Thursday, 20 February 2025

Thoughts on the readings for February 21st (Exodus 33, 34, Psalms 90, 91, 1 Corinthians 3)

Exodus 33 is broken into 3 sections - verses 1-6 the command to leave Sinai; verses 7-11 the tent of meeting; and verses 12-23 Moses' prayer of intercession for the angel of the presence to accompany Israel on its journey. The first three verses deal with the command to leave Sinai - itself being a stepping stone for the fulfilling of the Abrahamic promise; and talking of their final destination, the Promised Land (a land abundantly blessed with the finest products - milk and honey). However, the invitation was accompanied by a serious warning, which disturbed the Israelites. Moses then took from Israel their jewels. Verses 7-11 describe how Moses would enter the Tent of Meeting with the symbols of God's presence on the Tabernacle at those times. Then the angel of the presence would speak with Moses face to face, as a man speaks with his friend (Numbers 12 verses 1-8). In verses 12-23 Moses made intercession for the people; claiming that the task of leading them is beyond his capacity. It seems to be the same humble and reluctant man that sought to avoid his responsibility 40 years earlier. Moses said to the angel of God's presence (quite likely to be Michael) unless you accompany Israel on this journey I will not go. And if you will accompany us on this trip I will know that I have found favour. The angel acceded to Moses' request. Moses then sought additional assurance in seeking for Yahweh to reveal His glory to Moses. Notice that in verse 19 the revelation of the glory of the LORD is understanding His gracious character. Verse 20 reveals that Moses will only see a fraction of that glory from a sheltered cave; since no mortal man can see God's face and live (1 Timothy 6 verses 16). This place on the rock was very likely the cave from where Elijah received the revelation of God Almighty. These two men - Moses and Elijah - received a foretaste of the glory revealed in Messiah during the Transfiguration. And Messiah was to find himself near his Omnipotent Father (John 1 verses 14-18 and Psalm 91 verse 1). In Exodus 34 verses 1-7 Moses was told to hew two tablets of stone on which Yahweh would again engrave the Ten Commandments. At the same time the revealing of the Father's character occurred. Read aloud and slowly verses 5-7 and deeply ponder what is being taught. Yahweh is overwhelmingly a gracious and compassionate Sovereign. He abounds in Truth and Mercy: James 2 verses11-13, Romans 11 verses 22-23). Yet His justice means that the guilty cannot go unpunished. His mercy is to a thousand generations; but His severity is limited to four generations; and even then only to those who hate Him. Moses reverently bowed his head and worshipped. Moses in verse 9 pleaded for the nation's pardon. From verses 10-35 we read that the covenant was renewed. Moses entered the Tent of Meeting with an unveiled face; but upon exiting the tent his face glowed. Realising that the glory of his face was fading Moses put a veil over his face until the next time he was to enter the tent (see 2 Corinthians 3:7-18). This showed that the glory of the Law was passing; but the glory revealed in Christ was permanent. It is from Exodus 33 and 34 that we learn what the Psalmist meant, when he said in Psalm 103 verse7, "God made His acts known to Israel, but His ways to Moses". Psalm 90 is a Psalm of Moses, which commences Book 4 of the Psalms and concentrates on the Numbers' theme - "In the Wilderness". In the Hebrew the 90th and 91st Psalm are actually one Psalm. They are the only writings of Moses to be found in the Psalms. Psalm 90 encapsulates 40 years of seeming futility for the Israelites. It begins with Moses' great declaration that in Yahweh Moses found a home. This being said by a man who in 120 years of living never had a permanent home. He describes in verse 2 the everlasting continuance that the faithful find in their Creator. This contrasts the futility of flesh. Verses 3-7 develop this stark contrast. The wilderness generation were consumed in Yahweh's anger. Their hard hearted and stubborn ways saw them wasted in the wilderness. Some of the rebellious generation reached 70 years of age; fewer still had the strength to get to 80 years of age. Only the faithful Joshua and Caleb and some of the Levites entered the Promised Land having exceeded 80 years of age. The lesson for us all is spelled out in verse 12. Slowly read this verse aloud and learn its meaning for you. Verses 13-17 are a prayer for the LORD's favour to be extended to His people. Psalm 91 speaks of Moses' experience spoken of the early verses of Exodus 34. They teach us about the unique position of the Messiah, in whom the Father dwelled and through whom the Father's character was seen. Verses 2-8 tell of the Anointed's trust and confidence in his Almighty Father. Jesus' times were always controlled by his God. Verse 9 shows us that Messiah's mind meant, that like Moses, Yahweh was his dwelling place. That is why this psalm, in particular, greatly strengthened Jesus during his temptations - as Matthew 4 revealed, when it cited verses 11-12 of this Psalm. Verse 13 speaks of Messiah, as Son of Man, triumphant over the wild beasts, that Mark 1 tells us, were with Jesus in the wilderness. In verses 14-16 Moses, speaking through inspiration, reveals the closeness that existed between our Lord and His Father. And therefore the Father's delight to deliver and exalt His glorious and trusting Son whose love was focussed on obeying his Father. In 1 Corinthians 3 the Apostle regrets their lack of spiritual perception, which was evident in following leaders. It was both carnal and infantile. All who God had provided as guides for His ecclesia were engaging in the same task - whether sowing, watering, or harvesting. They were all fellow workers with their Father. They were His farm, His building, as well as His coworkers. Paul claims to have been a master builder. He has built upon the sole foundation that has been laid - the faithful stone laid in Zion in our Lord Jesus Christ: Isaiah 28:16 read and meditate the message. Each of us is building and care must be taken with what we have chosen to build - the trial of fire will test with what we have sought to build. It may be that our life's work is disastrous. However our Sovereign knows the intent behind our efforts and will save such as have laboured faithfully. In God's ecclesia we are either builders, or destroyers. Take great care of our behaviours in the household of God. Of chief importance is that our minds have been devoted to the Almighty, as a temple in which He chooses to dwell. Penned by Warwick Rosser and his team, produced by See more Thoughts from the Christadelphian Dialy Bible Reading Planner (By R.Roberts) here...

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