Israel's family had multiplied greatly with time. And the Egyptians were fearful that if a war happened the Israelites might side with Egypt's foes. For they were the friends of a former, but now despised dynasty - most probably that of the Hyksos shepherd-kings from Chaldea, who had conquered Egypt before the arrival of Israel's family. Although they were moderate in their rule they were despised as they had gained Egypt's wealth. The new regime enslaved Israel and killed their male children. The Israelites were constructing the new Pharaoh's treasure cities. The Hebrew midwives - Shiphrah and Puah - were commanded to throw the boys, born to the Hebrew mothers, into the Nile. But, the midwives failed to obey since they reverenced Yahweh more than the Pharaoh. And so the LORD blessed them. Chapter 2 tells of Moses' birth and the way in which he was providentially saved through the actions of his faithful family. Moses' birth was concealed for 3 months; but as he grew this task became harder. His parents knew that the deliverance from God was drawing nearer and they hoped that in Moses the LORD would raise up a saviour (see Acts 7 verses 17-22;
Hebrews 11 verse 23). Jochabed, the mother of Moses, deliberately exposed her son to Pharaoh's childless daughter, who upon hearing Moses' cry was filled with compassion and the desire to adopt him. Miriam was there to advance this plan. Jochabed wet nursed Moses and had opportunity to instruct her son in the revealed plans from the LORD outlined in the promises. At the age of 40 Moses made a choice to align himself with the suffering people of God, rather than accept what Egypt was offering. Moses, perhaps, turned down the chance to become the next king (see
Acts 7 verses 22-29;
Hebrews 11 verses 23-26). He struck down and killed an Egyptian who had struck an Israelite slave. The body was hastily buried in the sand. The next day he sought to separate two fighting Israelites and tried to intervene; he was derided by his brother who knew of the former day's murder. Moses fled Egypt,to far away Midian, fearing Pharaoh's vengeance. Here he remained for 40 years of divine education in readiness for God's use, as a humbled servant. He met Reuel, the local wise priest, who had 7 daughters - also known as Jethro, Raguel - where he married Zipporah and became a shepherd. A son was born to them and named Gershom, signifying Moses' status as a sojourner, together with the patriarchal family. The chapter concludes by telling us that Yahweh has heard His childrens' groaning and as a loving Father will respond, ever faithful to His promises.
Psalm 53 is a duplication of Psalm 14. Psalm 53 is an important record, "The fool has said in his heart, there is no God" - and is cited in Romans 3. Its message tells us more than that atheists are foolish. It is not those who simply speak the words; but, it applies to those whose actions say, 'I can act as I please and will not be punished'. The heart's intentions are of great importance and determine our actions.
Psalm 54 is another Maschil of David's designed for guidance to his listeners. It was written after David had been delivered from Saul's encirclement following the treachery of the Ziphites. God had heard his prayer, and yet again saved David from an impossible situation. Saul having surrounded David would have certainly captured him had to withdraw his army to defend the land from a Philistine invasion. The strangers, who had risen against David, failed because of David's trust in the Almighty. David will present to his God thanksgiving offerings and praise.
Yet again Psalm 55 is a Maschil from the pen of David in which he celebrates his Sovereign's saving him again and again. The theme of the Psalm is for the heaters to "Cast your burden upon the LORD"; or, as the Hebrew language expresses, "Roll yourself on Yahweh". David in his restless and oppressed state of mind calls upon his God to vanquish his sorrows and prevent his being overwhelmed with despair. The Psalmist prays for the wings of a dove, that he might fly away from all his troubles. He then beseeches his Omnipotent Creator to repay the evils of his enemies. He speaks of his chief adversary in verses 12-14; this is believed to have been David's supreme counsellor Ahithophel. This man had deep insights into the Scriptures, but became embittered against David when the king committed adultery with Ahithophel's granddaughter. The counterpart to Ahithophel is the betrayer of our Lord Jesus Christ - Judas Iscariot; who likewise had a spiritually perceptive mind, which was overcome by his covetousness. David (and the Messiah himself) invoke the LORD's vengeance upon those wicked men in verses 15-17. Not so for His Anointed, who was constantly in the care of his Creator - verses 16-19. And so the take home message in the concluding verses for all faithful believers is to, "Roll yourself on Yahweh and He will sustain (uphold, support) you"; whatever your troubles.
Romans 7 starts with an analogy comparing the liberty to remarry providing the former spouse had deceased with the believer's freedom from the law because Christ's death was the death-knell for the Mosaic law. The chapter showed the law's purpose in provoking peoples' covetous lusts demonstrating human incapacity to be righteous on the basis of law keeping. A delight in God's law within our mind must make the coming freedom in Christ's Kingdom a foretaste of the final freedom when we will be set free.
Romans 8 indicates that desire must be supported by a concerted attempt to live after the spirit by thinking spiritually and not carnally. What was impossible for the law to provide - a totally sinless being from Adam's progeny - our Heavenly Father produced in a unique man, completely possessed of every passion and frailty common to humanity; yet as a product of his divine parentage and strengthening by constant imprinting of Yahweh's Word a Victor over fleshly thinking. The chapter tells us that those, who like their Lord, are led by spirit thinking will likewise be God's children. The chapter tells us the steps involved in the process of our being saved, as verses 28-30, show. Finally the encouragement of verses 31-39 reveal to us that God has done above and beyond what we could conceivably think - so the remaining perceived impediments are minuscule by comparison. God's demonstrated desire to see the faithful in His Kingdom cam only be thwarted by ourselves. Read these verses aloud and marvel at the message of the love God has for His children and has been shown to us by the life, death and glorifying of His Son our Lord Jesus Christ.

Penned by Warwick Rosser and his team, produced by Christadelphianvideo.org
See more Thoughts from the Christadelphian Dialy Bible Reading Planner (By R.Roberts) here...
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