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This presentation explores the biblical accounts of Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and what that means for believers. It examines key passages from the Gospels and Epistles that establish Jesus' divine sonship and its significance for eternal life.
🔍 The accounts in Luke and Matthew show that Jesus was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, making him the Son of God as well as the son of Mary.
🔍 The New Testament repeatedly refers to Jesus as the "Son of God," but never uses the phrase "God the Son" or the word "Trinity," which came later.
🔍 The Gospel of John provides four references to Jesus as the Son of God, highlighting his ability to grant eternal life to those who believe in him.
🔍 Jesus, as the Son of God and the son of Mary, was a new start for the human race, fighting continually against the sinful nature he inherited from his mother.
🔍 Jesus' victory over sin and death, culminating in his resurrection, means that those who believe in him as the Son of God can look forward to inheriting eternal life.
# Keywords - Jesus Christ - Sonship of Christ - Eternal Life
A @Christadelphians Video: Everyone knows that Jesus Christ is the son of God. Hardly anyone knows what this means. The phrased "Son of God" is explained to us in several passages in the New Testament; it also appears in the Old Testament. Luke 1:35 tells us that Jesus is called the Son of God because he has no human father, but was born as the result of a miracle, the power of God acting on Jesus' mother who was a virgin until his birth. He is literally the Son of God. The same passage tells us that Jesus is not God. God brought him into existence and promised to give him the throne of the Kingdom of God. Had Jesus been God, God would never have needed to give him anything; Jesus would already have had whatever it was. The act of giving implies two different beings. The Gospels also show that Jesus was sent by God and that he died and was raised by God. Because Jesus was the Son of God he had a closeness to God which was greater than that of any other being. He was able to act as a perfect image of God (Hebrews 1:1-4) and therefor to show us what God is like. This video is produced by the Gospel Online project which is arranged and supported by the Christadelphian community in the United Kingdom.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxycAzl3nu8[/embedyt]
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