2011 saw unparalleled historic events - most notably the massive political & social upheaval in the Middle East. With the ' Arab Spring ' rattling through more than 14 separate nations in the Arab World , overthrowing longstanding governments & dictatorships ( Tunisia , Egypt , Libya ) & throwing others into chaotic civil wars ( Syria , Yemen ) it has created a maelstrom of political dynamics transforming this already volatile region into a tinder-box of instability & strategic uncertainty. In 2013 , the continuing emergence of brutal terrorists groups such as Al Qaeda , Al Nusra , ISIS , Ansar Al-Islam has further escalated the violence , bloodshed & suffering in this troubled region. These events are the prelude to the final global conflict , long prophesied in the Bible & centered around God's people , the tiny nation of Israel.
Revelation 16 v 12 - 16
v12 And the sixth angel poured his vial upon the great river Euphrates & the water thereof was dried up , ◄◄ STAGE 1 - Mid.East Uprising
that ' the way ' of the kings OF THE EAST [ Middle East " Arab Spring " ] might be prepared
v13 And I saw three unclean ' SPIRITS ' like frogs come out of the mouth of THE DRAGON [ Russia ] & ◄◄ STAGE 2 - Political Uprising
out of the mouth of THE BEAST [ EuroUnion ] & out of the mouth of THE FALSE PROPHET [ Papacy ]
v14 For they are the ' spirits ' of devils [ Spirit of REVOLUT'N ] working ' miracles ' which GO FORTH unto ◄◄ STAGE 3 - Global Revolution
the kings of THE EARTH & of THE WHOLE WORLD [ Arab Spring ~ 'Occupy' & 'Austerity' Protests ]
to gather them to the battle of that Great Day of God Almighty
v15 Behold , I COME AS A THIEF. Blessed is he that watcheth & keepeth his garments , lest he walk naked ◄◄ STAGE 4 - Christ's Return
& they see his shame & He gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue ARMAGEDDON
Note : 3 unclean " spirits " [ Liberty + Equality + Fraternity = " Democracy " ] - originating from 1789 French Revolution ( ie. " Frogs " )
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