Thoughts on the readings for January 14th (Genesis 25 and 26 Psalm 31 and Matthew 16)
Genesis 25 tells that Abraham took another wife, called Keturah. We are not sure at what time Keturah became Abraham's wife; but, she bare him 6 sons. These sons became the progenitors of many of the Arab nations - already we see Abraham has becoming the "father of a multitude (or "many nations")". They were sent eastward enriched with gifts from the great patriarch. Abraham died at the age of 175 and was buried in the cave of Machpelah by his sons Isaac and Ishmael. From verses 12-18 we have the genealogy of Ishmael from whom descended 12 princes. From verses 19-28 of Genesis 25 we are told that Rebekah had great problems in conception and once pregnant she experienced a trying time. Rebekah enquired of Yahweh (probably through the priest) about the wrestlings within her; and was told she would give birth to twins, who would be very different and, that the elder twin would serve the younger. Esau was born hairy, or fully developed. He was red haired and so called Esau, which means red. The younger twin was born grasping the heel of his twin. He was named Jacob meaning heel grabber. The difference between them was evident from their early days with Jacob being "a plain (upright) man dwelling in tents (a sojourner like his fathers)"; whilst Esau was an energetic, active man - a man's man; an athletic hunter. Rebekah favoured Jacob (her son); whilst Isaac loved Esau - who he perhaps envied, as Esau was everything that Isaac was not. After returning from his hunting without any prey Esau, claiming to be starving, sold his birthright to his spiritually ambitious brother, Jacob for a bowl of red lentils. This story indicated Esau had no love of the promises and not a skerrick of spirituality (see the comments in Hebrews 12 verses 14 to17). In Genesis 26 God repeats the Abrahamic promise to Isaac. There was a famine in the Land and Isaac was told to sojourn and trust in the Almighty to provide. From verse 6 we see Isaac journeying to the land of the Philistines, where he like his father (Abraham) lied about his wife; because of fear for his own life. But after being seen acting as a husband, Isaac is rebuked by the Philistine king Abimelech. How incredible that great men of faith should so fail - but as James tells us, they were of like passions (and weaknesses) to ourselves. Abimelech charged his people to act honourably to Rebekah. Isaac sowed in that country and reaped an abundant harvest. Isaac, like Abraham, became rich and powerful; and was envied by the Philistines. All the wells that had been dug by Abraham were filled with earth by these lazy and envious men. Isaac was instructed to move away and he relocated to Gerar. There Isaac again dug his father's well and the Philistines quarrelled over the water. The well was named Esek, meaning "contention". So Isaac moved on and dug another well, named Sitnah (meaning
"a quarrel"), as this again was the consequence of finding water. He moved once more and dug for and found water at Rehoboth (meaning "room"). This water was uncontested. Finally he moved to Beersheba ("the well of the covenant"), where Yahweh repeated to Isaac the promise to Abraham in verse 24. The chapter finishes with a covenant being made between Isaac and Phicol, captain of the Philistine army. After a feast in which the Philistines acknowledge Isaac to be "blessed of Yahweh", there is an exchange of oaths Isaac settled in Beersheba and dwelt there with the well of the covenant providing their needs as had their Sustainer and Protector.
The 31st Psalm is a Psalm of David which focuses on Messiah (the Lord Jesus Christ). The Almighty was David's place of refuge and Rock of trust - and to a greater extent was this true for the Son of God. Despite opposition from the evil workers the Lord, in particular (and David by type) had remained steadfast and immovable. Despite appearances to the contrary our Lord was victorious
(Colossians 2 verses 11 to 15) in the strife. The balance of the Psalm outlines the disappointment of the writer, as revealing the mind of our Lord, with the villainy and corruption of his foes; and Jesus' trust of his Sovereign's loving care and capacity to deliver. Slowly read aloud verses 12 to14 and meditate upon the power of Messiah's faith and trust. Because of the LORD's faithfulness the righteous was delivered and the wicked assured of divine recompense. The take home message from this Psalm is expressed in verses 23 and 24: "Love Yahweh all you his saints! Yahweh preserves the faithful but abundantly repays the one who acts in pride. Be strong and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for Yahweh" (ESV version).
The 16th chapter of Matthew shows the incapacity of the nation's rulers to see what was happening in their midst. This is followed by a treatise on the deception contained in corrupt teachings; whose pervasive influence rapidly permeates like leaven. Next comes the greatest confession by Peter, upon which rock-like foundation the entire ecclesia is built - namely, that "Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God" (see John 6 verses 68 and 69, Ephesians 2 verse 20 and 21). This is followed by an explicit explanation of his coming sufferings, death and resurrection on the third day. A final appeal is made to each believer to take up his/her cross and follow Jesus. Penned by Warwick Rosser and his team produced by Christa delphian video .org
See more Thoughts from the Christadelphian Dialy Bible Reading Planner (By R.Roberts) here...
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