Monday, 17 February 2025

Thoughts on the readings for February 18th (Exodus 29, Psalms 85, 86, Mark 14)

Exodus 29 outlines the consecration of the priests. The early verses describe the offerings that were required when the priests were consecrated. Verses 5-9 point out that Aaron and his sons were to be dressed in their holy robes of office for their induction into their roles. Verses 10-14 indicate that the priests were to place their hands upon the bull to be slain, as a sin offering. This was in effect an acknowledgment on their part of unworthiness and an acceptance of their need for blood to atone for their sins. These verses show the application of the blood involved in their consecration. Next the ram of consecration was to be offered as a burnt offering. Verses 19-21 cover the second ram, which was for an offering of dedication. The blood of this ram was to be placed on the ear lobes, on the thumbs and the big toes of the priests' right foot. This spoke of their ears being open to God's Word; their hands being dedicated to their Sovereign's work; and their walk as faithful followers of the LORD their God. Verses 22-24 tell of wave offerings, which spoke of their service as Yahweh's representatives. The remainder of the chapter deals with other aspects of their ordination and that this process would apply perpetually to the priesthood. The process of their consecration lasted for seven days. The priests were to be holy men acting in the service of God. Slowly read the last three verses of this chapter and ponder its meaning for you. Psalm 85 is from the pen of the sons of Korah. The psalm's theme is a plea for our Almighty Sovereign to revive us again. The Psalm begins with thankfulness to the Almighty for the favour to His people and His Land. Their Sovereign pardoned His people and would lead His people in the way of His salvation. Yahweh's steadfast love had always been upon His beloved family. Read verses 8-13 slowly and aloud. Be elevated by the thought; and ride upon the high places of the earth, as your mind contemplates total peace and harmony with your God (Isaiah 26 verses1-4, 7-9). Psalm 86 is a Psalm of David' in which he exalts in Yahweh's steadfast love. David had pleaded day and night with his God for mercy; and he found the Almighty in his time of need. In verse 8 he alluded to the Mosaic law, which declared that there is no God like the loving and forgiving Father, whom we serve. All the nations of the world will learn this and turn to and worship before the God of Israel. So in verses 11-13 the psalmist requests that his Sovereign teach David and lead him in the paths of mercy and truth. David's enemies had vexed him; but the LORD had in love delivered him. The Psalm is, of course, Messianic in its themes - particularly note how he calls himself in verse 16, "the son of your handmaid" (Mary describes herself in these terms in Luke 1:38). And so the writer concludes by requesting a sign of Yahweh's favour. In the record of Mark 14 and 15, we have, what's believed to be, Peter's accounting of the most horrific few days of his life. The 14th chapter commenced 2 days before the Lord's crucifixion with his anointing in the home of Simon the leper, believed to be Martha's deceased husband. It was this incident which incited Judas Iscariot to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Our Lord praised Mary's extravagant act of love and understanding. Jesus sent Peter and John, to prepare the Lord's supper. All had been secretly prearranged to prevent any interruptions to his Passover. During the memorial feast our Lord prophesied details of Peter's betrayal. The supper having ended they went to Gethsemane where our Master's greatest trial occurred. Here he begged of his Father to find another way than the cross, but was each time told there could be no alternative. Finally the struggle ended with Jesus submitting his own will to that of his Father and being strengthened by an angel. Judas arrived with a band of heavily armed thugs from the temple. A young man , quite likely Mark himself, escaped them after having tried to warn Jesus. Verses 53-65 tell of Jesus before the Council and the accusation of blasphemy levelled at him (surely this had been Judas' doing) and The Master's rebuttal from Daniel 7 verses 13-14. Peter's threefold denial concluded the chapter. Peter was in great bitterness for denying his Lord. Peter's repentance contrasts with Judas' remorse. But Judas was not repentant. Penned by Warwick Rosser and his team, produced by See more Thoughts from the Christadelphian Dialy Bible Reading Planner (By R.Roberts) here...

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