Tuesday, 12 March 2024

Daily Readings and Thought for March 13th. "TODAY THIS SCRIPTURE HAS BEEN FULFILLED"

   Those who read God’s word regularly are naturally inclined to watch world events, especially in the Middle East, to see if they can fit them into some prophecy. The disciples looked to Jesus in expectation of developments toward the establishment of his kingdom: two of them even asked if they could sit on either side of him in the kingdom (Mark 10 v.37).  But those in the synagogue who heard him quote a particular portion from the scroll of Isaiah (Luke 4 v.17) which he unrolled until he “found the place where it was written” were puzzled at what he chose to read; even more so when “he rolled up the scroll … to say to them, ‘Today this Scripture has been fulfilled .. ’” [v.20-21] We ponder the passage he read, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me , because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor: he has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.” [v.20-21]   Is it clear to us what the passage means?  Who bothers to preach to the poor, they had no money to put into the treasury!  There is a spiritual meaning too, deliverance to those who are captive to sin, and of those who are spiritually blind. But most people, including the disciples, were focussed on themselves and what the reality of the kingdom would mean for them when it came! But there is work to be done first, this is still “the year of the Lord’s favour” !  In v.43 we read how Jesus kept moving on to “preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns as well; for I was sent for this purpose.” We follow in his footsteps and today a final effort is being made to preach to people all over the world, even in the remotest parts.  But surely too, it is wherever opportunity occurs such as to our workmates and neighbours! And after that?  Just as the arrest and death of Jesus took place so suddenly, so also his return. How meaningful for us today are his words, “Watch yourselves lest your hearts be weighed down with … cares of this life, and that day come upon you suddenly like a trap” [Ch.21 v.34]  What are we watching? [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORV3JIdiYso[/embedyt] https://christadelphianvideo.org/tftd/daily-readings-and-thought-for-march-13th-today-this-scripture-has-been-fulfilled/?feed_id=60758&_unique_id=65f06f8e8a693

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