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A @Christadelphians Video: Description: Within the scriptures God’s purpose is clearly revealed. The Jews during the time of Christ rebelled and have suffered. Ultimately, they will be cared for. God keeps his promises. Old Testament prophecies and the promises will be fulfilled when Christ returns to the earth and the Kingdom of God is established. God has his own Timetable and all can be involved in the future answer to the world problems.
# Summary
The PRESENTATION discusses the intricate relationship between salvation and the nation of Israel, emphasising that Israel is God's chosen people and that salvation is intertwined with both Israel and Jesus Christ. It explores biblical passages that highlight Israel's role in God's plan for salvation, the significance of covenants made with the patriarchs, and the eventual redemption of Israel. The speaker also addresses the current state of Israel, the prophetic implications of their return to the land, and the hope of salvation extended to Gentiles through faith in Jesus Christ.
# Highlights
- 🇮🇱 **Israel as God's People**: The presentation asserts that Israel is God's chosen nation, as affirmed in biblical texts. Their role is crucial in the unfolding of God's salvation plan for both Jews and Gentiles.
- 📖 **Covenants and Promises**: It highlights the importance of the covenants made with figures like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and David, which are foundational to understanding God's relationship with humanity and the promise of salvation.
- ✝️ **Salvation Through Christ**: The speaker emphasises that salvation is ultimately realised through Jesus Christ, who embodies the fulfilment of God's promises and offers hope to all, including Gentiles, thus bridging the gap between Jews and non-Jews.
# keyword
#Israel #Salvation #Covenants
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TKaO8WHpGI[/embedyt][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css="" css_animation="none"]***************************************************************************************
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