Thursday 21 September 2023

Times and Seasons Revisited- 3 Videos (Martin Walker)


These articles are heavily based on the work of brother W H Carter who wrote a book in 1961 called Times and Seasons, plus the works of Biblical Chronologist Rodger C Young and Edwin Thiele. Brother Carter’s book Times and Seasons was based mainly on the Jubilee cycles - particularly the 70 th and final Jubilee which he believed would usher in the Kingdom of God on earth. He suggested that 1996/7 could be the occasion of the 70 th Jubilee. That date came and went, and we ask: was he mistaken about the 70 th Jubilee heralding our Lord’s return, or might we review the calculation of the Jubilee Cycles start date? We here consider compelling evidence that the 70 th Jubilee has not yet come, and when it may be, by retracing the steps of brother Carter’s reasoning on this subject. Whenever that longed for day arrives, we hope the following will strengthen our faith and invigorate our walk.

Times and Seasons Part 1 – The 70 Weeks and the 70 Jubilees Prophecy Issac Newton and brother Carter both believed there was a dual application to what is known as Daniel’s seventy week prophecy: - The well known interpretation: the 70 ‘weeks of years’ (70 x 7: 490 years) to the first advent of Christ; The 70 ‘Jubilee cycles’ (70 x [7 x 7]: 3430 years) to the second advent of Christ. We revisit his reasoning, show why he believed in two time periods relating to this prophecy, and show two independent points on the Jubilee calendar that can be related to the Bible and History and that go on to show that that the 70 th Jubilee is still future! Part 2 – Sabbatical Years and Jubilee Cycles Both Issac Newton and brother Carter thought that the “70 week prophecy” would share the same Sabbatical cycles as the “70 Jubilee cycles”. We look at the 70 week prophecy in relation to the 70 Jubilee Cycle and find there is a real possibility that this is a case, as some of our brothers have suggested that the start of the 70 week prophecy is in 455BC! The Biblical Calendar is briefly considered. We see from the pattern of entering the land when the Jubilee Cycle began and give very strong evidence to when years and Jubilee Cycles should start by looking at the reaping and sowing cycles! Part 3 – The “50 th ” Year in the Jubilee Cycle Compelling evidence is put forward to show that the Jubilee Cycle is exactly 49 years in length. The 50 th Year is considered and where it fits into the Jubilee Cycle. Some have wondered if Isaiah 37:30 at the time of Hezekiah was a signature of a 50 th Jubilee Year? Evidence is put forward to show it was in fact the time of a Sabbatical year reinforcing the suggestions put forward in part 2 of our studies. The verse “no one knows the day or hour” is looked at in context and a tentative suggestion is put forward to its meaning. Our exhortation is that these studies may have stirred us up, that we may examine ourselves carefully, that we are bringing forth fruit worthy of repentance. That we join the wise virgins and always watch and be ready and about our Master’s business at all times until he comes.


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