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A @Christadelphians Video: Description: God’s blessings provide believers with joy, comfort and deliverance.
There are natural blessings and special spiritual blessings. God is the all-powerful provider, with whom all things are possible is not willing that any should perish, so we need not fear the judgment seat to come. In the diligent reading of God’s Word, and seeking Him in prayer, we learn the grace, mercy and patience of our God. Thus we can have peace and contentment despite the world around us.
# Summary
The presentation by Greg Palmer explores the abundant blessings that God offers to believers, particularly focusing on the concept of forgiveness as highlighted in Psalm 103 and Ephesians. Palmer emphasises that while humans may feel unworthy of such blessings, God's generosity exceeds our expectations. He discusses the importance of understanding and accepting God's willingness to forgive all sins, regardless of human worthiness, and highlights the role of intercession—both by Christ and fellow believers—in receiving forgiveness. The presentation encourages listeners to appreciate and be grateful for God's merciful nature.
# Highlights
- 🌧️ **General Blessings**: God provides general blessings such as rain and sunshine to all of creation, reflecting His generosity to both the just and unjust.
- 📖 **Forgiveness of Sins**: The foremost blessing for believers is the forgiveness of sins, which is described in Psalm 103 as God forgiving "all" iniquities, highlighting the magnitude of this blessing.
- 🙏 **Intercession**: Christ intercedes for believers, presenting their prayers to God, and fellow believers can also pray for each other, extending God's grace and forgiveness even when individuals feel unworthy or unable to pray for themselves.
- 💖 **God's Generosity**: God's willingness to forgive is not based on human worthiness but on His abundant mercy, which should encourage believers to approach Him with confidence and gratitude.
- ⏳ **Consequences of Sin**: While God forgives sins, the earthly consequences of those sins may still remain, reminding believers of the importance of living righteously.
# keyword
#Forgiveness #Blessings #Intercession
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIExcj68gnM[/embedyt][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=""]
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