Saturday, 15 February 2025

Thoughts on the readings for February 16th (Exodus 27, Psalms 81, 82, Mark 12)

Exodus 27 describes the first item of furniture encountered by the worshippers upon entering the courtyard of the Tabernacle. It is the bronze altar on which the sacrifices are placed. This teaches us that the first need of anyone who wants salvation is for the LORD to provide a redemptive sacrifice. It was made of bronze speaking of purified flesh - our Lord Jesus Christ offered himself, as a sinless man. The altar was made from acacia wood and overlaid with bronze. Its details, dimensions and accessories are described in verses 1-8. The description finishes with a reminder that its pattern spoke of Christ and was shown to Moses in Mount Sinai (Hebrews 13:10-15). The next eleven verses describe the curtains which were hung at the perimeter of the courtyard. Their dimensions, bases and method of attachment are given. These were of fine linen speaking of the righteous deeds of the believers, who surround their Lord Jesus Christ (see Revelation 19:8). The gate of the courtyard resembled the entrance of the Holy Place - linen embroidered with blue, purple, scarlet and golden threads. Verses 20 to the chapter's end describe the faithful labours of God's people in obtaining the pure golden olive oil for the Lampstand within the Holy Place. Aaron and his sons, the priests, were required to tend to the supplying of the oil and the tending to the wicks day and night. In the house of the LORD the light of the Word must continually burn brightly. Psalms 81 and 82 come from the family of Asaph. Psalm 81 was to be sung by male singers. This spoke of the judgment represented by the treading of the winepress. It is a plea to the people of God to listen to their Sovereign. It was, verse 3, to be sung at the month's beginning, the Festival of the new moon. This was to be observed throughout all time celebrating the deliverance of the Almighty for His people. The Psalm tells of the failure of the Israelites in the wilderness at Meribah to take heed to their provider. Nonetheless He chastised delivered the rebellious congregation and fed them with the finest of the wheat and the honey. Psalm 82 tells of God's provision of judges and rulers for His people. It is quoted by the Lord Jesus Christ to prove that in claiming divine Sonship he was not making himself equal to God (John 10:30-38). The Psalm begins by telling its hearers that the supreme Deity, El had commissioned representatives to faithfully judge His people. Yet they needed to recognise that despite their powerful positions they were like those who they judged, weak frail mortals. It would be Yahweh Himself, through His great Son - the Lord Jesus Christ - who would both, bring judgment and inherit all things: Acts 17 verses 30-31; Hebrews 1 verses 1-14. Mark 12 begins with the parable of the tenants of the vineyard which spoke of Israel. The parable tells of the constant rejection of God's servants, the prophets; and the ultimate sin of Israel in rejecting the Son of the Father. The nation's wicked rulers saw themselves in Jesus' words and fulfilled the prophecy of our Lord in plotting Jesus' death. Christ's enemies make several attempts to undermine our Lord's authority. The chapter shows that each prominent party posed hypothetical questions. The first was from the Herodians, who were pragmatists who were prepared to cooperate with Rome. The Herodian's question was on taxation. The master not only answers majestically, but he directs their minds to God's claims on them. We are next told of the Sadducees posing their question on resurrection. This sect were the priestly class. They were wealthy and used their power to accumulate wealth. The Sadducees did not accept the teaching of the resurrection; nor any of the Scriptures apart from the 5 Books of Moses. These hypocrites were likewise confounded by incontestable proof from Exodus 3 - one of the five writings that were accepted by them - of the raising of the dead. The Scribes with the Pharisees pose a problem to our Lord as to which commandment was the greatest. Jesus answers by showing that the entire message of the Law and the Prophets hung equally on the love of God and the love one's neighbour. Christ then turns the tables on his foes through a simple question in two parts;- 1) whose son is the Messiah (easy they thought - David's of course); and, part 2) how then in Psalm 110 is the Christ spoken of as David's Lord? The inescapable answer was that the Christ, Messiah, was greater because he was the Son of God as well as son of David. The chapter concludes with a denunciation of the Scribes and an object lesson from the widow, who gave all. Penned by Warwick Rosser and his team, produced by See more Thoughts from the Christadelphian Dialy Bible Reading Planner (By R.Roberts) here...

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