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Under pressure from the Modern world, especially active feminism, many church congregations find themselves being challenged on the wearing of head coverings and the roles of women in worship. This trend reveals a failure to understand the principles of headship as clearly revealed in the Bible. These 2 talks deal with the headship principle and the false reasonings that are applied against Paul’s instructions. There are also suggestions as to how congregations should be organised in harmony with Bible practices. Wearing a head covering is a wonderful privilege for a sister in Christ, not a restriction on her rights and preferences.
#1 - A @Christadelphians Video: Then first talk deals with the principles of headship and clearly looks at the inspired writings of Paul in 1Timothy 2 and 1 Corinthians 11. # Summary The PRESENTATION delves into the biblical perspective on headship and head coverings, addressing the challenges posed by modern societal views, particularly those influenced by feminism. It examines the scriptural authority of the Bible, particularly the teachings of the Apostle Paul, and discusses the historical context of head coverings within the church. The speaker argues for the importance of adhering to biblical principles regarding gender roles and head coverings, reinforcing the idea that these practices are rooted in divine order and creation.
#2 - A @Christadelphians Video: The second talk has a focus on answering some of the reasons that are used to undermine Paul’s clear teaching. # Summary This PRESENTATION discusses the Biblical perspective on headship and head coverings, focusing on congregational practices and mutual submission. It emphasises the importance of adhering to scriptural teachings rather than societal pressures, particularly in light of feminist movements that challenge traditional roles outlined by the Apostle Paul. The speaker argues that headship principles are consistent throughout the Bible and should be respected in contemporary worship settings.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/embed?listType=playlist&list=PLsmUZDApxHVEVXRhwpwNf59EVKdA4ZL-0&layout=gallery[/embedyt][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=""]
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