Thursday, 23 January 2025

Thoughts on the readings for January 24th (Genesis 39, 40; Psalm 44; Matthew 26)

Genesis 39 tells of the Midianites selling Joseph to Potiphar, who was the captain - or "chief" of Pharaoh's body guard. He was probably a eunuch and therefore although his wife had a high social status in Egyptian society, nevertheless some of her desires could not be met by her husband. Being an intelligent and diligent young man Joseph soon rose to chief servant in the household. He was also an attractive young man, who Potiphar's wife found most desirable. Joseph was a young man with great integrity, who realised that everything we do Is before the eyes of the LORD; and sin is firstly against Him (regardless of anyone else that might be affected) - Psalm 51:4. And so after frequently resisting her advances he wisely found a strategy to avoid being near her in the absence of others. Finally she trapped him; but Joseph fled after she had pulled his clothes off. Mrs Potiphar now felt scorned and determined to seek revenge. She kept his clothes to support her false story about Joseph's supposed attempts to seduce her. And when Potiphar came home he was enraged by her word which he chose to believe. Joseph was cast into a prison where the special prisoners of Pharaoh were kept. Verse 21 importantly tells us that Yahweh's care and providence were still with Joseph, as he rose to prominence and was given important roles in the prison. The LORD had a purpose in these events to teach Joseph patience and to ultimately bring him to a position of power in Egypt. Chapter 40 tells us how this was to happen. In the prison Joseph befriended the former chief baker and the previous chief butler of Pharaoh. They both had strange dreams on the same night. Joseph persuaded them to tell their dreams to him. The common thread in both dreams told of their fate in 3 more days - the butler would be restored to Pharaoh's service and the baker hung. Joseph asked that the butler remember him once his office had been restored. But, alas, he forgot until God caused Pharaoh to dream 2 puzzling dreams in one night. Pharaoh's dreams were centred around unusual events that focused on the number 7. But that will be discussed in tomorrow's readings in chapter 41 of our story. Psalm 44 is a Psalm in which the writer speaks of Yahweh's past dealings with His people; and what this had taught them. It outlines suffering followed by favour. In hardship the people of God learn more than they do in prosperity. They learnt to depend on their Sovereign and to place their trust in Him. Despite massive setbacks and intense persecution, where they felt that they were merely sheep awaiting slaughter, they found strength to overcome and, more than that, to in fact emerge triumphant. Verses 8-11 are quoted by the Apostle Paul in Romans 8 (which centres on our victory through our Lord Jesus Christ) - verses 35-37 is Paul's summary. Experience, says the Psalmist, is best understood through trials. It teaches us that in our weakened and downcast state we have been readied for rolling ourselves upon our God; who is mighty to help and save us. There is no other greater Helper to support us (though friends may be of great help also at times). The Psalm finished with a plea for our Almighty God to rise for our deliverance and that He should be praised and thanked for this. We can be assured of His care, compassion and loving kindness that compels Him to action on behalf of His children. Matthew 26 begins with ongoing plots from the High Priest to destroy our Lord Jesus Christ. Next, comes the anointing of Jesus' feet by Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus, with the precious ointment- which became the catalyst for greedy Judas to betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. Following this is the record of the Lord's Supper being kept in what thereafter would be a memorial of his sacrifice by sharing bread and wine. Jesus then prophesied of his betrayal by Peter, which in turn was a citation of the words of Zechariah 13 foretelling this. After these events came Jesus' intense personal struggle in the Garden of Gethsemane; where three times he prayed and was strengthened having subjected his own will to that of his Father's. His betrayal came next. Here, one of the twelve named Judas Iscariot, led the heavily armed band of thugs sent from the temple to arrest the meekest man to have ever walked upon the earth. There was a short ensuing resistance led courageously by Peter, who was rebuked by Jesus. The Master miraculously heals Malchus and passively surrenders himself to be led away to the High Priest's palace awaiting the sentence of death by a process that was illegal in every detail. Note the adjuration of the High Priest in verse 63 was contrary to divine law. Jesus answered citing Daniel 7 verses 13-14 in verse 64, which indicated that the High Priest was knowingly defying God and would incur coming judgment as a result. Peter's pathetic threefold denial and intense remorse close the record. Penned by Warwick Rosser and his team, produced by See more Thoughts from the Christadelphian Dialy Bible Reading Planner (By R.Roberts) here...

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