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Description: Many things in life cannot be predicted, many Scientists believe in God. Nuclear, electromagnetic & gravitation forces can are the 3 forces in life. Some things cannot be made in the lab, but only the maker knows the reason. The Bible tells us the reason for the creation and the origin of things and it is our decision what we choose to believe.
# Summary
This presentation explores the relationship between science and the existence of God, examining various scientific perspectives and their implications for the question of God's existence. The presenter delves into the comprehensibility of the universe, the scientific views on the beginning of the universe, the fine-tuning of the universe, and the complexity of the genetic code, all of which are discussed in the context of whether science has disproved the existence of God.
# Highlights
🔍 The presenter discusses the comprehensibility of the universe, highlighting Einstein's view that the fact that the universe is comprehensible suggests the existence of a God who designed it.
🔍 The presenter examines the scientific views on the beginning of the universe, including the Big Bang theory and the idea of continuous creation, and how these relate to the concept of a Creator.
🔍 The presenter explores the fine-tuning of the universe, where the fundamental constants and forces of nature are precisely balanced to allow for the existence of life, suggesting an intelligent design.
🔍 The presenter discusses the complexity of the genetic code, with a scientist's observation that the "architecture of life" appears designed, indicating an underlying intelligence.
🔍 The presenter introduces the concept of "Aunt Matilda's cake," which illustrates the limitations of science in understanding the purpose and intent behind the creation of the universe, suggesting the need for divine revelation.
🔍 The presenter concludes that science has not disproved the existence of God, and that the Bible can provide insights into God's purpose and intentions for the creation of the universe.
# Keywords
- Science and religion
- Intelligent design
- Cosmology
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuF-TT6LEu4[/embedyt][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css="" css_animation="none"]***************************************************************************************
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