Tuesday 16 July 2024

Phinehas the Zealous man.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=""]A @Christadelphians Video: Description: This is a character study of a man whose life is recorded in the Old Testament of the Bible. His background and various situations that he was involved in, are outlined and portray him as a faithful man, devoted to serving God. # Summary The presentation discusses Phinehas, a zealous and exemplary figure from the Old Testament, exploring his lineage, actions, and significance. Emphasis is placed on his righteous deeds, his commitment to God's commandments, and the impact of his actions on the Israelites. ### Highlights - 📜 **Introduction of Phinehas**: Phinehas is highlighted as a zealous man, an example for all, with a significant role in the Old Testament. - 📖 **Biblical Phases**: Three phases in the Bible related to Phinehas and his lineage are identified, focusing on his role and actions. - 📜 **Psalm 106**: Reference to Psalm 106, emphasising God's view of Phinehas and comparing his righteousness to that of Abraham. - 📖 **Phinehas' Genealogy**: Phinehas' lineage from the priestly tribe of Levi is outlined, showcasing his descent from Aaron and his family’s significance. - 🔥 **Zealous Acts**: Phinehas is noted for his zeal and righteousness, particularly his actions in Numbers 25, where he executed judgment to stop a plague. - 📜 **Lessons from Nabad and Abihu**: The presentation discusses the consequences of disobedience through the actions of Nabad and Abihu, contrasting them with Phinehas' obedience. - ⚔️ **Defender of Righteousness**: Phinehas' actions in stopping the Israelites from falling into idolatry and immorality are highlighted as crucial in maintaining their purity. - 📖 **Gatekeeper Role**: Phinehas is described as a gatekeeper, protecting the congregation from external corruptions and ensuring adherence to God's commandments. - 🌾 **Commitment of Eastern Tribes**: The commitment of the two and a half tribes who assisted in conquering the western land is acknowledged, alongside their construction of an altar as a witness between the tribes. - 📜 **Altar of Witness**: The construction and significance of the altar built by the eastern tribes are discussed, emphasizing their intent to maintain unity among the Israelites. # Keywords - Phinehas - Zealotry - Biblical Righteousness [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiUsybevpEQ[/embedyt][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css_animation="none"]*************************************************************************************** This video was produced by the ChristadelphianVideo.org project, arranged and supported by Christadelphians worldwide. You can follow us online at.. #1 Our Main site...                      #2 Our podcast on Spotify..      #3 Our podcast on Apple.        #4 Our podcast on Podbean   #5 Our facebook...                      #6 Our Whats App..                      #7 Our Instagram...                     #8 Our X...                                       #9 Our YouTube Channel...     #10 Our Audio site ...                 Watch/read/Listen/ subscribe to  thoughts for the day CHRISTADELPHIANVIDEO.ORG, a worldwide collaboration by Christadelphians to help promote the understanding of God's Word to those who are seeking the Truth about the Human condition and God's plan and Purpose with the Earth and Mankind upon it. #Christadelphianvideo #christadelphianstalk #Christadelphians #bibletruthfeed #openbible #Gospeltruth #gospel #Christadelphian #bibletruthfeed #podcast[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row] https://christadelphianvideo.org/studyvideo/phinehas-the-zealous-man/?feed_id=69138&_unique_id=66965b531becc

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