Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Thoughts on the readings for February 5th (Exodus 11, 12; Psalms 66, 67; Mark 1)

In Exodus 11 the 10th and final plague is announced to Israel, who Moses commands that they borrow (take spoil) from their Egyptian neighbours. The totally traumatised Egyptians gave plentifully in the hope that Israel would leave peacefully, and that their God would bring no more plagues upon Egypt. At midnight, said Moses, the firstborn from every unatoned for household would be killed. Pharaoh would remain hard hearted and unresponsive until that disaster came; in order that Yahweh's power might be magnified to all the earth. Exodus 12 tells of the details and observance of Yahweh's Passover. It was commenced, being kept at 3pm on the 14th day of Abib - which at the time God ordained be celebrated as the first, or beginning month of the year. The LORD had rearranged Israel's calendar. This date commemorates Israel's birth as a nation - their beginnings. The chapter also tells of death to anyone who fails to hear and respond in obedience to the Word of our Sovereign (Egyptian and Israelite alike) - note how frequently the expression "cut off" is repeated in the record. The chapter emphasises that this deliverance was tied in with the fulfilment of the promises made by God to Abraham. Another inescapable connection was that circumcision was an essential part of the Almighty's covenant with His people, Israel. Every detail of the Passover ceremony was a shadow type of the atoning work of our Father, which was fulfilled in the offering of our Lord Jesus Christ. The purity of the Lamb spoke of the sinless life of Jesus (1 Peter 1 verses 17-25). The poured out blood - an acknowledgment of our need for an atoning offering (Hebrews 9 verses 12-22). The placing of the blood on the doorposts and lintel - an acknowledgment that only within the house of Christ is there deliverance and salvation. The manner of the eating - in a state of preparedness and expectation (1 Peter 1 verses13-16). As sojourners we eat the LORD's Passover with staff in hand and having girded up the loins of our minds with truth. The angel that, at midnight, brought death upon Egypt also brought deliverance for God's chosen people. In grief Pharaoh sent Moses the message to hasten and leave the land of Egypt. The Egyptians urged the Israelites to depart with great gifts (the LORD declared these to their rightful wages from their enforced slavery). The time of Israel's departure coincided precisely "to the day" of which God had told Abraham - verses 40-42 the time difference being reconciled as the the time God spoke with Abraham and the start of Abraham's seed being afflicted 30 years later (Genesis 15 verses 13-15). The family of Jacob went into Egypt as 70 people. They came out as the nation of Israel - as the hosts of Yahweh - a mixed congregation of 600,000 men beside women and children (possibly two million, or more). Psalm 66 is a writing which celebrates the awesome deeds of the Almighty. God's foes would cower before His might. Now as the Kingdom has come (which verses 3-4 tell of) that would praise the Creator, who caused these wonders. The psalmist invites his readers to behold God's accomplishments. Verse 6 recounted Yahweh's mighty acts on behalf of His people in the preparing the way through the depths of the Red Sea. The writer then tells of how his experiences of the LORD's acts on his behalf. The Psalmist must have experienced some pursuit by enemies as he speaks of his desire to, and confidence that, he would worship again in his Sovereign's sanctuary. The vows that had been made, whilst being persecuted, would now be performed. In conclusion his Creator is praised for His faithfulness and the reader exhorted to praise Him. Psalm 67 gives, as did the former Psalm, instructions to the choirmaster. The Psalm tells of God's gracious face shining on His people. It was a prayer that the nations may through experience know of, and respond to, the LORD's salvation. All peoples and nations would praise their King, and tell to all their hearers, of the exaltation of earth's Omnipotent Sovereign. When this happens the earth will bring forth in abundance and all nations will be blessed. In Mark 1 we have the beginning of the Gospel of the Son of God. There is no introduction, nor genealogy, for Jesus is depicted as Yahweh's servant. Jesus' ministry commences at his baptism when Jesus is about 30 years old. Mark next records our Lord's forty days of temptation in the wilderness. Mark alone tells us that the wild beasts were with him in the wilderness. Mark uses the expression "Immediately" many times in the first chapter and is a key word in Mark's record. The events described follow "immediately" after our Lord's testing. At the start of Jesus' ministry he calls his first Apostles. The chapter then tells us about the healing of a man with an unclean spirit. We are next told that there was a vast number of unrecorded miracles. That is followed by a preaching campaign in Galilee and the healing of a leper, whose plight deeply and personally touched our Lord and evoked from him his great compassion. This leper was sent to the priest as a testimony that the Son of God had come, and would do what the Law could not. Penned by Warwick Rosser and his team, produced by Christadelphianvideo.org See more Thoughts from the Christadelphian Dialy Bible Reading Planner (By R.Roberts) here... https://christadelphianvideo.org/thoughts-on-the-readings-for-february-5th-exodus-11-12-psalms-66-67-mark-1/?feed_id=84105&_unique_id=67a28f3966f60

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