Thursday, 27 February 2025

Bible Prophecy Ind 2025

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A @Christadelphians Video: Description: A wonderful time is coming, which is revealed in prophecy.
A @Christadelphians Video: Description: For the benefit of a younger generation of believers, this presentation of the original Christadelphian teaching on Bible Prophecy, based on the Image in Daniel 2, shows that the fulfilment extends to the replacement of human rule by the Kingdom of God, when Jesus Christ returns to reign on Earth. We will enter the Kingdom if we are living now in accordance with Christ's principles. **YouTube Video Title:** "Will We See World War 3? 🌍 Biblical Prophecies Revealed! (End Times, Armageddon, and the Kingdom of God)" **Why Watch This Video?** If you’ve ever wondered about the future of our world, the rise of global conflicts, and what the Bible says about the end times, this video is for you. Packed with biblical insights, historical context, and prophetic revelations, this talk will leave you with a deeper understanding of God’s plan for humanity. **Video Description:** Are we on the brink of World War 3? 🌍 In this eye-opening Bible talk, we explore the prophecies of the end times, Armageddon, and the establishment of God's Kingdom. From the historical cycles of conflict to the role of Israel in Bible prophecy, this presentation dives deep into what the Scriptures reveal about the future of our world. Whether you're new to Bible study or a seasoned student, this talk offers fresh insights and timeless truths that will challenge and inspire you. 📖 **Bible Verses Discussed:** - **Jeremiah 10:23** 🙏 - **Isaiah 32** ✝️ - **Daniel 2, 7, 8, 11** 📜 - **Ezekiel 38** 🌐 - **Zechariah 12, 14** ⚔️ - **Matthew 24** 🕊️ - **Revelation 16** 🔥 **Timestamps (Chapters):** 00:00 - **Introduction:** Will We See World War 3? 00:37 - **Defining World War:** What Makes a Global Conflict? 02:19 - **Current Global Conflicts:** Are We on the Edge of WW3? 04:34 - **Man’s Efforts vs. God’s Plan:** Why Peace Efforts Fail 05:25 - **Biblical Prophecies of Peace:** The Coming Kingdom of God 06:49 - **Historical Cycles of Conflict:** From Creation to the Flood 09:02 - **The Role of Israel in Bible Prophecy** 11:06 - **The Four Cycles of Divine Judgment** 13:14 - **The Little Horn of the Goat:** A Key to Understanding End Times 17:19 - **Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream:** The Image and the Stone 22:36 - **Armageddon:** The Battle That Will Change the World 28:01 - **The King of the North and the King of the South** 31:24 - **Byzantium and the Little Horn of the Goat** 36:21 - **The Role of Russia in End-Time Prophecy** 38:00 - **The Catholic Church’s Prophecy of the Antichrist** 41:52 - **The Abomination of Desolation Explained** 47:34 - **Israel’s Restoration and the Desolation of the Land** 50:29 - **The Vintage of the Earth:** 30 Years of Judgment 51:14 - **Conclusion:** Will You See World War 3? **Key Topics Covered:** - The historical and biblical definition of a world war 🌍 - The role of Israel in end-time prophecy 🇮🇱 - The significance of the "Little Horn of the Goat" in Bible prophecy 🐐 - The battle of Armageddon and the Vintage of the Earth ⚔️ - The role of Russia (Gog) and the King of the North in end-time events ❄️ - The abomination of desolation and its connection to Jerusalem 🕍 - The ultimate establishment of God’s Kingdom and peace on Earth ✝️ 🔔 **Don’t forget to LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE for more Bible-based content!** #WorldWar3 #BibleProphecy #EndTimes #Armageddon #KingdomOfGod #Israel #BiblicalTruth #ChristianTeachings #Christadelphian [embedyt][/embedyt]

When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)  Mat 24:15


But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains: Mar 13:14


And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. Luk 21:20


And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. Dan 9:27


And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days .Dan 12:11


Abomination – Heb - shiqqûts - detestable thing or idol, abominable thing, abomination, idol, detested thing


Desolate – Heb - shâmêm-  to be desolated, be deflowered, be deserted, be appalled


The desolater is the Little Horn of the Goat which in the days of Constantine transferred its residence & court to Constantinople from Rome


Rome was exclusive capital of the Little Horn of the Goat in the days of Jesus and the apostles


Rome then was the pagan Roman empire or the Dragon


But in subsequent divisions  of the Empire into the Greek and Latin territories Rome became in the days of Charlemagne the capitol of the little horn of Daniels 4th Beast, and not  the Little horn of the Goat which was identified in the East in Constantinople. Daniel 7


Before the little horn of the Goats empire was divided into subsequent countries from Rome he “magnified himself against the Prince of the host of Israel”


This he did by crucifying the Lord of glory and furthermore “by him the daily should be taken away” Daniel 8:11,i.e. the destruction of the temple and its associated sacrifices..


This was the first of a series of abominations  of desolation that overspread the holy land. It was signalised by the taking away of the Jewish state.


This was followed by a series of abominations of which the principal has been the,1. pagan Roman the 2. Greek Catholic & the 3. Mohammedan all of them constituents of the Little horn of the Goat.


The power of the this abomination continued as long as the people (national Israel)  of the Holy Ones were in a scattered state but then, that determined shall be poured out upon the desolater.


This scattering and desolation of the land was to continue for 1290 yrs. after which the desolater will be destroyed.


This commences i.e. the end of the 1290 yrs, at the drying up of the Euphrates, the Ottoman power  but that determined will  not finally reach its consummation until Gog, who becomes the Little horn of the Goat takes Constantinople and then Jerusalem.


Refer to Eureka Logos Edition Vol 5 Pages 186-189

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