter Ukraine and support Odessa in the event of a major escalation. The Zatoka rail bridge spanning the massive Dniester river connecting Moldova and Odessa was destroyed by a marine drone in February.  Ukrinform reported on Monday, that a week earlier the strike had taken place: On Tuesday, May 10, Russian invaders struck the bridge across the Dniester estuary with a missile for the fourth time. According to Ukrinform, Odesa City Council reported this on Telegram, citing the Operational Command South. "A cruise missile hit the Odesa region again. The enemy continues to attack the already damaged bridge across the Dniester estuary," the statement said. Russian troops launched the third missile attack on the bridge across the Dniester estuary on May 2. Prior to that, the enemy's missile strikes hit the bridge on April 26 and 27. This effectively removes the option of moving troops or equipment to supply Odessa, Ukraine’s Black Sea Port.  As retired US General Douglas Macgregor pointed out in a recent interview: (8:40)
Retired US General Douglas Macgregor
What the Russian’s did this weekend is very telling as to where we are headed. They attacked bridges on the border between Moldovia and Ukraine, and destroyed them, with vast numbers of missiles. Now why is this important? If you go to the Romanian border with Ukraine, along the Black Sea, it is terrible. It is a terrible are a to maneuver in, to move in. The only  good areas to move through, if you are going to move large numbers of troops, is to move up through southern Moldavia and then over this very large bridge that was there for traffic. There was a rail bridge, that was also destroyed, but it is primarily this very “good” bridge, because that bridge is the link to Odessa. What the Russians have just done is foreclose the NATO option of committing large ground forces through Romania and Moldavia into southern Ukraine in the direction of Odessa.  So, Odessa is very definitely on the menu. Secondly, a build up of Ukrainian forces down in Odessa has been detected, including 14 leopard tanks. These forces have now come under very determined attacks by the Russians. So, I think what we are witnessing now is the last stage before the great offensive, which is going to move north up to the Dnipro. I think we’ll see another massive movement across the Dnipro then south in to Odessa. I think we’ll see some movement through the center, up through Bakhmut, and that avenue of approach, and then further north and east towards Kerkhof. Remember there are about 300,000 forces down in the south, with 200,000 more Russian reserves behind them, either in Western Russia, or behind those that are already in the south. That doesn’t include the 150,000 Russian troops sitting up in Belorussia. The Russians have almost, I would say, an inexhaustible mountain of ammunition, missiles, rockets, aircraft, bombs, you name it; and the Ukrainians, on the other hand, as has been pointed out, are running out of what they do have, which is not very much. NATO and its allies, in other words, the Americans and the European allies, simply don’t have additional equipment and weapons and munitions to send. Russia appears to be strategically positioning itself for its push forward on all fronts with its massive army that has been recruited and trained during the past six months.

What has this got to do with the Bible?

After 446 days of war, all the predictions of Russia’s imminent collapse have proven overstated.  The Western Media has been constantly carrying a narrative of imminent success for Ukraine, yet the war keeps on going. The bible paints a different picture of the eventual end game. Ezekiel is clear, as we have discussed before, that eventually Russia will be in control of Europe. The Bible is explicit: “Son of man, set thy face toward Gog, of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal,” (Ezekiel 38:2 RV) The prince of Rosh (or Russia) presides over the land of Magog. The Jewish historian Josephus described Magog as being the region of Scythia. Herodotus, the ancient Greek historian, described Scythia as being between the river Don and the River Danube.  The much-disputed Donetsk and Donbas regions in Ukraine, now mostly in Russia’s possession, are named after the river Don. Donbas literally means the Don basin which lies at Ukraine’s eastern border. The river Danube begins just outside the far south-western region of Ukraine. Magog encompasses an area between these two rivers including the modern countries of Ukraine, Romania, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Germany. In chapter 38:3-7 it is clearly stated: And say, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, prince of Rosh (Russia) Meshech (the Muscovites) and Tubal (the Tobolsk region): And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords: Persia (Iran), Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet: Gomer (Western Europe), and all his bands; the house of Togarmah (the Caucuses region) of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with thee. Be thou prepared, and prepare for thyself, thou, and all thy company that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them.” (Ezekiel 38:3–7) These areas are under Russian (Gogian) dominance in the latter day. So while the Western Media attempts to distort the narrative to suit its political intrigues, the bible is clear of the eventual outcome. This war has been going on for 446 days, over a year. It really began back in 2014 with the taking of Crimea. The push west by Russia is inevitable because “the finger of God has indicated a course to be pursued by these nations.” We cannot become complacent in the face of such epic movements on prophetic scale. Christadelphians have been looking for these events for over 175 years, and the now Russia is beginning to make its grand move.  Having been awakened from sleep last year, we cannot simply roll back over into complacency, saying in our hearts: “Where is the promise of his coming? for, from the day that the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.” (2 Peter 3:4) All things will not continue as they were. Our God has sounded the trumpet in advance of his son’s return to give us ample opportunity to put our houses in order. The avalanche of prophetic events is beginning, and there will be no stopping it. As the sun arises and dries up the mud in Ukraine, making way for the advancement of Russian troops, let us remember there is another sun arising: “But unto you that fear my name shall the sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings….” (Malachi 4:2) Ours it to heed the wakeup call. And prepare with excited anticipation for the Lord’s soon arrival. Do not be “lulled” to sleep by the lies of the politicians and media as they all try to manipulate events. Look to the word of God to be our guide. Listen to the trumpet’s sound. Watch and be sober, with our light shining brightly, our lamps full of oil, our loins girded, our staff in our hand, and our shoes on our feet – ready to go at a moment’s notice when the angel comes and knocks on our door. For the Bible in the News, this has been Jonathan Bowen joining you.