Monday, 2 June 2014


The 3-Day Papal Tour of  Jordan - WestBank - Israel  was a major event in the Vatican's ' master - plan ' for global dominion.  Every aspect of this whirlwind tour was choreographed to promote interfaith dialogue & Pope Francis' aura as ' the Great Peacemaker '  &  to prepare the way for the Vatican's rise to religious & political primacy.  While claiming the tour was " purely religious " the Pope's words & actions ran deep with political intent.  Consider this :

1 )  Pope Francis chose both a Jewish Rabbi & an Islamic Imam to travel with him during the trip to underscore the Pope's credentials & standing as the world's pre-eminent ' Peacemaker '.

2 )  He chose to fly ' direct '  from Jordan to the Palestinian-controlled Bethlehem - widely seen as a deliberate show of ' solidarity ' with the Palestinian cause.  Never before has a Pope entered into Bethlehem without going through Israel first.  The Pope repeatedly backed Palestinians' statehood aspirations , addressing its leader Abbas as the president of the  ' State of Palestine '  &  calling Abbas a ' man of peace '  even as Abbas forms a ' unity government ' with the Islamic militant / terrorist group Hamas !!

3 )  Pope Francis sparked controversy , when he provocatively stopped to pray at Israel’s controversial West Bank separation barrier.  Standing before dozens of journalists & photographers, Francis put a hand on the wall, bowed his head & said a short prayer alongside a section on which “ Free Palestine ”  &  " Apartheid Wall " was scrawled in graffiti.   Later , he also held a private lunch with five Palestinian families who say they have been harmed by Israeli policies.  Media events, all ' staged ' by the Vatican to draw attention to Palestinian victimhood  &  more importantly , to  ' demonise ' Israel  &  isolate the Jewish State internationally.

4 )  The centrepiece of the trip was Pope Francis' meeting & prayer with Patriarch Bartholomew ( spiritual leader of the world’s Orthodox Christians )  to commemorate the 50th anniversary of a similar meeting between their predecessors that ended a 900-year rift between the Catholic - Orthodox Churches.  This event further underlining the Pope as ' transformative peacemaker '

5 )  Fulfilling prophecies in Matthew & Mark - Pope Francis became only the 2nd Pope EVER to enter ' inside ' the Dome of the Rock ( The Holy Place ) confirming he is the ' Abomination of Desolation '.  Meeting with Islamic Imam's it was a display of merging  Catholic-Muslim Unity  &  a chance to debate the last practical solutions before a ' final agreement ' can be reached on peace & universal brotherhood under ' One Universal Religion ' of all faiths  -  led by the Pope  -  from one throne of authority in Jerusalem

6 )  Finally , Pope Francis injected himself  -  politically  -  decrying Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts , declaring “ The time has come to put an end to this situation , which has become increasingly unacceptable ”  then instigating his own ' Peace Process ' by issuing a joint invitation to  Abbas & President Peres  to visit the Vatican on June 6 to ' pray for peace '.  A Vatican spokesman said it was a papal peace initiative , based on the Pope's moral & spiritual ' authority '  ( whose fraudulent claim is of being ' the Prince of Peace ' )

As we see these events unfold , the time draws near as THE TRUE ' Prince of Peace ' the Lord Jesus Christ will soon return to collect His faithful followers , before returning with them to execute the long-prophesied judgments against this Apostate system & all its harlot daughters.  The 2014 Papal Tour provided one unmistakable ' prophetic sign ' warning of coming trouble on an unprecedented scale . . .

Matthew 24v15,21  -   When ye therefore shall see the ' abomination of desolation ' ( Pope )  spoken of by Daniel the prophet  STAND IN  ' the holy place '  ( whoso readeth , let him understand : )  . . .  For  THEN  shall be great tribulation , such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time , no , nor ever shall be.            ( Our opportunity to respond to God's message of salvation is NOW !! )

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