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A @Christadelphians Video: Description: A wonderful time is coming, which is revealed in prophecy.
A @Christadelphians Video: Description: The prophecy of Micah speaks of a wonderful time when many shall go up to the mountain of the house of Yahweh, to learn of his ways, for his law shall go forth from Zion, and his word from Jerusalem. All nations will submit to him, and the weapons of war be destroyed. All will then dwell in wonderful peace and safety under their own vine and fig tree, none making them afraid. A lovely hope, soon to be fulfilled.
# Summary The presentation discusses how the Bible accurately forecasts future events, contrasting these prophecies with the often vague predictions of historical figures like Nostradamus. It highlights specific biblical prophecies concerning Babylon and Tyre, detailing their historical significance and eventual destruction as foretold in scripture. The speaker emphasizes the reliability of God's word and concludes with a hopeful vision for the future under the reign of Jesus Christ, where peace and righteousness will prevail.
# Highlights
- 📖 The Bible's Prophecies: The presentation asserts that the Bible contains detailed and accurate forecasts of future events, unlike vague predictions from figures like Nostradamus.
- 🏛️ Babylon's Historical Significance: The speaker describes Babylon's grandeur and its eventual destruction as prophesied in the Bible, highlighting archaeological evidence that supports its existence.
- 🌊 Tyre's Downfall: The presentation explores the prophecy concerning Tyre, detailing how its historical demise aligns with biblical predictions, including the actions of Nebuchadnezzar and Alexander the Great.
- 🌍 Future Hope: The speaker concludes by discussing the hopeful future that the Bible promises, where Jesus Christ will reign and bring peace, righteousness, and abundance to the Earth.
# keyword
#BibleProphecy #HistoricalEvidence #FutureHope
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxxK711rSgA[/embedyt]
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