Tuesday, 31 October 2023

Check the Bible evidence...there is no supernatural devil!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css_animation="none"]A @Christadelphians Video: Description: The Bible tells us that God is the only supernatural being, that there is no other God beside Him. The devil is a personification of human nature and sin as manifested in individuals and nations. Jesus is described as destroying the devil. He did this by living a perfect sinless life and laying down his life on the cross. He destroyed the devil, that is, the sin power and opened up the way of salvation for all of us. [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xNwPlSkqYo[/embedyt][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css_animation="none"]*************************************************************************************** This video was produced by the ChristadelphianVideo.org project, arranged and supported by the Christadelphian community worldwide. You can follow us online at.. #1 Our Main site... https://cdvideo.org #2 Our podcast on Podbean... https://cdvideo.org/podcast #3 Our podcast on Apple...https://cdvideo.org/podcast-apple #4 Our podcast on Anchor...https://cdvideo.org/truth-talk #5 Our facebook...https://facebook.com/OpenBibles #6 Our Whats App... http://cdvideo.org/WhatsApp #7 Our Instagram... http://cdvideo.org/Instagram #8 Our twitter... http://cdvideo.org/twitter #9 Our YouTube Channel... http://cdvideo.org/youtube #10 Our Audio site Scripturescribe.com... https://cdvideo.org/mp3 Watch/read / Listen to other thoughts for the day on our site here https://christadelphianvideo.org/tftd/ ___________________________________________________________________________________ CHRISTADELPHIANVIDEO.ORG, a worldwide collaboration by Christadelphians to help promote the understanding of God's Word to those who are seeking the Truth about the Human condition and God's plan and Purpose with the Earth and Mankind upon it. #Christadelphianvideo #christadelphianstalk #Christadelphians #bibletruthfeed #openbible #Gospeltruth #gospel #Christadelphian #bibletruthfeed #podcast[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row] https://christadelphianvideo.org/studyvideo/check-the-bible-evidence-there-is-no-supernatural-devil/?feed_id=49689&_unique_id=6541044b02dba

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