Thursday, 6 February 2025

Thoughts on the readings for February 7th (Exodus 15, Psalm 69, Mark 3)

Exodus 15 records the deliverance Song of Moses. Miriam, Moses' sister led the women of Israel in singing and dancing, accompanied musically by timbrels. It celebrates Yahweh's mighty power and saving strength. Israel were now, finally, a freed nation. The immortalised believers of the Kingdom Age will likewise rejoice to the strains of an unrecorded song - the Song of Moses and the Lamb, who is our Lord Jesus Christ (Revelation 14 verses 2-5 compare with Revelation chapters 5 and 7). Chapter 14 tells us that the song sung at that time had particular relevance to the experiences of the redeemed. How true was this to what Israel had recently experienced in their deliverance by the Almighty. On being delivered out of prison David's experiences were similar (Psalm 40 verses 1-5). Another Psalm reminisces, "Some trust in chariots and horses, but we ... in Yahweh". How futile were Pharaoh's war chariots? How superior in every respect was Israel's "El", - God, might, power, strength. Their Sovereign was exalted beyond measure and therefore to be praised for the deliverance He had brought. The Song recounted what Israel had witnessed; but it goes beyond that in revealing the mind of their great enemy. But their efforts were futile in the face of the forces opposing them. Nature was harnessed in Pharaoh's overthrowing. Yahweh's majesty and holiness are incomparable. He is exalted and He is to be praised. Verse 13 speaks of them being led through the sea (compare Isaiah 63 verses 11-12). Nations talked of this great event 40 years after it happened (Joshua 2 verse 10). Verses 15-16 tell of their journey to the Promised Land and their success in taking it. Verses 17-18 are prophetic of David's and Solomon's reigns and the dwelling place of God in the Sanctuary that was built. Verse 19 tells of Pharaoh's destruction in the midst of the Sea. The great victory is once again sung of at the end of the song in verse 21. Psalm 69 is from the pen of David and speaks of the life of the Messiah (our Lord Jesus Christ). It tells of God's deliverance of His Anointed out of exceptional troubles. And all those who were saved out of their trials will, verse 6 tells us, rejoice in that Yahweh is their constant hope. Verses 7-9 speak of the disdain shown to God's Anointed; but he bore it because of the zeal for His Father's House (John 2 verses 13-22). Verses 10-12 tell of Messiah's humility whilst bearing reproach. In verses 13-15 he makes his prayer, for help, to his Father. And from verses 16-19 speaks of his confidence in the Almighty's steadfast love for His Son. Verses 20-22 express the Son's need of comforters during his crucifixion; but, alas, finding none. He invokes his Creator's wrath upon his foes in verses 22-28. Messiah's adversaries had failed to see God's hand in the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Almighty would deliver His suffering Son, not from death, but rather, out of death. Messiah's death was needed for salvation to be brought to the race, descended from Adam. The humble offering, as a voluntary sacrifice, of His Son would please his Father (Isaiah 53 verses 10-12). Yahweh would be able to save believers through what was done in His Son's work (Hebrews 2 verses 12-18). This salvation would be realised in the Kingdom Age when God's Son rules the world from being the incomparable Son of Man the Lord of the Sabbath. Mark 3 describes the Sabbath healing of a man's withered hand. This was most likely a ploy to trap and discredit Jesus. But it failed miserably. Jesus is followed by crowds who were affected by the miracles. Our Lord Jesus, after a night of prayer with his Father, selects 12 special disciples, who were called Apostles because of the commission given them. Note in verse 14 that part of their calling was for Jesus' need for companionship. We all need friends - companionship. Verses 20-21 tell us that when our Lord comes back to Capernaum his family sought to curtail his behaviour which was upsetting the Jewish leaders. Did his family believe him to be unbalanced? A debate over the authenticity of Jesus' miracles ensues as his enemies attribute the miracles to Beelzebul (the lord of the dung heap). The Master shows how illogical this was and indicated that these rulers were speaking blasphemy against God's Holy Spirit power. The chapter concludes with a further attempt by his own family to get him to desist from upsetting the religious authorities. Jesus educates his natural family by stating that his true family were to be found among those who understood and supported Jesus in his Father's work. Penned by Warwick Rosser and his team, produced by See more Thoughts from the Christadelphian Dialy Bible Reading Planner (By R.Roberts) here...

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